INTEDE - Interactome of Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme Database Title - Host protein-DME interaction data (Histone & Non-coding RNA & Transcription-factor regulation / Oligomerization) Version 1.9.1 (2020.08.15) Provided by IDRB Lab of Innovative Drug Reasearch and Bioinformatics College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Zhejiang University Any question about data provided here, please contact with: Dr. Yin ( and Dr. Li ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviations: DME___ID INTEDE Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme (DME) ID DME_NAME DME Name SPESNAME DME Species Name UNIPROID Interacting Protein UniProt ID MIRNA_ID Interacting ncRNA miRBase ID PROTNAME Interacting Protein Name HPPI_DIS HOSPPI Related Disease MOFCLASS Mode of Function (MOF) Classification MOFDETAI Mode of Function (MOF) Detail SUBSTRAT HOSPPI Realted Substrate CELLLINE Experimental Cell Line PPI_SUMM HOSPPI Summary DESCRIPT HOSPPI Detailed Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DME0001 DME___ID DME0001 DME0001 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME0001 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 4 dimethylation of CYP3A4 gene is reported to activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and CYP3A4 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP3A4 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP3A4 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 PROTNAME hsa-miR-27b-3p DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 CELLLINE LS-180 cell line DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-27b-3p--CYP3A4 regulation DME0001 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-27b-3p is reported to suppress CYP3A4 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP3A4 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN PROTNAME Neuferricin (CYB5D2) DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Luciferin (Metabolic product: Luciferin 6' pentafluorobenzyl ether depentafluorobenzylation); Paclitaxel; Cisplatin; Doxorubicin DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5D2-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID NEUFC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Neuferricin (CYB5D2) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYB5D2 and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Luciferin (Metabolic product: Luciferin 6' pentafluorobenzyl ether depentafluorobenzylation); Testosterone (Metabolic product: Testosterone 6-hydroxylase); Midazolam (Metabolic product: Midazolam 1-hydroxylase) DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) and Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP3A4 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cell line DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mPOR-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between mPOR and CYP3A4 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Paclitaxel; Cisplatin; Doxorubicin DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP3A4 heterodimerization DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP3A4 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Atorvastatin (Metabolic product: Atorvastatin 2-hydroxylase) DME0001 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Primary human hepatocytes DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone (Metabolic product: Testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation) DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYP1A1 and CYP3A4 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone (Metabolic product: Testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation) DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Whole-BTC cell line DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A, POR and CYP3A4 heterotrimerization DME0001 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) and NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction among CYB5A, POR and CYP3A4 is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Whole-BTC cell line DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR, CYB5A and CYP3A4 heterotrimerization DME0001 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) and Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction among POR, CYB5A and CYP3A4 is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Benzyloxyquinoline (Metabolic product: 7-BQ O-debenzylation) DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYP3A5 and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN CELLLINE pCW vector DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which has no effect on the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 can have no effect on the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN CELLLINE Living cells DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Benzyloxyquinoline (Metabolic product: 7-BQ O-debenzylation) DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-CYP3A4 heterooligomerization DME0001 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A4 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the activity of drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 slightly affects the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN CELLLINE LS174T and CACO-2 cell lines DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM VDR-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between VDR and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN PROTNAME Pregnane X receptor (PXR) DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN CELLLINE LS180, Caco-2, HT29, HCT116, DLD-1, LoVo, SW48 and SW620 cell lines DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PXR-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between PXR and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN PROTNAME D site-binding protein (DBP) DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DBP-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID DBP_HUMAN DESCRIPT D site-binding protein (DBP) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between DBP and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF4A-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between HNF4A and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN PROTNAME Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CAR-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID CXAR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between CAR and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN PROTNAME Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FXR-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between FXR and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN PROTNAME Small heterodimer partner (SHP) DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SHP-CYP3A4 interaction DME0001 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Small heterodimer partner (SHP) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP3A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A4. As a result, the interaction between SHP and CYP3A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A4. DME0002 DME___ID DME0002 DME0002 DME_NAME Aromatase (CYP19A1) DME0002 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 PROTNAME hsa-miR-378a-3p DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 CELLLINE Granulosa cells DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-378a-3p--CYP19A1 regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000732 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-378a-3p is reported to suppress CYP19A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP19A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 PROTNAME hsa-let-7f-5p DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 CELLLINE MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cell lines DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 PPI_SUMM hsa-let-7f-5p--CYP19A1 regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000067 DESCRIPT hsa-let-7f-5p is reported to suppress CYP19A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP19A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 PROTNAME hsa-miR-106a-5p DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 CELLLINE Human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cell line DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-106a-5p--CYP19A1 regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-106a-5p is reported to suppress CYP19A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP19A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 PROTNAME hsa-miR-19b-3p DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 CELLLINE Human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cell line DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-19b-3p--CYP19A1 regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000074 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-19b-3p is reported to suppress CYP19A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP19A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 PROTNAME hsa-miR-98-5p DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-98-5p--CYP19A1 regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000096 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-98-5p is reported to suppress CYP19A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP19A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 PROTNAME hsa-miR-515-5p DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 HPPI_DIS Preeclampsia [ICD-11: JA24] DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 CELLLINE Preeclampsia cells DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-515-5p--CYP19A1 regulation DME0002 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002826 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-515-5p is reported to suppress CYP19A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP19A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR-CYP19A1 heterodimerization DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP19A1 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between POR and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cell line DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mPOR-CYP19A1 heterooligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP19A1 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between mPOR and CYP19A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Androst-4-ene-3,17-dione (Metabolic product: Androst-4-ene-3,17-dione conversion) DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Breast carcinoma cell line (MCF7) DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP19A1 heterooligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP19A1 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21A2) DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT pregnenolone DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli JM109 competent cell line DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP21A2-CYP19A1 heterooligomerization DME0002 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21A2) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP19A1 protein, which leads to a decreased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between CYP21A2 and CYP19A1 can decrease the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenocortical carcinoma cell line DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between NR5A1 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometriotic and endometrial stromal cell lines DME0002 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between NR5A1 and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN PROTNAME AMP element-binding 1 (CREB1) DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CREB1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT AMP element-binding 1 (CREB1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between CREB1 and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor-like 1 (ESRRA) DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESRRA-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID ERR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor-like 1 (ESRRA) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between ESRRA and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN PROTNAME Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR3C1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between NR3C1 and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor (ESR1) DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN CELLLINE SK-BR-3 and MCF-7 cell lines DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESR1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor (ESR1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between ESR1 and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor (PGR) DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN CELLLINE T47D and MCF-7 cell lines DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGR-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor (PGR) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between PGR and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN PROTNAME RING finger protein 53 (BRCA1) DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN CELLLINE KGN cell line DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM BRCA1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID BRCA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT RING finger protein 53 (BRCA1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between BRCA1 and CYP19A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE KGN cell line DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE KGN cell line DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between RELA and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Virilizing Brenner Tumor [ICD-11: 2F32] DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE Fibrothecoma-like and luteinized stromal cell line DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between JUN and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN PROTNAME Liver activator protein (LAP) DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometriosis [ICD-11: GA10] DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometriotic stromal cell line DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM LAP-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Liver activator protein (LAP) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between LAP and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Wilms tumor protein (WT1) DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometriosis [ICD-11: GA10] DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometriotic stromal cell line DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM WT1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID WT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Wilms tumor protein (WT1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between WT1 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor NF-IL6-beta (CEBPD) DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometriosis [ICD-11: GA10] DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometriotic stromal cell line DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CEBPD-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor NF-IL6-beta (CEBPD) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between CEBPD and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN PROTNAME Forkhead box protein L2 (FOXL2) DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Menopausal disorder [ICD-11: GA30] DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN CELLLINE CHO cell line DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOXL2-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Forkhead box protein L2 (FOXL2) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between FOXL2 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometriotic and endometrial stromal cell lines DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR0B1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between NR0B1 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 2 (USF2) DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN CELLLINE Human trophoblast cell line DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF2-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 2 (USF2) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between USF2 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human trophoblast cell line DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF1-CYP19A1 interaction DME0002 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP19A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aromatase. As a result, the interaction between USF1 and CYP19A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aromatase. DME0003 DME___ID DME0003 DME0003 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME0003 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP1A2 interaction DME0003 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP1A2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A2. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP1A2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A2. DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Whole-BTC cell line DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR, CYB5A and CYP1A2 heterooligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) and Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP1A2 gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 1A2. As a result, the interaction among POR, CYB5A and CYP1A2 is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A2. DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Whole-BTC cell line DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A, POR and CYP1A2 heterooligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) and NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP1A2 gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 1A2. As a result, the interaction among CYB5A, POR and CYP1A2 is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A2. DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Ethoxyresorufin (Metabolic product: Dealkylation of 7-ethoxyresorufin) DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-CYP1A2 heterooligomerization DME0003 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP1A2 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A2. As a result, the interaction between CYP2E1 and CYP1A2 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A2. DME0004 DME___ID DME0004 DME0004 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME0004 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Fetal liver cells DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation of UGT1A1 gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and UGT1A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adult liver cells DME0004 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 4 dimethylation of UGT1A1 gene is reported to activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and UGT1A1 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human kidney-derived HK-2 cells DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the UGT1A1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and UGT1A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Octylgallate DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-UGT1A1 homodimerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) is reported as a homodimer, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the UGT1A1 homodimerization can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated UDPGT 1-1 (mUGT1A1) DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS)7 DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mUGT1A1-UGT1A1 homodimerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated UDPGT 1-1 (mUGT1A1) is reported to homodimerize with the UGT1A1 protein, which leads to a markedly suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between mUGT1A1 and UGT1A1 can markedly inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-9 (UGT1A9) DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Estradiol (Metabolic product: Estradiol 3-O-glucuronide) DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-UGT1A1 heterooligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-9 (UGT1A9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A1 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A9 and UGT1A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN CELLLINE liver microsomes DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-UGT1A1 heterooligomerization DME0004 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between CYP1A1 and UGT1A1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AHR-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between AHR and UGT1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN PROTNAME Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR3C1-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID GCR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between NR3C1 and UGT1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF1A-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between HNF1A and UGT1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 I3 (NR1I3) DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR1I3-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 I3 (NR1I3) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between NR1I3 and UGT1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN PROTNAME Pregnane X receptor (PXR) DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PXR-UGT1A1 interaction DME0004 UNIPROID NR1I2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. As a result, the interaction between PXR and UGT1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. DME0005 DME___ID DME0005 DME0005 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME0005 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Whole-BTC cell line DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A, POR and CYP2A6 heterooligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) and NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2A6 gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 2A6. As a result, the interaction among CYB5A, POR and CYP2A6 is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2A6. DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Whole-BTC cell line DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR, CYB5A and CYP2A6 heterooligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) and Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2A6 gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 2A6. As a result, the interaction among POR, CYB5A and CYP2A6 is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2A6. DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Coumarin; N-nitrosodimethylamine DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Baculovirus expression system DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR, CYP2E1 and CYP2A6 heterooligomerization DME0005 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) and Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2A6 protein, which leads to a decreased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2A6. As a result, the interaction among POR, CYP2E1 and CYP2A6 can decrease the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2A6. DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear TF factor Y alpha (NFYA) DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFYA-CYP2A6 interaction DME0005 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear TF factor Y alpha (NFYA) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2A6 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2A6. As a result, the interaction between NFYA and CYP2A6 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2A6. DME0006 DME___ID DME0006 DME0006 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME0006 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP1A1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP1A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN PROTNAME Epoxide hydrolase 1 (EPHX1) DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN CELLLINE liver microsomes DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EPHX1, UGT1A1 and CYP1A1 heterooligomerization DME0006 UNIPROID HYEP_HUMAN DESCRIPT Epoxide hydrolase 1 (EPHX1) and UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP1A1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction among EPHX1, UGT1A1 and CYP1A1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN CELLLINE liver microsomes DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1, EPHX1 and CYP1A1 heterooligomerization DME0006 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) and Epoxide hydrolase 1 (EPHX1) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP1A1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction among UGT1A1, EPHX1and CYP1A1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 and Hepa-1c1c7 cell lines DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AHR-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP1A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between AHR and CYP1A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARA-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between PPARA and CYP1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN PROTNAME Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-beta (ARNT) DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN CELLLINE HuH7 and HepG2 cell lines DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ARNT-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-beta (ARNT) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP1A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between ARNT and CYP1A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor 1 C-type (NFIC) DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFIC-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor 1 C-type (NFIC) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP1A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between NFIC and CYP1A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) and mouse hepatoma Hepa-1c1c7 cell line DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF1-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP1A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between USF1 and CYP1A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor (ESR1) DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESR1-CYP1A1 interaction DME0006 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor (ESR1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP1A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1A1. As a result, the interaction between ESR1 and CYP1A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1A1. DME0008 DME___ID DME0008 DME0008 DME_NAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME0008 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 PROTNAME hsa-miR-631 DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 CELLLINE ZR75-1 and MCF7 cell lines DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-631--SULT1A1 regulation DME0008 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003300 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-631 is reported to suppress SULT1A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SULT1A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 1A1. DME0009 DME___ID DME0009 DME0009 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME0009 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT AMMC (Metabolic product: AMMC O-demethylation) DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-CYP2D6 heterooligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2D6 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6. As a result, the interaction between CYP2E1 and CYP2D6 can alter the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2D6. DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan (Metabolic product: Dextromethorphan O-demethylation) DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN CELLLINE DLPC vesicles DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-CYP2D6 heterooligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2D6 protein, which has no effect on the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 2D6. As a result, the interaction between CYP2C9 and CYP2D6 can have no effect on the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2D6. DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Transformed E. coli C41 (DE3) cell line DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP2D6 heterodimerization DME0009 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP2D6 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP2D6 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2D6. DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN CELLLINE Living cells DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-CYP2D6 heterooligomerization DME0009 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2D6 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6. As a result, the interaction between CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2D6. DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF4A-CYP2D6 interaction DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2D6 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6. As a result, the interaction between HNF4A and CYP2D6 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2D6. DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 4-gamma (HNF4G) DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF4G-CYP2D6 interaction DME0009 UNIPROID HNF4G_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 4-gamma (HNF4G) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2D6 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6. As a result, the interaction between HNF4G and CYP2D6 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2D6. DME0011 DME___ID DME0011 DME0011 DME_NAME Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 (GSTA1) DME0011 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-GSTA1 interaction DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to repress the transcription of GSTA1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and GSTA1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1. DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK 293T cell line DME0011 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to activate the transcription of GSTA1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and GSTA1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1. DME0012 DME___ID DME0012 DME0012 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME0012 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE DLPC vesicles DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP3A5 heterooligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A5 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A5. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP3A5 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A5. DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Reconstituted liposomes DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR-CYP3A5 heterooligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A5 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A5. As a result, the interaction between POR and CYP3A5 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A5. DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cell line DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mPOR-CYP3A5 heterooligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A5 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A5. As a result, the interaction mutant type between mPOR and CYP3A5 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A5. DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Benzyloxyquinoline (Metabolic product: 7-BQ O-debenzylation) DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-CYP3A5 heterooligomerization DME0012 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP3A5 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the activity of drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A5. As a result, the interaction between CYP2E1 and CYP3A5 slightly affects the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A5. DME0013 DME___ID DME0013 DME0013 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0013 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HATs-CYP2E1 interaction DME0013 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are reported to acetylate the CYP2E1 gene and thereby activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between HATs and CYP2E1 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone (Metabolic product: Chlorzoxazone 6-hydroxylation) DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP2E1 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP2E1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT N-nitrosodimethylamine DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Baculovirus expression system DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR-CYP2E1 heterodimerization DME0013 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between POR and CYP2E1 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone (Metabolic product: Chlorzoxazone 6-hydroxylase); 7-ethoxycoumarin (Metabolic product: 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase) DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP2E1 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP2E1 can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Methoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl) coumarin (Metabolic product: 7-MFC O-demethylation) DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-CYP2E1 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between CYP3A4 and CYP2E1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Methoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl) coumarin (Metabolic product: 7-MFC O-demethylation) DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-CYP2E1 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between CYP3A5 and CYP2E1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Methoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl) coumarin (Metabolic product: 7-MFC O-demethylation) DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-CYP2E1 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to a decreased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between CYP2D6 and CYP2E1 can decrease the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Coumarin; N-nitrosodimethylamine DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN CELLLINE Baculovirus expression system DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1, POR and CYP2A6 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) and NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to a decreased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction among CYP2A6, POR and CYP2E1 can decrease the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN CELLLINE Living cells DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-CYP2E1 heterooligomerization DME0013 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2E1 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME NF of activated T-cell 1 (NFATC1) DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE B16A2 cell line DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFATC1-CYP2E1 interaction DME0013 UNIPROID NFAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT NF of activated T-cell 1 (NFATC1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2E1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between NFATC1 and CYP2E1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 6 (STAT6) DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN CELLLINE B16A2 cell line DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT6-CYP2E1 interaction DME0013 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 6 (STAT6) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2E1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2E1. As a result, the interaction between STAT6 and CYP2E1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2E1. DME0015 DME___ID DME0015 DME0015 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME0015 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-CYP3A7 interaction DME0015 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 4 dimethylation of CYP3A7 gene is reported to activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 3A7. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and CYP3A7 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 3A7. DME0018 DME___ID DME0018 DME0018 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME0018 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 PROTNAME hsa-miR-103a-3p DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 CELLLINE Hepatocytes DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-103a-3p--CYP2C8 regulation DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000101 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-103a-3p is reported to suppress CYP2C8 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2C8 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C8. DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 PROTNAME hsa-miR-107 DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 CELLLINE Hepatocytes DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-107--CYP2C8 regulation DME0018 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000104 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-107 is reported to suppress CYP2C8 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2C8 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C8. DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Luciferin (Metabolic product: Luciferin 6' methyl ether O-demethylation) DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) and Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP2C8 heterooligomerization DME0018 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C8 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C8. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP2C8 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C8. DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE DLPC vesicles DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP2C8 heterooligomerization DME0018 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C8 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C8. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP2C8 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C8. DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF4A-CYP2C8 interaction DME0018 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2C8 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C8. As a result, the interaction between HNF4A and CYP2C8 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C8. DME0019 DME___ID DME0019 DME0019 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME0019 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse Model DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP2C9 interaction DME0019 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP2C9 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP2C9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 PROTNAME hsa-miR-128-3p DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-128-3p--CYP2C9 regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000424 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-128-3p is reported to suppress CYP2C9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2C9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PROTNAME hsa-miR-143-3p DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-143-3p--CYP2C9 regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-143-3p is reported to suppress CYP2C9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2C9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 PROTNAME hsa-miR-130b-3p DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 CELLLINE HepaRG cell line DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-130b-3p--CYP2C9 regulation DME0019 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-130b-3p is reported to suppress CYP2C9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2C9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tolbutamide (Metabolic product: Tolbutamide methyl hydroxylation) DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP2C9 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT S-naproxen; S-flurbiprofen; Diclofenac DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN CELLLINE pCW vector; Human hepatocyte culture model DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Warfarin; Diclofenac; Losartan DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Reconstituted liposomes DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mPOR-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between mPOR and CYP2C9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Transformed E. coli C41 (DE3) cell line DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between POR and CYP2C9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT S-Warfarin (Metabolic product: S-warfarin 7-hydroxylase); Diclofenac (Metabolic product: Diclofenac 4-hydroxylase) DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP2C9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT (S)-flurbiprofen (Metabolic product: 4'-OH Flurbiprofen) DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN CELLLINE DLPC vesicles DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between CYP2D6 and CYP2C9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac (Metabolic product: Diclofenac 4-hydroxylase) DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN CELLLINE Living cells DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-CYP2C9 heterooligomerization DME0019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C9 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF4A-CYP2C9 interaction DME0019 UNIPROID HNF4A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 4-alpha (HNF4A) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2C9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between HNF4A and CYP2C9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN CELLLINE Endothelial cell line DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARA-CYP2C9 interaction DME0019 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP2C9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C9. As a result, the interaction between PPARA and CYP2C9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2C9. DME0020 DME___ID DME0020 DME0020 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME0020 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 PROTNAME hsa-miR-25-3p DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-25-3p--CYP2B6 regulation DME0020 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-25-3p is reported to suppress CYP2B6 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2B6 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2B6. DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 5 (ATF5) DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2, Hep3B and Mz cell lines DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF5-CYP2B6 interaction DME0020 UNIPROID ATF5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 5 (ATF5) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2B6 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2B6. As a result, the interaction between ATF5 and CYP2B6 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2B6. DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 1 (EGR1) DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN CELLLINE Ym17, Yh18 and COS-1 cell lines DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR1-CYP2B6 interaction DME0020 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2B6 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2B6. As a result, the interaction between EGR1 and CYP2B6 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2B6. DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 I3 (NR1I3) DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN CELLLINE Healthy subjects DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR1I3-CYP2B6 interaction DME0020 UNIPROID NR1I3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 I3 (NR1I3) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP2B6 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2B6. As a result, the interaction between NR1I3 and CYP2B6 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2B6. DME0021 DME___ID DME0021 DME0021 DME_NAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME0021 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2A90] DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE T-ALL cell line DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP2C19 interaction DME0021 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP2C19 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP2C19 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29a-3p DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29a-3p--CYP2C19 regulation DME0021 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29a-3p is reported to suppress CYP2C19 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2C19 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE DLPC vesicles DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP2C19 heterodimerization DME0021 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP2C19 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP2C19 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT S-mephenytoin; Omeprazole; Propranolol DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Reconstituted liposomes DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mPOR-CYP2C19 heterooligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated NADPH-CYP450 reductase (mPOR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C19 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between mPOR and CYP2C19 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Transformed E. coli C41 (DE3) cell line DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR-CYP2C19 heterooligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C19 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between POR and CYP2C19 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 7-Ethoxy-4-cyanocoumarin DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-CYP2C19 heterooligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C19 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between CYP2E1 and CYP2C19 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Methoxychlor and S-mephenytoin DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN CELLLINE Living cells DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-CYP2C19 heterooligomerization DME0021 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP2C19 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor (ESR1) DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN CELLLINE Embryonic kidney 293 CYP2C19 cell line DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESR1-CYP2C19 interaction DME0021 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor (ESR1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP2C19 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between ESR1 and CYP2C19 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. DME0023 DME___ID DME0023 DME0023 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) DME0023 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP1B1 interaction DME0023 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP1B1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP1B1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 PROTNAME hsa-miR-27b-3p DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-27b-3p--CYP1B1 regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-27b-3p is reported to suppress CYP1B1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP1B1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 PROTNAME hsa-miR-200c-5p DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 CELLLINE Renal cell carcinoma cell line DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-200c-5p--CYP1B1 regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004657 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-200c-5p is reported to suppress CYP1B1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP1B1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 PROTNAME hsa-miR-187-5p DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 CELLLINE A549 and SPC-A-1 cell lines DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-187-5p--CYP1B1 regulation DME0023 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004561 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-187-5p is reported to suppress CYP1B1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP1B1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP1B1 heterodimerization DME0023 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP1B1 protein, which has no effect on the enzyme activity of Cytochrome P450 1B1. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP1B1 can have no effect on the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE LS-180 cell line DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-CYP1B1 interaction DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP1B1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and CYP1B1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0023 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE OMC-3 cell line DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN CELLLINE DU145, DUPro, LNCaP, PC-3 and ND-1 cell lines DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AHR-CYP1B1 interaction DME0023 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP1B1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. As a result, the interaction between AHR and CYP1B1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN PROTNAME Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-beta (ARNT) DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN CELLLINE DU145, DUPro, LNCaP, PC-3 and ND-1 cell lines DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ARNT-CYP1B1 interaction DME0023 UNIPROID ARNT_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-beta (ARNT) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP1B1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 1B1. As a result, the interaction between ARNT and CYP1B1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 1B1. DME0024 DME___ID DME0024 DME0024 DME_NAME Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase (CYP17A1) DME0024 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Rat testis DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 9 trimethylation of CYP17A1 gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and CYP17A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse adrenocortical Y1 cells DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP17A1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP17A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone (Metabolic product: Progesterone 17-hydroxylase); 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Metabolic product: 17-Hydroxyprogesterone 1720 lyase) DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell (COS)7 DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP17A1 heterooligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP17A1 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP17A1 can slightly affect on the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Pregnenolone; Progesterone (Metabolic product: 17-Hydroxy pregnenolone) DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Yeast cell line DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A, POR and CYP17A1 heterooligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) and NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP17A1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction among CYB5A, POR and CYP17A1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Pregnenolone; Progesterone (Metabolic product: 17-Hydroxy pregnenolone) DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN CELLLINE Yeast cell line DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POR, CYB5A and CYP17A1 heterooligomerization DME0024 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT NADPH-CYP450 reductase (POR) and Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) are reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP17A1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction among POR, CYB5A and CYP17A1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A1-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP17A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between NR5A1 and CYP17A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN PROTNAME MAD homolog 3 (SMAD3) DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SMAD3-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN DESCRIPT MAD homolog 3 (SMAD3) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP17A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between SMAD3 and CYP17A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pituitary adenoma [ICD-11: 2F37] DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human adrenal gland and adrenocortical tumor cells DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR0B1-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP17A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between NR0B1 and CYP17A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN PROTNAME COUP TF factor 1 (NR2F1) DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pituitary adenoma [ICD-11: 2F37] DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human adrenal gland and adrenocortical tumor cells DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR2F1-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID COT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT COUP TF factor 1 (NR2F1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP17A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between NR2F1 and CYP17A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor GATA-6 (GATA6) DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Polycystic ovary syndrome [ICD-11: 5A80] DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN CELLLINE PCOS theca cell line DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA6-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor GATA-6 (GATA6) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP17A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between GATA6 and CYP17A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor 1 C-type (NFIC) DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Polycystic ovary syndrome [ICD-11: 5A80] DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN CELLLINE PCOS theca cell line DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFIC-CYP17A1 interaction DME0024 UNIPROID NFIC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor 1 C-type (NFIC) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP17A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between NFIC and CYP17A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase. DME0026 DME___ID DME0026 DME0026 DME_NAME Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) DME0026 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP3-CYP27A1 interaction DME0026 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP27A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between SP3 and CYP27A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase. DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-CYP27A1 interaction DME0026 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP27A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and CYP27A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase. DME0027 DME___ID DME0027 DME0027 DME_NAME Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) DME0027 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone (Metabolic product: Progesterone 11-hydroxylase) DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell (COS)7 DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP11B1 heterooligomerization DME0027 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP11B1 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP11B1 can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase. DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 5 A2 (NR5A2) DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A2-CYP11B1 interaction DME0027 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 5 A2 (NR5A2) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11B1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between NR5A2 and CYP11B1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase. DME0028 DME___ID DME0028 DME0028 DME_NAME Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) DME0028 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Niemann-Pick disease type C [ICD-11: 5C56] DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Niemman-Pick type C patients DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP46A1 interaction DME0028 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP46A1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP46A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase. DME0031 DME___ID DME0031 DME0031 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2J2 (CYP2J2) DME0031 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 PROTNAME hsa-let-7b-5p DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 CELLLINE Lung cancer cells DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 PPI_SUMM hsa-let-7b-5p--CYP2J2 regulation DME0031 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000063 DESCRIPT hsa-let-7b-5p is reported to suppress CYP2J2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP2J2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2J2. DME0033 DME___ID DME0033 DME0033 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 2S1 (CYP2S1) DME0033 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human cell lines DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP2S1 interaction DME0033 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP2S1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 2S1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP2S1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 2S1. DME0036 DME___ID DME0036 DME0036 DME_NAME Aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) DME0036 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 PROTNAME hsa-miR-24-3p DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-24-3p--CYP11B2 regulation DME0036 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-24-3p is reported to suppress CYP11B2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP11B2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldosterone synthase. DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A1-CYP11B2 interaction DME0036 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP11B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldosterone synthase. As a result, the interaction between NR5A1 and CYP11B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aldosterone synthase. DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN PROTNAME AP endonuclease 1 (APEX1) DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Hypertension [ICD-11: BA00-BA04] DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN CELLLINE U3A cell line DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM APEX1-CYP11B2 interaction DME0036 UNIPROID APEX1_HUMAN DESCRIPT AP endonuclease 1 (APEX1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP11B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldosterone synthase. As a result, the interaction between APEX1 and CYP11B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aldosterone synthase. DME0037 DME___ID DME0037 DME0037 DME_NAME Steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21A2) DME0037 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) and Human liver cancer cell lines (HepG2) DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGRMC1-CYP21A2 heterooligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP21A2 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of Steroid 21-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP21A2 can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 21-hydroxylase. DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone (Metabolic product: Progesterone 21-hydroxylase) DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell (COS)7 DME0037 UNIPROID PGRC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor 1 (PGRMC1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP21A2 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 21-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between PGRMC1 and CYP21A2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 21-hydroxylase. DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450-C17 (CYP17A1) DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Metabolic product: 11-Deoxycortisol) DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli JM109 competent cell line DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP17A1-CYP21A2 heterooligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID CP17A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450-C17 (CYP17A1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the CYP21A2 protein, which leads to a decreased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 21-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 can decrease the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 21-hydroxylase. DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP21A2 heterodimerization DME0037 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP21A2 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Steroid 21-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP21A2 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of Steroid 21-hydroxylase. DME0038 DME___ID DME0038 DME0038 DME_NAME Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1) DME0038 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Prostate cancer cells DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP24A1 interaction DME0038 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP24A1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3 24-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP24A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Vitamin D(3 24-hydroxylase. DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PROTNAME hsa-miR-125b-5p DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-125b-5p--CYP24A1 regulation DME0038 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-125b-5p is reported to suppress CYP24A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP24A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN CELLLINE Colorectal adenocarcinomas cell line DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM VDR-CYP24A1 interaction DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP24A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between VDR and CYP24A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN CELLLINE COS-1, CV-1 and 293-T cell lines DME0038 UNIPROID VDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP24A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between VDR and CYP24A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 2 C2 (NR2C2) DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Vitamin D3 DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cell line DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR2C2-CYP24A1 interaction DME0038 UNIPROID NR2C2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 2 C2 (NR2C2) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP24A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. As a result, the interaction between NR2C2 and CYP24A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Vitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase. DME0040 DME___ID DME0040 DME0040 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (UGT2B7) DME0040 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-UGT2B7 interaction DME0040 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the UGT2B7 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and UGT2B7 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 PROTNAME hsa-miR-216b-5p DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 CELLLINE HuH7 and Hep3B cell lines DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-216b-5p--UGT2B7 regulation DME0040 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004959 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-216b-5p is reported to suppress UGT2B7 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UGT2B7 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Morphine (Metabolic product: Glucuronidation of the morphine 3-hydroxyl group); Azidothymidine DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-UGT2B7 heterooligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT2B7 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between CYP3A4 and UGT2B7 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Morphine (Metabolic product: Glucuronidation of the morphine 3-hydroxyl group) DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-UGT2B7 heterooligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT2B7 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between CYP1A2 and UGT2B7 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Morphine (Metabolic product: Glucuronidation of the morphine 3-hydroxyl group) DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-UGT2B7 heterooligomerization DME0040 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT2B7 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between CYP2C9 and UGT2B7 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-UGT2B7 interaction DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B7 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and UGT2B7 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0040 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2, HuH7 and HLE cell lines DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF1A-UGT2B7 interaction DME0040 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B7 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between HNF1A and UGT2B7 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN PROTNAME Octamer-binding protein 1 (POU2F1) DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POU2F1-UGT2B7 interaction DME0040 UNIPROID PO2F1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Octamer-binding protein 1 (POU2F1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B7 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. As a result, the interaction between POU2F1 and UGT2B7 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7. DME0041 DME___ID DME0041 DME0041 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 (UGT1A3) DME0041 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-3 (UGT1A3) DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Octylgallate DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A3-UGT1A3 homodimerization DME0041 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-3 (UGT1A3) is reported as a homodimer, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3. As a result, the UGT1A3 homodimerization can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3. DME0042 DME___ID DME0042 DME0042 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME0042 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propofol (Metabolic product: Propofol O-glucuronide) DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-UGT1A9 heterooligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A9 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A1 and UGT1A9 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN PROTNAME Bilirubin-specific UDPGT 2 (UGT1A4) DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propofol (Metabolic product: Propofol O-glucuronide) DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A4-UGT1A9 heterooligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD14_HUMAN DESCRIPT Bilirubin-specific UDPGT 2 (UGT1A4) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A9 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A4 and UGT1A9 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN PROTNAME Phenol-metabolizing UDPGT (UGT1A6) DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propofol (Metabolic product: Propofol O-glucuronide) DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A6-UGT1A9 heterooligomerization DME0042 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN DESCRIPT Phenol-metabolizing UDPGT (UGT1A6) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A9 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A6 and UGT1A9 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF1A-UGT1A9 interaction DME0042 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. As a result, the interaction between HNF1A and UGT1A9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN CELLLINE Peripheral blood mononuclear cell line DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARG-UGT1A9 interaction DME0042 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. As a result, the interaction between PPARG and UGT1A9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN CELLLINE Peripheral blood mononuclear cell line DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARA-UGT1A9 interaction DME0042 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. As a result, the interaction between PPARA and UGT1A9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9. DME0044 DME___ID DME0044 DME0044 DME_NAME Monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) DME0044 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 PROTNAME hsa-miR-22-3p DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 HPPI_DIS Panic disorder [ICD-11: 6B01] DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 CELLLINE Panic Disorder cells DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-22-3p--MAOA regulation DME0044 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-22-3p is reported to suppress MAOA mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAOA mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Monoamine oxidase type A. DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN PROTNAME Helix-loop-helix 2 (NHLH2) DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN CELLLINE N2A cell line DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NHLH2-MAOA interaction DME0044 UNIPROID HEN2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Helix-loop-helix 2 (NHLH2) is reported to activate the transcription of MAOA gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Monoamine oxidase type A. As a result, the interaction between NHLH2 and MAOA can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Monoamine oxidase type A. DME0045 DME___ID DME0045 DME0045 DME_NAME Monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) DME0045 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp4 (SP4) DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN CELLLINE 1242-MG cell line DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP4-MAOB interaction DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp4 (SP4) is reported to activate the transcription of MAOB gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Monoamine oxidase type B. As a result, the interaction between SP4 and MAOB can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Monoamine oxidase type B. DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0045 UNIPROID SP4_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor RAM2 (CDCA7L) DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN CELLLINE 1242-MG cell line DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDCA7L-MAOB interaction DME0045 UNIPROID CDA7L_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor RAM2 (CDCA7L) is reported to repress the transcription of MAOB gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Monoamine oxidase type B. As a result, the interaction between CDCA7L and MAOB can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Monoamine oxidase type B. DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN PROTNAME E2F phosphoprotein (EAPP) DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN CELLLINE 1242-MG cell line DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EAPP-MAOB interaction DME0045 UNIPROID EAPP_HUMAN DESCRIPT E2F phosphoprotein (EAPP) is reported to repress the transcription of MAOB gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Monoamine oxidase type B. As a result, the interaction between EAPP and MAOB can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Monoamine oxidase type B. DME0046 DME___ID DME0046 DME0046 DME_NAME Calcidiol 1-monooxygenase (CYP27B1) DME0046 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CYP27B1 interaction DME0046 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CYP27B1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Calcidiol 1-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CYP27B1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Calcidiol 1-monooxygenase. DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN PROTNAME Zinc finger Gfi-1 (GFI1) DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN CELLLINE DU145, PC3 and LNCaP cell lines DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFI1-CYP27B1 interaction DME0046 UNIPROID GFI1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Zinc finger Gfi-1 (GFI1) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP27B1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Calcidiol 1-monooxygenase. As a result, the interaction between GFI1 and CYP27B1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Calcidiol 1-monooxygenase. DME0047 DME___ID DME0047 DME0047 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4 (UGT2B4) DME0047 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN PROTNAME Bile acid receptor (NR1H4) DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR1H4-UGT2B4 interaction DME0047 UNIPROID NR1H4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Bile acid receptor (NR1H4) is reported to repress the transcription of UGT2B4 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4. As a result, the interaction between NR1H4 and UGT2B4 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4. DME0048 DME___ID DME0048 DME0048 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4 (UGT1A4) DME0048 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-9 (UGT1A9) DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Imipramine (Metabolic product: Imipramine N-glucuronide) DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-UGT1A4 heterooligomerization DME0048 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-9 (UGT1A9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A4 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A9 and UGT1A4 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4. DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor (ESR1) DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESR1-UGT1A4 interaction DME0048 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor (ESR1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4. As a result, the interaction between ESR1 and UGT1A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4. DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-UGT1A4 interaction DME0048 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A4 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and UGT1A4 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4. DME0049 DME___ID DME0049 DME0049 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 (UGT2B15) DME0049 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 PROTNAME hsa-miR-331-5p DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-331-5p--UGT2B15 regulation DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-331-5p is reported to suppress UGT2B15 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UGT2B15 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 PROTNAME hsa-miR-376c-3p DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-376c-3p--UGT2B15 regulation DME0049 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-376c-3p is reported to suppress UGT2B15 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UGT2B15 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN PROTNAME Fos-related antigen 2 (FOSL2) DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOSL2-UGT2B15 interaction DME0049 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Fos-related antigen 2 (FOSL2) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. As a result, the interaction between FOSL2 and UGT2B15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor (ESR1) DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESR1-UGT2B15 interaction DME0049 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor (ESR1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. As a result, the interaction between ESR1 and UGT2B15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-UGT2B15 interaction DME0049 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. As a result, the interaction between JUN and UGT2B15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15. DME0050 DME___ID DME0050 DME0050 DME_NAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME0050 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-NAT1 interaction DME0050 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the NAT1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme N-acetyltransferase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and NAT1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of N-acetyltransferase 1. DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PROTNAME Androgen receptor (AR) DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF10A and MCF7 cell lines DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AR-NAT1 interaction DME0050 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Androgen receptor (AR) is reported to activate the transcription of NAT1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme N-acetyltransferase 1. As a result, the interaction between AR and NAT1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of N-acetyltransferase 1. DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN CELLLINE 22Rv1 cell line DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HSF1-NAT1 interaction DME0050 UNIPROID HSF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is reported to activate the transcription of NAT1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme N-acetyltransferase 1. As a result, the interaction between HSF1 and NAT1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of N-acetyltransferase 1. DME0053 DME___ID DME0053 DME0053 DME_NAME Dihydrothymine dehydrogenase (DPYD) DME0053 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 PROTNAME hsa-miR-27a-3p DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 CELLLINE HCT116 cell line DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-27a-3p--DPYD regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-27a-3p is reported to suppress DPYD mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DPYD mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrothymine dehydrogenase. DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 PROTNAME hsa-miR-27b-3p DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 CELLLINE HCT116 cell line DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-27b-3p--DPYD regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000419 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-27b-3p is reported to suppress DPYD mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DPYD mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrothymine dehydrogenase. DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 PROTNAME hsa-miR-494-5p DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 CELLLINE SW480 cell line DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-494-5p--DPYD regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026607 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-494-5p is reported to suppress DPYD mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DPYD mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrothymine dehydrogenase. DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 PROTNAME hsa-miR-302b-3p DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-302b-3p--DPYD regulation DME0053 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000715 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-302b-3p is reported to suppress DPYD mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DPYD mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrothymine dehydrogenase. DME0058 DME___ID DME0058 DME0058 DME_NAME Acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) DME0058 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human neuroblastoma cells SH-SY5Y DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-ACHE interaction DME0058 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation of ACHE gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acetylcholinesterase. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and ACHE can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Acetylcholinesterase. DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 PROTNAME hsa-miR-212-3p DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 CELLLINE NCI-H460 and NCI-H520 cell lines DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-212-3p--ACHE regulation DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000269 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-212-3p is reported to suppress ACHE mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ACHE mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acetylcholinesterase. DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 PROTNAME hsa-miR-124-5p DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 HPPI_DIS Pediatric intestinal failure [ICD-11: DA96] DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 CELLLINE Pediatric intestinal failure cells DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-124-5p--ACHE regulation DME0058 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004591 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-124-5p is reported to suppress ACHE mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ACHE mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acetylcholinesterase. DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Teratocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C80] DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN CELLLINE Human NT2/D1 teratocarcinoma cell line DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2A-ACHE interaction DME0058 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) is reported to repress the transcription of ACHE gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acetylcholinesterase. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2A and ACHE can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Acetylcholinesterase. DME0060 DME___ID DME0060 DME0060 DME_NAME Adenosine aminohydrolase (ADA) DME0060 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 PROTNAME hsa-miR-140-5p DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 HPPI_DIS Tongue squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B62] DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 CELLLINE Tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-140-5p--ADA regulation DME0060 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-140-5p is reported to suppress ADA mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ADA mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Adenosine aminohydrolase. DME0061 DME___ID DME0061 DME0061 DME_NAME Sulfotransferase 1E1 (SULT1E1) DME0061 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Hypertrophy of breast [ICD-11: GB22] DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF10A lineage cell line DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-SULT1E1 interaction DME0061 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the SULT1E1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 1E1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and SULT1E1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 1E1. DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 PROTNAME hsa-miR-199a-5p DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 CELLLINE Human dermal microvascular endothelial cells DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-199a-5p--SULT1E1 regulation DME0061 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-199a-5p is reported to suppress SULT1E1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SULT1E1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 1E1. DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2 gamma (TFAP2C) DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF10A and MCF7 cell lines DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2C-SULT1E1 interaction DME0061 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2 gamma (TFAP2C) is reported to activate the transcription of SULT1E1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 1E1. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2C and SULT1E1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 1E1. DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF10A and MCF7 cell lines DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2A-SULT1E1 interaction DME0061 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) is reported to activate the transcription of SULT1E1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 1E1. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2A and SULT1E1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 1E1. DME0064 DME___ID DME0064 DME0064 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 (UGT1A8) DME0064 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF1A-UGT1A8 interaction DME0064 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A8 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8. As a result, the interaction between HNF1A and UGT1A8 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8. DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein CDX-2 (CDX2) DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDX2-UGT1A8 interaction DME0064 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein CDX-2 (CDX2) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A8 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8. As a result, the interaction between CDX2 and UGT1A8 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8. DME0065 DME___ID DME0065 DME0065 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 (UGT1A7) DME0065 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 2-Napthol DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-UGT1A7 heterodimerization DME0065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-1 (UGT1A1) is reported to heterodimerize with the UGT1A7 protein, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A1 and UGT1A7 can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7. DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-7 (UGT1A7) DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 2-Napthol DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line (COS) DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A7-UGT1A7 homodimerization DME0065 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-7 (UGT1A7) is reported as a homodimer, which leads to a slight effect on the enzyme activity of drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7. As a result, the UGT1A7 homodimerization can slightly affect the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7. DME0066 DME___ID DME0066 DME0066 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 (UGT2B17) DME0066 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 PROTNAME hsa-miR-376c-3p DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-376c-3p--UGT2B17 regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000720 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-376c-3p is reported to suppress UGT2B17 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UGT2B17 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 PROTNAME hsa-miR-409-3p DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-409-3p--UGT2B17 regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001639 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-409-3p is reported to suppress UGT2B17 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UGT2B17 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 PROTNAME hsa-miR-494-3p DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-494-3p--UGT2B17 regulation DME0066 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002816 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-494-3p is reported to suppress UGT2B17 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UGT2B17 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN PROTNAME Alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN CELLLINE Colorectal adenocarcinomas cell line DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ADH1B-UGT2B17 heterooligomerization DME0066 UNIPROID ADH1B_HUMAN DESCRIPT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT2B17 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. As a result, the interaction between ADH1B and UGT2B17 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF1A-UGT2B17 interaction DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B17 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. As a result, the interaction between HNF1A and UGT2B17 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0066 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 3-alpha (FOXA1) DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOXA1-UGT2B17 interaction DME0066 UNIPROID FOXA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 3-alpha (FOXA1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT2B17 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. As a result, the interaction between FOXA1 and UGT2B17 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17. DME0069 DME___ID DME0069 DME0069 DME_NAME Butyrylcholine esterase (BCHE) DME0069 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human neuroblastoma cells SH-SY5Y DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-BCHE interaction DME0069 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation of BCHE gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Butyrylcholine esterase. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and BCHE can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Butyrylcholine esterase. DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE SH-SY5Y cell line DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-BCHE interaction DME0069 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the BCHE gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Butyrylcholine esterase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and BCHE can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Butyrylcholine esterase. DME0072 DME___ID DME0072 DME0072 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 (UGT1A6) DME0072 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDPGT 1-9 (UGT1A9) DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Serotonin (Metabolic product: Serotonin O-glucuronide) DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-UGT1A6 heterooligomerization DME0072 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT UDPGT 1-9 (UGT1A9) is reported to heterooligomerize with the UGT1A6 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6. As a result, the interaction between UGT1A9 and UGT1A6 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6. DME0074 DME___ID DME0074 DME0074 DME_NAME Sulfotransferase 2A1 (SULT2A1) DME0074 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-SULT2A1 interaction DME0074 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the SULT2A1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 2A1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and SULT2A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 2A1. DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN PROTNAME PPAR-binding protein (MED1) DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN CELLLINE H295R cell line DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MED1-SULT2A1 interaction DME0074 UNIPROID MED1_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPAR-binding protein (MED1) is reported to activate the transcription of SULT2A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 2A1. As a result, the interaction between MED1 and SULT2A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 2A1. DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN PROTNAME Splicing factor 1 (SF1) DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK 293T cell line DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SF1-SULT2A1 interaction DME0074 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN DESCRIPT Splicing factor 1 (SF1) is reported to activate the transcription of SULT2A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 2A1. As a result, the interaction between SF1 and SULT2A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 2A1. DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor GATA-6 (GATA6) DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK293 and H295R cell lines DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA6-SULT2A1 interaction DME0074 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor GATA-6 (GATA6) is reported to activate the transcription of SULT2A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 2A1. As a result, the interaction between GATA6 and SULT2A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 2A1. DME0075 DME___ID DME0075 DME0075 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10 (UGT1A10) DME0075 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HNF1A-UGT1A10 interaction DME0075 UNIPROID HNF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 1-alpha (HNF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A10 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10. As a result, the interaction between HNF1A and UGT1A10 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10. DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein CDX-2 (CDX2) DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDX2-UGT1A10 interaction DME0075 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein CDX-2 (CDX2) is reported to activate the transcription of UGT1A10 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10. As a result, the interaction between CDX2 and UGT1A10 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10. DME0076 DME___ID DME0076 DME0076 DME_NAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME0076 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 PROTNAME hsa-miR-214-3p DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 CELLLINE Bel7402 cell line DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-214-3p--POR regulation DME0076 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-214-3p is reported to suppress POR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of POR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Rat liver DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-POR interaction DME0076 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of CPR gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and CPR can activate the drug-metabolizing process of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. DME0077 DME___ID DME0077 DME0077 DME_NAME Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) DME0077 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-ALDH2 interaction DME0077 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the ALDH2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and ALDH2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2. DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN PROTNAME Mutated ALDH-E2 (mALDH2) DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaldehyde DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM mALDH2-ALDH2 heterooligomerization DME0077 UNIPROID ALDH2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Mutated ALDH-E2 (mALDH2) is reported to heterooligomerize with the ALDH2 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between mALDH2 and ALDH2 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2. DME0079 DME___ID DME0079 DME0079 DME_NAME Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) DME0079 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-ALPL interaction DME0079 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 9 trimethylation of ALPL gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alkaline phosphatase. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and ALPL can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Alkaline phosphatase. DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 PROTNAME hsa-miR-204-5p DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 CELLLINE M-Osx cell line DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-204-5p--ALPL regulation DME0079 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-204-5p is reported to suppress ALPL mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALPL mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alkaline phosphatase. DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN CELLLINE Drosophila Schneider cell line DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP3-ALPL interaction DME0079 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) is reported to activate the transcription of ALPL gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alkaline phosphatase. As a result, the interaction between SP3 and ALPL can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Alkaline phosphatase. DME0080 DME___ID DME0080 DME0080 DME_NAME Cytidine aminohydrolase (CDA) DME0080 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN PROTNAME Erythroid TF factor (GATA1) DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute myeloid leukemia [ICD-11: 2A60] DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN CELLLINE CMK cell line DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA1-CDA interaction DME0080 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Erythroid TF factor (GATA1) is reported to activate the transcription of CDA gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytidine aminohydrolase. As a result, the interaction between GATA1 and CDA can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cytidine aminohydrolase. DME0083 DME___ID DME0083 DME0083 DME_NAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME0083 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 PROTNAME hsa-miR-149-5p DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 CELLLINE QGY-7703 cell line DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-149-5p--MTHFR regulation DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000450 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-149-5p is reported to suppress MTHFR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MTHFR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 PROTNAME hsa-miR-22-3p DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 CELLLINE QGY-7703 cell line DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-22-3p--MTHFR regulation DME0083 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000077 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-22-3p is reported to suppress MTHFR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MTHFR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK 293T cell line DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-MTHFR interaction DME0083 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to activate the transcription of MTHFR gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and MTHFR can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. DME0086 DME___ID DME0086 DME0086 DME_NAME Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) DME0086 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1) DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Atopic dermatitis [ICD-11: EA80] DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Epidermal keratinocytes DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MZF1-BLMH interaction DME0086 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1) is reported to activate the transcription of BLMH gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Bleomycin hydrolase. As a result, the interaction between MZF1 and BLMH can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Bleomycin hydrolase. DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Atopic dermatitis [ICD-11: EA80] DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Epidermal keratinocytes DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-BLMH interaction DME0086 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of BLMH gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Bleomycin hydrolase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and BLMH can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Bleomycin hydrolase. DME0088 DME___ID DME0088 DME0088 DME_NAME Glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTP1) DME0088 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE hepatocellular LCL-PI 11 cell line DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-GSTP1 interaction DME0088 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the GSTP1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and GSTP1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 PROTNAME hsa-miR-133a-3p DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 CELLLINE Bladder cancer cells DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-133a-3p--GSTP1 regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-133a-3p is reported to suppress GSTP1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GSTP1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 PROTNAME hsa-miR-513a-3p DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-513a-3p--GSTP1 regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004777 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-513a-3p is reported to suppress GSTP1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GSTP1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 PROTNAME hsa-miR-133b DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 CELLLINE A2780 cell line DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-133b--GSTP1 regulation DME0088 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-133b is reported to suppress GSTP1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GSTP1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN PROTNAME GS-transferase P (GSTP1) DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Jurkat cells DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GSTP1-GSTP1 homodimerization DME0088 UNIPROID GSTP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Glutathione S-transferase Pi (GSTP1) is reported as a homodimer, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the GSTP1 homodimerization can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN PROTNAME Tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN CELLLINE MGR2, MGR3, UW28, UW281, UW78 cell lines DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TP53-GSTP1 interaction DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN DESCRIPT Tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) is reported to activate the transcription of GSTP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the interaction between TP53 and GSTP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Medulloblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.10] DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN CELLLINE UW228 cell line DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Leiomyosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B58] DME0088 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN CELLLINE SKLMS-1 cell line DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE K562 cell line DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-GSTP1 interaction DME0088 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of GSTP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and GSTP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE K562 cell line DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-GSTP1 interaction DME0088 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of GSTP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the interaction between RELA and GSTP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN PROTNAME Demethylase (MBD2) DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN CELLLINE Hep3B cell line DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MBD2-GSTP1 interaction DME0088 UNIPROID MBD2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Demethylase (MBD2) is reported to repress the transcription of GSTP1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the interaction between MBD2 and GSTP1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human mammary carcinoma cell line (MCF7) DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-GSTP1 interaction DME0088 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of GSTP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase pi. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and GSTP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase pi. DME0089 DME___ID DME0089 DME0089 DME_NAME Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 (MGST2) DME0089 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 PROTNAME hsa-miR-106a-5p DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 CELLLINE U87/DDP cell line DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-106a-5p--MGST2 regulation DME0089 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000103 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-106a-5p is reported to suppress MGST2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MGST2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2. DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN PROTNAME GS-transferase A1 (GSTA1) DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN CELLLINE Monkey kidney cell line (CV-1) DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GSTA1-MGST2 heterooligomerization DME0089 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT GS-transferase A1 (GSTA1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the MGST2 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2. As a result, the interaction between GSTA1 and MGST2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2. DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN PROTNAME Microsomal GST-II (MGST2) DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Glutathione (Metabolic product: Activates glutathione to form a thiolate) DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN CELLLINE Yeast pichia pastoris cell line DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MGST2-MGST2 homotrimerization DME0089 UNIPROID MGST2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 (MGST2) is reported as a homotrimer, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2. As a result, MGST2 homotrimerization is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2. DME0090 DME___ID DME0090 DME0090 DME_NAME Catalase (CAT) DME0090 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 PROTNAME hsa-miR-30b-5p DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 CELLLINE ARPE-19 cell line DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-30b-5p--CAT regulation DME0090 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000420 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-30b-5p is reported to suppress CAT mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CAT mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Catalase. DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, T47D and HCC1937 cell lines DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-CAT interaction DME0090 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to activate the transcription of CAT gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Catalase. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and CAT can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Catalase. DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor delta (PPARD) DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARD-CAT interaction DME0090 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor delta (PPARD) is reported to activate the transcription of CAT gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Catalase. As a result, the interaction between PPARD and CAT can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Catalase. DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 3 (EGR3) DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN CELLLINE Rodent and human fibroblasts and a monkey kidney epithelial cell line DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR3-CAT interaction DME0090 UNIPROID EGR3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 3 (EGR3) is reported to activate the transcription of CAT gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Catalase. As a result, the interaction between EGR3 and CAT can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Catalase. DME0091 DME___ID DME0091 DME0091 DME_NAME Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 (COX-1) DME0091 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 10 (KLF10) DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN CELLLINE Human A549, HeLa and mouse bEnd.3 cell lines DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF10-PTGS1 interaction DME0091 UNIPROID KLF10_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 10 (KLF10) is reported to activate the transcription of COX1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1. As a result, the interaction between KLF10 and COX1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1. DME0095 DME___ID DME0095 DME0095 DME_NAME Metallothionein-2A (MT2A) DME0095 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 PROTNAME hsa-miR-23a-3p DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 CELLLINE BGC823, MGC803 and AGS cell lines DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-23a-3p--MT2A regulation DME0095 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-23a-3p is reported to suppress MT2A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MT2A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Metallothionein-2A. DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN CELLLINE Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) and mouse hepatoma Hepa-1c1c7 cell line DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AHR-MT2A interaction DME0095 UNIPROID AHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is reported to activate the transcription of MT2A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Metallothionein-2A. As a result, the interaction between AHR and MT2A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Metallothionein-2A. DME0096 DME___ID DME0096 DME0096 DME_NAME Myeloperoxidase (MPO) DME0096 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN PROTNAME Ceruloplasmin (CP) DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Systemic vasculitides [ICD-11: 8E40] DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN CELLLINE Healthy subjects DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CP, LTF and MPO heterotrimerization DME0096 UNIPROID CERU_HUMAN DESCRIPT Ceruloplasmin (CP) and Lactotransferrin (LTF) is reported to heterotrimerize with the MPO protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Myeloperoxidase. As a result, the interaction among CP, LTF and MPO can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Myeloperoxidase. DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN PROTNAME Lactotransferrin (LTF) DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Systemic vasculitides [ICD-11: 8E40] DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN CELLLINE Healthy subjects DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN PPI_SUMM LTF, CP and MPO heterotrimerization DME0096 UNIPROID TRFL_HUMAN DESCRIPT Lactotransferrin (LTF) and Ceruloplasmin (CP) is reported to heterotrimerize with the MPO protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Myeloperoxidase. As a result, the interaction among LTF, CP and MPO can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Myeloperoxidase. DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Vasculitis [ICD-11: 4A44] DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE ANCA-associated vasculitis cell line DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-MPO interaction DME0096 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of MPO gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Myeloperoxidase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and MPO can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Myeloperoxidase. DME0097 DME___ID DME0097 DME0097 DME_NAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME0097 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Retinal tissues DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-NQO1 interaction DME0097 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the NQO1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Quinone reductase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and NQO1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Quinone reductase 1. DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-NQO1 interaction DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to activate the transcription of NQO1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Quinone reductase 1. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and NQO1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Quinone reductase 1. DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 1 (NFE2L1) DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L1-NQO1 interaction DME0097 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 1 (NFE2L1) is reported to activate the transcription of NQO1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Quinone reductase 1. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L1 and NQO1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Quinone reductase 1. DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Estrogen receptor (ESR1) DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, T47D and MDA-MB-231 cell lines DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ESR1-NQO1 interaction DME0097 UNIPROID ESR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Estrogen receptor (ESR1) is reported to repress the transcription of NQO1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Quinone reductase 1. As a result, the interaction between ESR1 and NQO1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Quinone reductase 1. DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN PROTNAME SIR2-like protein 1 (SIRT1) DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, T47D and MDA-MB-231 cell lines DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SIRT1-NQO1 interaction DME0097 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT SIR2-like protein 1 (SIRT1) is reported to repress the transcription of NQO1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Quinone reductase 1. As a result, the interaction between SIRT1 and NQO1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Quinone reductase 1. DME0099 DME___ID DME0099 DME0099 DME_NAME Cholesterol desmolase (CYP11A1) DME0099 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cell line DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYB5A-CYP11A1 heterodimerization DME0099 UNIPROID CYB5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) is reported to heterodimerize with the CYP11A1 protein, which has no effect on the enzyme activity of Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between CYB5A and CYP11A1 can have no effect on the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN PROTNAME Splicing factor 1 (SF1) DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN CELLLINE Y1 adrenocortical cell line DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SF1-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID SF01_HUMAN DESCRIPT Splicing factor 1 (SF1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between SF1 and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor GATA-6 (GATA6) DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Polycystic ovary syndrome [ICD-11: 5A80] DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN CELLLINE PCOS theca cell line DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA6-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID GATA6_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor GATA-6 (GATA6) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between GATA6 and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN PROTNAME Forkhead box protein L2 (FOXL2) DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Menopausal disorder [ICD-11: GA30] DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN CELLLINE CHO cell line DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOXL2-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID FOXL2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Forkhead box protein L2 (FOXL2) is reported to repress the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between FOXL2 and CYP11A1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN PROTNAME Erythroid TF factor (GATA1) DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenal cortex and testicular Leydig cell line DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA1-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID GATA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Erythroid TF factor (GATA1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between GATA1 and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN PROTNAME Lipopolysaccharide-binding (LBP) DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenal cortex and testicular Leydig cell line DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM LBP-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID LBP_HUMAN DESCRIPT Lipopolysaccharide-binding (LBP) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between LBP and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenal cortex and testicular Leydig cell line DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR0B1-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between NR0B1 and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenal cortex and testicular Leydig cell line DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A1-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between NR5A1 and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Zinc finger protein rapa (TRERF1) DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenal cortex and testicular Leydig cell line DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TRERF1-CYP11A1 interaction DME0099 UNIPROID TREF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Zinc finger protein rapa (TRERF1) is reported to activate the transcription of CYP11A1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cholesterol desmolase. As a result, the interaction between TRERF1 and CYP11A1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cholesterol desmolase. DME0109 DME___ID DME0109 DME0109 DME_NAME Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) DME0109 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human lens epithelial cells (HLECs) DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the SOD1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and SOD1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 PROTNAME hsa-miR-377-3p DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 HPPI_DIS Diabetic nephropathy [ICD-11: GB61] DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 CELLLINE Human mesangial cells DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-377-3p--SOD1 regulation DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000730 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-377-3p is reported to suppress SOD1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SOD1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 PROTNAME hsa-miR-206 DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 CELLLINE Primary canine myocardial cells DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-206--SOD1 regulation DME0109 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000462 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-206 is reported to suppress SOD1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SOD1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor MTF-1 (MTF1) DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTF1-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor MTF-1 (MTF1) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between MTF1 and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, T47D and HCC1937 cell lines DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 1 (EGR1) DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR1-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between EGR1 and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor NF-IL6-beta (CEBPD) DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Urothelial carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C91-2C95] DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN CELLLINE NTUB1 cell line DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CEBPD-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID CEBPD_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor NF-IL6-beta (CEBPD) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between CEBPD and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Parkinson disease [ICD-11: 8A00] DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN CELLLINE M17 neuroblastoma cell line DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF4-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) is reported to repress the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between KLF4 and SOD1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein MSX-2 (MSX2) DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN CELLLINE Healthy subjects DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MSX2-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID MSX2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein MSX-2 (MSX2) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between MSX2 and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor delta (PPARD) DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARD-SOD1 interaction DME0109 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor delta (PPARD) is reported to activate the transcription of SOD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Superoxide dismutase 1. As a result, the interaction between PPARD and SOD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Superoxide dismutase 1. DME0110 DME___ID DME0110 DME0110 DME_NAME Glutathione reductase (GSR) DME0110 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 PROTNAME hsa-miR-214-3p DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 CELLLINE Bel7402 cell line DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-214-3p--GSR regulation DME0110 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000271 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-214-3p is reported to suppress GSR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GSR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione reductase. DME0111 DME___ID DME0111 DME0111 DME_NAME Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (NT5E) DME0111 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human breast cancer cell lines DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-NT5E interaction DME0111 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the NT5E gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Ecto-5'-nucleotidase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and NT5E can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Ecto-5'-nucleotidase. DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 PROTNAME hsa-miR-30a-5p DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 CELLLINE A549 and H226 cell lines DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-30a-5p--NT5E regulation DME0111 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000087 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-30a-5p is reported to suppress NT5E mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NT5E mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Ecto-5'-nucleotidase. DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE T84 cell line DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HIF1A-NT5E interaction DME0111 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of NT5E gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Ecto-5'-nucleotidase. As a result, the interaction between HIF1A and NT5E can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Ecto-5'-nucleotidase. DME0113 DME___ID DME0113 DME0113 DME_NAME Heparanase (HPSE) DME0113 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 PROTNAME hsa-miR-1258 DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 CELLLINE MDA-MB-231 cell line DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-1258--HPSE regulation DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005909 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-1258 is reported to suppress HPSE mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HPSE mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Heparanase. DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 PROTNAME hsa-miR-558 DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 CELLLINE AGS, SGC-7901, MKN-28 and MKN-45 cell lines DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-558--HPSE regulation DME0113 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-558 is reported to suppress HPSE mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HPSE mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Heparanase. DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE LS-174T cell line DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-HPSE interaction DME0113 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of HPSE gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Heparanase. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and HPSE can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Heparanase. DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE LS-174T cell line DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-HPSE interaction DME0113 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of HPSE gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Heparanase. As a result, the interaction between RELA and HPSE can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Heparanase. DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 1 (EGR1) DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN CELLLINE Du145, DuPro, LNCaP and PC-3 cell lines DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR1-HPSE interaction DME0113 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is reported to activate the transcription of HPSE gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Heparanase. As a result, the interaction between EGR1 and HPSE can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Heparanase. DME0114 DME___ID DME0114 DME0114 DME_NAME Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 (COX-2) DME0114 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse embryonic fibroblast cells DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-COX2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 9 trimethylation of COX2 gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and COX2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 PROTNAME hsa-miR-199a-3p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 HPPI_DIS Osteoarthritis [ICD-11: FA00] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 CELLLINE Osteoarthritis chondrocytes DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-199a-3p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000232 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-199a-3p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 PROTNAME hsa-miR-137 DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 CELLLINE LN229 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-137--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MI0000454 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-137 is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PROTNAME hsa-miR-146a-5p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 CELLLINE GES-1 and HEK293 cell lines DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-146a-5p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-146a-5p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 PROTNAME hsa-miR-16-5p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 CELLLINE WRL68, HepG2 and Hep3B cell lines DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-16-5p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000069 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-16-5p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 PROTNAME hsa-miR-558 DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 CELLLINE SW1353 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-558--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003222 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-558 is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PROTNAME hsa-miR-143-3p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 HPPI_DIS Pancreatic adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C10] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 CELLLINE BxPC-3 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-143-3p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-143-3p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 PROTNAME hsa-miR-589-5p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-589-5p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-589-5p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 PROTNAME hsa-miR-199a-5p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 CELLLINE BEAS-2B cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-199a-5p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000231 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-199a-5p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 PROTNAME hsa-miR-101-3p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 HPPI_DIS Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E60] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 CELLLINE EC9706 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-101-3p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000099 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-101-3p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 PROTNAME hsa-miR-144-3p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 HPPI_DIS Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E60] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 CELLLINE EC9706 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-144-3p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000436 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-144-3p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 PROTNAME hsa-miR-26a-5p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-26a-5p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-26a-5p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 PROTNAME hsa-miR-26b-5p DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 CELLLINE U373 cell line DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-26b-5p--PTGS2 regulation DME0114 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000083 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-26b-5p is reported to suppress PTGS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Arachidonic acid (Metabolic product: Prostaglandin endoperoxide H(2)) DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN CELLLINE Insect cell microsomes DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM COX2-PTGS2 heterodimerization DME0114 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) is reported to heterodimerize with the COX2 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between COX2 and COX2 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Colon cancer cell line DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN PROTNAME Liver activator protein (LAP) DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN CELLLINE NCI-H520, NCI-H460, and NCI-H1299 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM LAP-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Liver activator protein (LAP) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between LAP and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Epidermoid carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E64] DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN CELLLINE A431 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID CEBPB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Liver activator protein (LAP) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between LAP and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Asthma [ICD-11: CA23] DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Nasal polyps from aspirin-intolerant asthma/rhinitis patients DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human bronchial epithelial primary cell line DME0114 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN CELLLINE HT-29 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARG-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between PPARG and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN CELLLINE CaSki cell line DME0114 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between PPARG and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Asthma [ICD-11: CA23] DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE Nasal polyps from aspirin-intolerant asthma/rhinitis patients DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between RELA and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE Human bronchial epithelial primary cell line DME0114 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between RELA and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein CDX-2 (CDX2) DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN CELLLINE U87 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDX2-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein CDX-2 (CDX2) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between CDX2 and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0114 UNIPROID CDX2_HUMAN CELLLINE HCT-116 and SNU-C4 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 3 (STAT3) DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN CELLLINE U87MG and T98G cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT3-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 3 (STAT3) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between STAT3 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Medulloblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.10] DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN CELLLINE TE671 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between USF1 and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN CELLLINE HT-29 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARA-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between PPARA and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN PROTNAME Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN CELLLINE HT-29 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM APC-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between APC and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN PROTNAME High mobility group A1 (HMGA1) DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pancreatic adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C10] DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN CELLLINE BxPC-3, HPAF-II, MiaPaCa Panc1, PL45 and XPA-3 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMGA1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID HMGA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT High mobility group A1 (HMGA1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between HMGA1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 6 (STAT6) DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN CELLLINE A427 and H2122 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT6-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 6 (STAT6) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between STAT6 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN PROTNAME Inhibitor of growth 4 (ING4) DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ING4-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID ING4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Inhibitor of growth 4 (ING4) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between ING4 and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN PROTNAME Progesterone receptor (PGR) DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN CELLLINE T47D and MCF-7 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGR-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID PRGR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Progesterone receptor (PGR) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between PGR and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein CDX-1 (CDX1) DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN CELLLINE SKOV3 and A2780 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDX1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID CDX1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein CDX-1 (CDX1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between CDX1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 B2 (NR0B2) DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN CELLLINE SKOV3 and A2780 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR0B2-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID NR0B2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 B2 (NR0B2) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between NR0B2 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PROTNAME Androgen receptor (AR) DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP and PC-3 cell lines DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AR-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Androgen receptor (AR) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between AR and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Epidermoid carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E64] DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE A431 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between JUN and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Epidermoid carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E64] DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN CELLLINE A431 cell line DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC4-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) is reported to deacetylate the COX2 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between HDAC4 and COX2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury [ICD-11: BA6Z] DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury cell line DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between STAT1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 2 (STAT2) DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury [ICD-11: BA6Z] DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN CELLLINE Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury cell line DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT2-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 2 (STAT2) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between STAT2 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN PROTNAME Protein Dr1 (DR1) DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Osteoarthritis [ICD-11: FA00] DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN CELLLINE Synovial lining cell linr DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DR1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID NC2B_HUMAN DESCRIPT Protein Dr1 (DR1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between DR1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE BEAS-2B cell line DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) is reported to deacetylate the COX2 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between HDAC1 and COX2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN PROTNAME AMP element-binding 1 (CREB1) DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human amnion fibroblast cell line DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CREB1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID CREB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT AMP element-binding 1 (CREB1) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between CREB1 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor jun-D (JUND) DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN CELLLINE Human chondrocytes DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUND-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor jun-D (JUND) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between JUND and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN CELLLINE Human chondrocytes DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOS-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between FOS and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor jun-B (JUNB) DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN CELLLINE Human chondrocytes DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUNB-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID JUNB_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor jun-B (JUNB) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between JUNB and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN PROTNAME His-acetyltransferase p300 (EP300) DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN CELLLINE Human foreskin fibroblasts DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EP300-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN DESCRIPT His-acetyltransferase p300 (EP300) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between EP300 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN PROTNAME ETS translocation 4 (ETV4) DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse mammary epithelial cell line DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ETV4-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID ETV4_HUMAN DESCRIPT ETS translocation 4 (ETV4) is reported to activate the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between ETV4 and COX2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN PROTNAME SET-binding protein (SETBP1) DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN CELLLINE Airway structural cell line DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SETBP1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID SETBP_HUMAN DESCRIPT SET-binding protein (SETBP1) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between SETBP1 and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 1 (EGR1) DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human mammary and oral epithelial cell line DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR1-PTGS2 interaction DME0114 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is reported to repress the transcription of COX2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between EGR1 and COX2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2. DME0116 DME___ID DME0116 DME0116 DME_NAME Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) DME0116 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 PROTNAME hsa-miR-26a-5p DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 CELLLINE DU145, PC3 and LNCaP cell lines DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-26a-5p--AMACR regulation DME0116 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-26a-5p is reported to suppress AMACR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of AMACR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase. DME0118 DME___ID DME0118 DME0118 DME_NAME Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) DME0118 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HGC-27 cell line DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-AKR1C3 interaction DME0118 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the AKR1C3 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldo-keto reductase 1C3. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and AKR1C3 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Aldo-keto reductase 1C3. DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PROTNAME Androgen receptor (AR) DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AR-AKR1C3 interaction DME0118 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Androgen receptor (AR) is reported to repress the transcription of AKR1C3 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldo-keto reductase 1C3. As a result, the interaction between AR and AKR1C3 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aldo-keto reductase 1C3. DME0122 DME___ID DME0122 DME0122 DME_NAME Nitric oxide synthase brain (NOS1) DME0122 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PROTNAME hsa-miR-146a-5p DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 CELLLINE HTR-8/SVneo cell line DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-146a-5p--NOS1 regulation DME0122 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-146a-5p is reported to suppress NOS1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase brain. DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN CELLLINE TGW-nu-I cell line DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR0B1-NOS1 interaction DME0122 UNIPROID NR0B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 0 B1 (NR0B1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase brain. As a result, the interaction between NR0B1 and NOS1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase brain. DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical endothelial cell line DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-NOS1 interaction DME0122 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase brain. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and NOS1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase brain. DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical endothelial cell line DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-NOS1 interaction DME0122 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase brain. As a result, the interaction between RELA and NOS1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase brain. DME0123 DME___ID DME0123 DME0123 DME_NAME Nitric oxide synthase endothelial (NOS3) DME0123 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the NOS3 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and NOS3 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 PROTNAME hsa-miR-155-5p DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-155-5p--NOS3 regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000646 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-155-5p is reported to suppress NOS3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 PROTNAME hsa-miR-24-3p DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-24-3p--NOS3 regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-24-3p is reported to suppress NOS3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 PROTNAME hsa-miR-335-3p DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 CELLLINE PC3 cell line DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-335-3p--NOS3 regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004703 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-335-3p is reported to suppress NOS3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 PROTNAME hsa-miR-543 DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 CELLLINE PC3 cell line DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-543--NOS3 regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004954 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-543 is reported to suppress NOS3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 PROTNAME hsa-miR-200c-3p DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-200c-3p--NOS3 regulation DME0123 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000617 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-200c-3p is reported to suppress NOS3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PROTNAME Endothelial NOS (NOS3) DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN CELLLINE Recombinant BL21(DE3)-pNTF cells DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS3-NOS3 homodimerization DME0123 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Endothelial NOS (NOS3) is reported to homodimerize with the NOS3 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between NOS3 and NOS3 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytoplasmic actin 1 (ACTB) DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN CELLLINE Endothelial cells DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACTB, HSP90AA1 and NOS3 heterotrimerization DME0123 UNIPROID ACTB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Cytoplasmic actin 1 (ACTB) and Heat shock 90-alpha (HSP90AA1) are reported to heterotrimerize with the NOS3 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction among ACTB, HSP90AA1 and NOS3 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN PROTNAME Heat shock 90-alpha (HSP90AA1) DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN CELLLINE Endothelial cells DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HSP90AA1, ACTB and NOS3 heterotrimerization DME0123 UNIPROID HS90A_HUMAN DESCRIPT Heat shock 90-alpha (HSP90AA1) and Cytoplasmic actin 1 (ACTB) are reported to heterotrimerize with the NOS3 protein, which leads to an altered activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction among HSP90AA1, ACTB and NOS3 can modulate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Hypertension [ICD-11: BA00-BA04] DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical vessel cell line DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF2-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID KLF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between KLF2 and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor GATA-4 (GATA4) DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN CELLLINE Bovine lung microvessel endothelial cell line DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA4-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor GATA-4 (GATA4) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between GATA4 and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN CELLLINE Bovine lung microvessel endothelial cell line DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP3-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between SP3 and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE H441 cell line DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical endothelial cell line DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical endothelial cell line DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between RELA and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN PROTNAME GATA-binding factor 2 (GATA2) DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN CELLLINE NCI-H441 cell line DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA2-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN DESCRIPT GATA-binding factor 2 (GATA2) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between GATA2 and NOS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 2 (ATF2) DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN CELLLINE Endothelial cell line DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF2-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 2 (ATF2) is reported to repress the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between ATF2 and NOS3 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN PROTNAME C/EBP-homologous protein (DDIT3) DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DDIT3-NOS3 interaction DME0123 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN DESCRIPT C/EBP-homologous protein (DDIT3) is reported to repress the transcription of NOS3 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. As a result, the interaction between DDIT3 and NOS3 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase endothelial. DME0124 DME___ID DME0124 DME0124 DME_NAME Nitric oxide synthase inducible (NOS2) DME0124 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Microglial cell line DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the NOS2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and NOS2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 PROTNAME hsa-miR-26a-5p DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 HPPI_DIS Osteoarthritis [ICD-11: FA00] DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 CELLLINE Osteoarthritis chondrocytes DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-26a-5p--NOS2 regulation DME0124 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000082 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-26a-5p is reported to suppress NOS2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of NOS2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN CELLLINE Human epithelial-like DLD-I cell line DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOS-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) is reported to repress the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between FOS and NOS2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN CELLLINE Human airway epithelial cell line, 293T and A549 cell lines DME0124 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between FOS and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE Human epithelial-like DLD-I cell line DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to repress the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between JUN and NOS2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE Human airway epithelial cell line, 293T and A549 cell lines DME0124 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between JUN and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN PROTNAME Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN CELLLINE Colorectal adenocarcinomas cell line DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM APC-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID APC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between APC and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN PROTNAME Metastasis-associated MTA1 (MTA1) DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTA1-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID MTA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Metastasis-associated MTA1 (MTA1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between MTA1 and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN PROTNAME Fos-related antigen 2 (FOSL2) DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN CELLLINE Human airway epithelial cell line, 293T and A549 cell lines DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOSL2-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID FOSL2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Fos-related antigen 2 (FOSL2) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between FOSL2 and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor jun-D (JUND) DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN CELLLINE Human airway epithelial cell line, 293T and A549 cell lines DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUND-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID JUND_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor jun-D (JUND) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between JUND and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury [ICD-11: BA6Z] DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury cell line DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT1-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between STAT1 and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 2 (STAT2) DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury [ICD-11: BA6Z] DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN CELLLINE Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury cell line DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT2-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID STAT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 2 (STAT2) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between STAT2 and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN CELLLINE COS-7 and Jurkat cell lines DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF6-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between KLF6 and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical endothelial cell line DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE Human umbilical endothelial cell line DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between RELA and NOS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN PROTNAME I-kappa-B-kinase beta (IKBKB) DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN CELLLINE Human intimal smooth muscle cell line DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM IKBKB-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN DESCRIPT I-kappa-B-kinase beta (IKBKB) is reported to repress the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between IKBKB and NOS2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN PROTNAME I-kappa-B-alpha (NFKBIA) DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN CELLLINE Human intimal smooth muscle cell line DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKBIA-NOS2 interaction DME0124 UNIPROID IKBA_HUMAN DESCRIPT I-kappa-B-alpha (NFKBIA) is reported to repress the transcription of NOS2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nitric oxide synthase inducible. As a result, the interaction between NFKBIA and NOS2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Nitric oxide synthase inducible. DME0125 DME___ID DME0125 DME0125 DME_NAME DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) DME0125 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 PROTNAME hsa-miR-145-5p DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-145-5p--DDC regulation DME0125 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-145-5p is reported to suppress DDC mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DDC mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme DOPA decarboxylase. DME0126 DME___ID DME0126 DME0126 DME_NAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME0126 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 PROTNAME hsa-miR-23a-3p DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 CELLLINE ARPE-19 cell line DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-23a-3p--GLS regulation DME0126 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000078 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-23a-3p is reported to suppress GLS mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GLS mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme L-glutamine amidohydrolase. DME0127 DME___ID DME0127 DME0127 DME_NAME Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I alpha (ADH1A) DME0127 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC1-ADH1A interaction DME0127 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) is reported to deacetylate the ADH1A gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I alpha. As a result, the interaction between HDAC1 and ADH1A can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I alpha. DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN PROTNAME GATA-binding factor 2 (GATA2) DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN CELLLINE H4IIE-C3 and CV-1 cell lines DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA2-ADH1A interaction DME0127 UNIPROID GATA2_HUMAN DESCRIPT GATA-binding factor 2 (GATA2) is reported to activate the transcription of ADH1A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I alpha. As a result, the interaction between GATA2 and ADH1A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I alpha. DME0129 DME___ID DME0129 DME0129 DME_NAME Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I gamma (ADH1C) DME0129 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-ADH1C interaction DME0129 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the ADH1C gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I gamma. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and ADH1C can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Alcohol dehydrogenase class-I gamma. DME0137 DME___ID DME0137 DME0137 DME_NAME Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) DME0137 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN CELLLINE Gastric cancer cells DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC6-TYMS interaction DME0137 UNIPROID HDAC6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is reported to deacetylate the TYMS gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. As a result, the interaction between HDAC6 and TYMS can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 PROTNAME hsa-miR-433-3p DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-433-3p--TYMS regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001627 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-433-3p is reported to suppress TYMS mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of TYMS mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 PROTNAME hsa-miR-196a-5p DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 CELLLINE Renal cell carcinoma cell line DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-196a-5p--TYMS regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000226 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-196a-5p is reported to suppress TYMS mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of TYMS mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 PROTNAME hsa-miR-203a-3p DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 CELLLINE HCT116, Caco2 and SW480 cell lines DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-203a-3p--TYMS regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000264 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-203a-3p is reported to suppress TYMS mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of TYMS mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 PROTNAME hsa-miR-193a-3p DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 HPPI_DIS Malignant pleural mesothelioma [ICD-11: 2C26] DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 CELLLINE H28, H2052 and H2452 cell lines DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-193a-3p--TYMS regulation DME0137 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000459 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-193a-3p is reported to suppress TYMS mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of TYMS mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PROTNAME Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cells DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DHFR-TYMS homodimerization DME0137 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is reported to homodimerize with the TYMS gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Thymidylate synthase. As a result, the interaction between DHFR and TYMS is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor E2F1 (E2F1) DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN CELLLINE Hep3B cell line DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM E2F1-TYMS interaction DME0137 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor E2F1 (E2F1) is reported to activate the transcription of TYMS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. As a result, the interaction between E2F1 and TYMS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor Dp-1 (TFDP1) DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Hep3B cell line DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFDP1-TYMS interaction DME0137 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor Dp-1 (TFDP1) is reported to activate the transcription of TYMS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. As a result, the interaction between TFDP1 and TYMS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN PROTNAME Y-box-binding protein 1 (YBX1) DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN CELLLINE OVCAR-3 and SKOV-3 cell lines DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM YBX1-TYMS interaction DME0137 UNIPROID YBOX1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Y-box-binding protein 1 (YBX1) is reported to repress the transcription of TYMS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. As a result, the interaction between YBX1 and TYMS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Thymidylate synthase. DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN PROTNAME Tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP, C4-2 and PC3 cell lines DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TP53-TYMS interaction DME0137 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN DESCRIPT Tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) is reported to repress the transcription of TYMS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thymidylate synthase. As a result, the interaction between TP53 and TYMS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Thymidylate synthase. DME0139 DME___ID DME0139 DME0139 DME_NAME Uridine phosphorylase 1 (UPP1) DME0139 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE EMT6 cell line DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-UPP1 interaction DME0139 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of UPP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Uridine phosphorylase 1. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and UPP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Uridine phosphorylase 1. DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE EMT6 cell line DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT1-UPP1 interaction DME0139 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) is reported to activate the transcription of UPP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Uridine phosphorylase 1. As a result, the interaction between STAT1 and UPP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Uridine phosphorylase 1. DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE EMT6 cell line DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-UPP1 interaction DME0139 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of UPP1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Uridine phosphorylase 1. As a result, the interaction between RELA and UPP1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Uridine phosphorylase 1. DME0141 DME___ID DME0141 DME0141 DME_NAME Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) DME0141 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 PROTNAME hsa-miR-24-3p DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 CELLLINE CHO DG44 cell line DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-24-3p--DHFR regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000080 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-24-3p is reported to suppress DHFR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DHFR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 PROTNAME hsa-miR-192-5p DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 HPPI_DIS Medulloblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.10] DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 CELLLINE D283 cell line DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-192-5p--DHFR regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000222 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-192-5p is reported to suppress DHFR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DHFR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 PROTNAME hsa-miR-25-3p DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-25-3p--DHFR regulation DME0141 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000081 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-25-3p is reported to suppress DHFR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DHFR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN PROTNAME Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN CELLLINE Escherichia coli cells DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TYMS-DHFR homodimerization DME0141 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN DESCRIPT Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) is reported to homodimerize with the DHFR gene, which is necessary for sustaining the enzyme activity of Dihydrofolate reductase. As a result, the interaction between TYMS and DHFR is necessary for sustaining the drug-metabolizing process of Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN PROTNAME Retinoblastoma-associated (RB1) DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Osteosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B51] DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN CELLLINE SAOS and MCF-10A cell lines DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RB1-DHFR interaction DME0141 UNIPROID RB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Retinoblastoma-associated (RB1) is reported to repress the transcription of DHFR gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrofolate reductase. As a result, the interaction between RB1 and DHFR can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor E2F1 (E2F1) DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN CELLLINE Hep3B cell line DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM E2F1-DHFR interaction DME0141 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor E2F1 (E2F1) is reported to activate the transcription of DHFR gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrofolate reductase. As a result, the interaction between E2F1 and DHFR can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor Dp-1 (TFDP1) DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Hep3B cell line DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFDP1-DHFR interaction DME0141 UNIPROID TFDP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor Dp-1 (TFDP1) is reported to activate the transcription of DHFR gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrofolate reductase. As a result, the interaction between TFDP1 and DHFR can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Dihydrofolate reductase. DME0145 DME___ID DME0145 DME0145 DME_NAME Alanyl aminopeptidase (ANPEP) DME0145 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN PROTNAME Protein C-ets-1 (ETS1) DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Kaposi sarcoma [ICD-11: 2B57] DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN CELLLINE KS1767 cell line DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ETS1-ANPEP interaction DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Protein C-ets-1 (ETS1) is reported to activate the transcription of ANPEP gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alanyl aminopeptidase. As a result, the interaction between ETS1 and ANPEP can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Alanyl aminopeptidase. DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Benign vascular neoplasms [ICD-11: 2E81] DME0145 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN CELLLINE EOMA cell line DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN PROTNAME Protein C-ets-2 (ETS2) DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Kaposi sarcoma [ICD-11: 2B57] DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN CELLLINE KS1767 cell line DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ETS2-ANPEP interaction DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Protein C-ets-2 (ETS2) is reported to activate the transcription of ANPEP gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Alanyl aminopeptidase. As a result, the interaction between ETS2 and ANPEP can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Alanyl aminopeptidase. DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Benign vascular neoplasms [ICD-11: 2E81] DME0145 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN CELLLINE EOMA cell line DME0146 DME___ID DME0146 DME0146 DME_NAME Phosphoglucomutase 1 (PGM1) DME0146 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN CELLLINE Lung cancer cells DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC8-PGM1 interaction DME0146 UNIPROID HDAC8_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) phosphorylation is reported to acetylate the PGM1 gene and thereby activates the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoglucomutase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC8 and PGM1 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphoglucomutase 1. DME0147 DME___ID DME0147 DME0147 DME_NAME Cellular glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) DME0147 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Rat bone marrow cells DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-GPX1 interaction DME0147 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the GPX1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cellular glutathione peroxidase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and GPX1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cellular glutathione peroxidase. DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2 gamma (TFAP2C) DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, BT-474, MDA-MB-453 and SKBR-3 cell lines DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2C-GPX1 interaction DME0147 UNIPROID AP2C_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2 gamma (TFAP2C) is reported to activate the transcription of GPX1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cellular glutathione peroxidase. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2C and GPX1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cellular glutathione peroxidase. DME0149 DME___ID DME0149 DME0149 DME_NAME Vitamin K1 2,3-epoxide reductase 1 (VKOR) DME0149 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 PROTNAME hsa-miR-133a-3p DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-133a-3p--VKORC1 regulation DME0149 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-133a-3p is reported to suppress VKORC1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of VKORC1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Vitamin K1 2,3-epoxide reductase 1. DME0151 DME___ID DME0151 DME0151 DME_NAME Phosphorylcholine transferase A (PCYT1A) DME0151 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN PROTNAME Zinc finger protein 76 (ZNF76) DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ZNF76-PCYT1A interaction DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN DESCRIPT Zinc finger protein 76 (ZNF76) is reported to activate the transcription of PCYT1A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphorylcholine transferase A. As a result, the interaction between ZNF76 and PCYT1A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphorylcholine transferase A. DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0151 UNIPROID ZNF76_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN PROTNAME Zinc finger 143 (ZNF143) DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ZNF143-PCYT1A interaction DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN DESCRIPT Zinc finger 143 (ZNF143) is reported to activate the transcription of PCYT1A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphorylcholine transferase A. As a result, the interaction between ZNF143 and PCYT1A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphorylcholine transferase A. DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0151 UNIPROID ZN143_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0152 DME___ID DME0152 DME0152 DME_NAME Phosphorylethanolamine transferase (PCYT2) DME0152 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Transferred cell line DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HATs-PCYT2 interaction DME0152 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are reported to acetylate the PCYT2 gene and thereby activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphorylethanolamine transferase. As a result, the interaction between HATs and PCYT2 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphorylethanolamine transferase. DME0154 DME___ID DME0154 DME0154 DME_NAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME0154 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN PROTNAME WW-containing regulator 1 (WWTR1) DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN CELLLINE RKO and HCT116 cell lines DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM WWTR1-ASNS interaction DME0154 UNIPROID WWTR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT WW-containing regulator 1 (WWTR1) is reported to repress the transcription of ASNS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Asparagine synthetase. As a result, the interaction between WWTR1 and ASNS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Asparagine synthetase. DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 4 (ATF4) DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF4-ASNS interaction DME0154 UNIPROID ATF4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 4 (ATF4) is reported to activate the transcription of ASNS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Asparagine synthetase. As a result, the interaction between ATF4 and ASNS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Asparagine synthetase. DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 3 (ATF3) DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF3-ASNS interaction DME0154 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 3 (ATF3) is reported to activate the transcription of ASNS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Asparagine synthetase. As a result, the interaction between ATF3 and ASNS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Asparagine synthetase. DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN PROTNAME C/EBP-homologous protein (DDIT3) DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK 293T cell line DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DDIT3-ASNS interaction DME0154 UNIPROID DDIT3_HUMAN DESCRIPT C/EBP-homologous protein (DDIT3) is reported to repress the transcription of ASNS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Asparagine synthetase. As a result, the interaction between DDIT3 and ASNS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Asparagine synthetase. DME0159 DME___ID DME0159 DME0159 DME_NAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME0159 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Amyloid-beta A4 binding B1 (APBB1) DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Alzheimer disease [ICD-11: 8A20] DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Alzheimer frontal cortex brain samples DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM APBB1-GMPS interaction DME0159 UNIPROID APBB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Amyloid-beta A4 binding B1 (APBB1) is reported to repress the transcription of GMPS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamine amidotransferase. As a result, the interaction between APBB1 and GMPS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamine amidotransferase. DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN PROTNAME Lysine acetyltransferase 5 (KAT5) DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Alzheimer disease [ICD-11: 8A20] DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN CELLLINE Frontal cortex brain cell line DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KAT5-GMPS interaction DME0159 UNIPROID KAT5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Lysine acetyltransferase 5 (KAT5) is reported to repress the transcription of GMPS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamine amidotransferase. As a result, the interaction between KAT5 and GMPS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamine amidotransferase. DME0162 DME___ID DME0162 DME0162 DME_NAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME0162 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Glioma cells DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-TGM2 interaction DME0162 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the TGM2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Transglutaminase H. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and TGM2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Transglutaminase H. DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 PROTNAME hsa-miR-1285-3p DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 CELLLINE A498, 786-O, ACHN and caki-2 cell lines DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-1285-3p--TGM2 regulation DME0162 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005876 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-1285-3p is reported to suppress TGM2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of TGM2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Transglutaminase H. DME0166 DME___ID DME0166 DME0166 DME_NAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME0166 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN CELLLINE Basal cells DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC3-TGM1 interaction DME0166 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is reported to deacetylate the TGM1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Transglutaminase K. As a result, the interaction between HDAC3 and TGM1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Transglutaminase K. DME0168 DME___ID DME0168 DME0168 DME_NAME Neprilysin (MME) DME0168 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein Hox-C6 (HOXC6) DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN CELLLINE LnCaP, C4-2, DU145, and PC3 PCa cell lines DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HOXC6-MME interaction DME0168 UNIPROID HXC6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein Hox-C6 (HOXC6) is reported to repress the transcription of MME gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Neprilysin. As a result, the interaction between HOXC6 and MME can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Neprilysin. DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Myc (MYC) DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN CELLLINE EREB2-5 cell line DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MYC-MME interaction DME0168 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Myc (MYC) is reported to activate the transcription of MME gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Neprilysin. As a result, the interaction between MYC and MME can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Neprilysin. DME0169 DME___ID DME0169 DME0169 DME_NAME Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1 (PON1) DME0169 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 PROTNAME hsa-miR-616-3p DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 HPPI_DIS Ischemic stroke [ICD-11: 8B11] DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 CELLLINE Ischemic stroke cells DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-616-3p--PON1 regulation DME0169 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004805 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-616-3p is reported to suppress PON1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PON1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1. DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-PON1 interaction DME0169 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of PON1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and PON1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1. DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN PROTNAME Sterol element-binding 2 (SREBF2) DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN CELLLINE HuH7 cell line DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SREBF2-PON1 interaction DME0169 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Sterol element-binding 2 (SREBF2) is reported to activate the transcription of PON1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1. As a result, the interaction between SREBF2 and PON1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1. DME0171 DME___ID DME0171 DME0171 DME_NAME Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) DME0171 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 PROTNAME hsa-miR-153-3p DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 HPPI_DIS Graft-versus-host disease [ICD-11: 4B24] DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 CELLLINE Graft-versus-host disease cells DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-153-3p--IDO1 regulation DME0171 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000439 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-153-3p is reported to suppress IDO1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of IDO1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1. DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN PROTNAME Prothymosin alpha (PTMA) DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Aplastic anemia [ICD-11: 3A70] DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN CELLLINE Mesenchymal stem cell line DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PTMA-IDO1 interaction DME0171 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Prothymosin alpha (PTMA) is reported to activate the transcription of IDO1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1. As a result, the interaction between PTMA and IDO1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1. DME0173 DME___ID DME0173 DME0173 DME_NAME Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) DME0173 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Rat islets cell DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-TPH1 interaction DME0173 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the TPH1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and TPH1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1. DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear TF factor Y beta (NFYB) DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFYB-TPH1 interaction DME0173 UNIPROID NFYB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear TF factor Y beta (NFYB) is reported to activate the transcription of TPH1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1. As a result, the interaction between NFYB and TPH1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1. DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN PROTNAME Achaete-scute homolog 1 (ASCL1) DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pancreatic endocrine tumour [ICD-11: 2E92] DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN CELLLINE BON1 cell line DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASCL1-TPH1 interaction DME0173 UNIPROID ASCL1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Achaete-scute homolog 1 (ASCL1) is reported to repress the transcription of TPH1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1. As a result, the interaction between ASCL1 and TPH1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1. DME0174 DME___ID DME0174 DME0174 DME_NAME Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) DME0174 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE RN46A cells DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-TPH2 interaction DME0174 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the TPH2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and TPH2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2. DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN PROTNAME X2 box repressor (REST) DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN CELLLINE C6-glioma cell line DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN PPI_SUMM REST-TPH2 interaction DME0174 UNIPROID REST_HUMAN DESCRIPT X2 box repressor (REST) is reported to activate the transcription of TPH2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2. As a result, the interaction between REST and TPH2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2. DME0183 DME___ID DME0183 DME0183 DME_NAME Methionine adenosyltransferase II beta (MAT2B) DME0183 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 PROTNAME hsa-miR-21-3p DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-21-3p--MAT2B regulation DME0183 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-21-3p is reported to suppress MAT2B mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAT2B mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Methionine adenosyltransferase II beta. DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Cos-1 and Jurkat human leukemic T cell lines DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-MAT2B interaction DME0183 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of MAT2B gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Methionine adenosyltransferase II beta. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and MAT2B can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Methionine adenosyltransferase II beta. DME0189 DME___ID DME0189 DME0189 DME_NAME S-adenosylmethionine synthase 1 (MAT1A) DME0189 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-MAT1A interaction DME0189 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the MAT1A gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and MAT1A can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 1. DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 PROTNAME hsa-miR-485-3p DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 CELLLINE Hep3B and HepG2 cell lines DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-485-3p--MAT1A regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002176 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-485-3p is reported to suppress MAT1A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAT1A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 1. DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 PROTNAME hsa-miR-495-3p DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 CELLLINE Hep3B and HepG2 cell lines DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-495-3p--MAT1A regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002817 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-495-3p is reported to suppress MAT1A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAT1A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 1. DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 PROTNAME hsa-miR-664a-3p DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 CELLLINE Hep3B and HepG2 cell lines DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-664a-3p--MAT1A regulation DME0189 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005949 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-664a-3p is reported to suppress MAT1A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAT1A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 1. DME0190 DME___ID DME0190 DME0190 DME_NAME S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2 (MAT2A) DME0190 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human hepatocytes DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-MAT2A interaction DME0190 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the MAT2A gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and MAT2A can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 PROTNAME hsa-miR-21-3p DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-21-3p--MAT2A regulation DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-21-3p is reported to suppress MAT2A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAT2A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 PROTNAME hsa-miR-146b-3p DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 CELLLINE MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-146b-3p--MAT2A regulation DME0190 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004766 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-146b-3p is reported to suppress MAT2A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MAT2A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Myb (MYB) DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN CELLLINE HCC and HepG2 cell lines DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MYB-MAT2A interaction DME0190 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Myb (MYB) is reported to activate the transcription of MAT2A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between MYB and MAT2A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HCC and HepG2 cell lines DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-MAT2A interaction DME0190 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of MAT2A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and MAT2A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-MAT2A interaction DME0190 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of MAT2A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and MAT2A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-MAT2A interaction DME0190 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of MAT2A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between RELA and MAT2A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-MAT2A interaction DME0190 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to activate the transcription of MAT2A gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between JUN and MAT2A can activate the drug-metabolizing process of S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2. DME0191 DME___ID DME0191 DME0191 DME_NAME Folylpolyglutamate synthase (FPGS) DME0191 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE T-ALL cell line DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-FPGS interaction DME0191 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the FPGS gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Folylpolyglutamate synthase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and FPGS can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Folylpolyglutamate synthase. DME0194 DME___ID DME0194 DME0194 DME_NAME Choline phosphatase 1 (PLD1) DME0194 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 PROTNAME hsa-miR-638 DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 CELLLINE MKN-45 and SGC-7901 cell lines DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-638--PLD1 regulation DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003308 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-638 is reported to suppress PLD1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PLD1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Choline phosphatase 1. DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 PROTNAME hsa-miR-182-5p DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 CELLLINE MCF-7 and BT-474 cell lines DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-182-5p--PLD1 regulation DME0194 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000259 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-182-5p is reported to suppress PLD1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PLD1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Choline phosphatase 1. DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN PROTNAME Ras-related Ral-A (RALA) DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN CELLLINE Pansorbin cell line DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RALA-PLD1 heterooligomerization DME0194 UNIPROID RALA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Ras-related Ral-A (RALA) is reported to heterooligomerize with the PLD1 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Choline phosphatase 1. As a result, the interaction between RALA and PLD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Choline phosphatase 1. DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN PROTNAME CDC42 small effector 1 (CDC42SE1) DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN CELLLINE Sf9 insect cell line DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDC42SE1-PLD1 heterooligomerization DME0194 UNIPROID C42S1_HUMAN DESCRIPT CDC42 small effector 1 (CDC42SE1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the PLD1 gene, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Choline phosphatase 1. As a result, the interaction between CDC42SE1 and PLD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Choline phosphatase 1. DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor 4 (TCF4) DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Osteosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B51] DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN CELLLINE HOS cell line DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TCF4-PLD1 interaction DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor 4 (TCF4) is reported to activate the transcription of PLD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Choline phosphatase 1. As a result, the interaction between TCF4 and PLD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Choline phosphatase 1. DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN CELLLINE HCT116 and SW480 cell lines DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN CELLLINE SNU475 and SNU-C5 cell lines DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0194 UNIPROID ITF2_HUMAN CELLLINE MDA-MB 231; MDA-MB 361; SK-BR3 cell lines DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Catenin beta-1 (CTNNB1) DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Osteosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B51] DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN CELLLINE HOS cell line DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CTNNB1-PLD1 interaction DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Catenin beta-1 (CTNNB1) is reported to activate the transcription of PLD1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Choline phosphatase 1. As a result, the interaction between CTNNB1 and PLD1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Choline phosphatase 1. DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN CELLLINE HCT116 and SW480 cell lines DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN CELLLINE SNU475 and SNU-C5 cell lines DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0194 UNIPROID CTNB1_HUMAN CELLLINE MDA-MB 231; MDA-MB 361; SK-BR3 cell lines DME0195 DME___ID DME0195 DME0195 DME_NAME Phosphodiesterase 5A (PDE5A) DME0195 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN PROTNAME Octamer-binding protein 7 (POU3F2) DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Melanoma [ICD-11: 2C30] DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN CELLLINE WM266.4, A375P, A375M2, Skeml28, Skmel24, Colo829, Skeml5, Skmel13, MEL-HO, 501mel and 4599 cell lines DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM POU3F2-PDE5A interaction DME0195 UNIPROID PO3F2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Octamer-binding protein 7 (POU3F2) is reported to repress the transcription of PDE5A gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphodiesterase 5A. As a result, the interaction between POU3F2 and PDE5A can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphodiesterase 5A. DME0201 DME___ID DME0201 DME0201 DME_NAME Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (ALOX5) DME0201 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN CELLLINE HL-60, U937 and Mono Mac6 cell lines DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC2-ALOX5 interaction DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) is reported to deacetylate the ALOX5 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between HDAC2 and ALOX5 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN CELLLINE HL-60, U937 and Mono Mac6 cell lines DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC3-ALOX5 interaction DME0201 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is reported to deacetylate the ALOX5 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between HDAC3 and ALOX5 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PROTNAME hsa-miR-125b-5p DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 CELLLINE Mono Mac 6 cell line DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-125b-5p--ALOX5 regulation DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-125b-5p is reported to suppress ALOX5 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALOX5 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 PROTNAME hsa-miR-19a-3p DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 CELLLINE Mono Mac 6 cell line DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-19a-3p--ALOX5 regulation DME0201 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-19a-3p is reported to suppress ALOX5 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALOX5 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE MM6, HL-60 and U937 cell lines DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-ALOX5 interaction DME0201 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of ALOX5 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and ALOX5 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN PROTNAME Methyl-CpG-binding MBD1 (MBD1) DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN CELLLINE HL-60, U937 and Mono Mac6 cell lines DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MBD1-ALOX5 interaction DME0201 UNIPROID MBD1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Methyl-CpG-binding MBD1 (MBD1) is reported to repress the transcription of ALOX5 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between MBD1 and ALOX5 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 1 (EGR1) DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR1-ALOX5 interaction DME0201 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is reported to activate the transcription of ALOX5 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between EGR1 and ALOX5 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. DME0203 DME___ID DME0203 DME0203 DME_NAME Fatty acid desaturase 2 (FADS2) DME0203 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE HCC cell line DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HATs-FADS2 interaction DME0203 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are reported to acetylate the FADS2 gene and thereby activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Fatty acid desaturase 2. As a result, the interaction between HATs and FADS2 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Fatty acid desaturase 2. DME0206 DME___ID DME0206 DME0206 DME_NAME Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase gamma (FXYD2) DME0206 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN PROTNAME Dimerization cofactor of HNF1 (PCBD1) DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Hyperphenylalaninemia [ICD-11: 5C50] DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PCBD1-FXYD2 interaction DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN DESCRIPT Dimerization cofactor of HNF1 (PCBD1) is reported to repress the transcription of FXYD2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase gamma. As a result, the interaction between PCBD1 and FXYD2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase gamma. DME0206 UNIPROID PHS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Primapterinuria [ICD-11: 5C59] DME0207 DME___ID DME0207 DME0207 DME_NAME Proline dehydrogenase 1 (PRODH) DME0207 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 PROTNAME hsa-miR-23b-5p DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 CELLLINE 786-0, TK10 and UO31 cell lines DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-23b-5p--PRODH regulation DME0207 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004587 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-23b-5p is reported to suppress PRODH mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PRODH mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Proline dehydrogenase 1. DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Myc (MYC) DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Burkitt lymphoma [ICD-11: 1C62] DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN CELLLINE P493 cell line DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MYC-PRODH interaction DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Myc (MYC) is reported to repress the transcription of PRODH gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Proline dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between MYC and PRODH can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Proline dehydrogenase 1. DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0207 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN CELLLINE PC3 cell line DME0208 DME___ID DME0208 DME0208 DME_NAME Oleamide hydrolase 1 (FAAH) DME0208 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 3 (STAT3) DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN CELLLINE Human T lymphocytes DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT3-FAAH interaction DME0208 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 3 (STAT3) is reported to activate the transcription of FAAH gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Oleamide hydrolase 1. As a result, the interaction between STAT3 and FAAH can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Oleamide hydrolase 1. DME0212 DME___ID DME0212 DME0212 DME_NAME Acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACSS2) DME0212 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Human immunodeficiency virus infection [ICD-11: 1C60] DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human CD4+ T cells DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-ACSS2 interaction DME0212 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) are reported to hyper-methylate the ACSS2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acetyl-CoA synthetase. As a result, the interaction between HMTs and ACSS2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Acetyl-CoA synthetase. DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Human immunodeficiency virus infection [ICD-11: 1C60] DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human CD4+ T cells DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-ACSS2 interaction DME0212 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the ACSS2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acetyl-CoA synthetase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and ACSS2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Acetyl-CoA synthetase. DME0214 DME___ID DME0214 DME0214 DME_NAME Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH5A1) DME0214 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 PROTNAME hsa-miR-147b DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-147b--ALDH5A1 regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MI0005544 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-147b is reported to suppress ALDH5A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALDH5A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase. DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PROTNAME hsa-miR-210-3p DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-210-3p--ALDH5A1 regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-210-3p is reported to suppress ALDH5A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALDH5A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase. DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29a-3p DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 CELLLINE HepaRG cell line DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29a-3p--ALDH5A1 regulation DME0214 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29a-3p is reported to suppress ALDH5A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALDH5A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase. DME0216 DME___ID DME0216 DME0216 DME_NAME Putrescine acetyltransferase (SSAT1) DME0216 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor delta (PPARD) DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARD-SAT1 interaction DME0216 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor delta (PPARD) is reported to activate the transcription of SSAT1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Putrescine acetyltransferase. As a result, the interaction between PPARD and SSAT1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Putrescine acetyltransferase. DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARG-SAT1 interaction DME0216 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) is reported to activate the transcription of SSAT1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Putrescine acetyltransferase. As a result, the interaction between PPARG and SSAT1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Putrescine acetyltransferase. DME0221 DME___ID DME0221 DME0221 DME_NAME Dihydrotestosterone oxidoreductase (HSD3B1) DME0221 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cell line DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-HSD3B1 interaction DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD3B1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydrotestosterone oxidoreductase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and HSD3B1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Dihydrotestosterone oxidoreductase. DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0221 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Adrenal cortex adenocarcinoma SW13 cell line DME0222 DME___ID DME0222 DME0222 DME_NAME Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type (HSD3B2) DME0222 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 5 A2 (NR5A2) DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN CELLLINE HEC-1A cell line DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A2-HSD3B2 interaction DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 5 A2 (NR5A2) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD3B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. As a result, the interaction between NR5A2 and HSD3B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometrial cancer [ICD-11: 2C76] DME0222 UNIPROID NR5A2_HUMAN CELLLINE Ishikawa cell line DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcriptional repressor YY1 (YY1) DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCap cell line DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM YY1-HSD3B2 interaction DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcriptional repressor YY1 (YY1) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD3B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. As a result, the interaction between YY1 and HSD3B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Adrenocortical carcinoma [ICD-11: 2D11] DME0222 UNIPROID TYY1_HUMAN CELLLINE SW-13 cell line DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE HEC-1A cell line DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR5A1-HSD3B2 interaction DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD3B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. As a result, the interaction between NR5A1 and HSD3B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometrial cancer [ICD-11: 2C76] DME0222 UNIPROID STF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Ishikawa cell line DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 4 A1 (NR4A1) DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pituitary adenoma [ICD-11: 2F37] DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN CELLLINE H295R adrenocortical cell line DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR4A1-HSD3B2 interaction DME0222 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 4 A1 (NR4A1) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD3B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. As a result, the interaction between NR4A1 and HSD3B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Beta-HSD adrenal and gonadal type. DME0223 DME___ID DME0223 DME0223 DME_NAME Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT1) DME0223 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldehyde dehydrogenase 16A1 (ALDH16A1) DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Hetero-oligomerization DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN CELLLINE SH-SY5Y cell line DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ALDH16A1-HPRT1 heterooligomerization DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Aldehyde dehydrogenase 16A1 (ALDH16A1) is reported to heterooligomerize with the HPRT1 protein, which leads to an increased activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase. As a result, the interaction between ALDH16A1 and HPRT1 can facilitate the drug-metabolizing process of Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase. DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0223 UNIPROID A16A1_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0224 DME___ID DME0224 DME0224 DME_NAME HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR) DME0224 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 PROTNAME hsa-miR-27a-3p DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 CELLLINE Huh7 cell line DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-27a-3p--HMGCR regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000084 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-27a-3p is reported to suppress HMGCR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HMGCR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29a-3p DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29a-3p--HMGCR regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29a-3p is reported to suppress HMGCR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HMGCR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29b-3p DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29b-3p--HMGCR regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29b-3p is reported to suppress HMGCR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HMGCR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29c-3p DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29c-3p--HMGCR regulation DME0224 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29c-3p is reported to suppress HMGCR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HMGCR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN PROTNAME Sterol element-binding 2 (SREBF2) DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gallstone disease [ICD-11: DC11] DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN CELLLINE Gallstone disease liver tissue DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SREBF2-HMGCR interaction DME0224 UNIPROID SRBP2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Sterol element-binding 2 (SREBF2) is reported to activate the transcription of HMGCR gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. As a result, the interaction between SREBF2 and HMGCR can activate the drug-metabolizing process of HMG-CoA reductase. DME0225 DME___ID DME0225 DME0225 DME_NAME Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (PLA2G4A) DME0225 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human neuroblastoma cells SH-SY5Y DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-PLA2G4A interaction DME0225 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the PLA2G4A gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytosolic phospholipase A2. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and PLA2G4A can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytosolic phospholipase A2. DME0227 DME___ID DME0227 DME0227 DME_NAME Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1 (CYP26A1) DME0227 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Embryonic stem cell DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC1-CYP26A1 interaction DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) is reported to deacetylate the CYP26A1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC1 and CYP26A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1. DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN CELLLINE Embryonic stem cell DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC2-CYP26A1 interaction DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) is reported to deacetylate the CYP26A1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC2 and CYP26A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1. DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN CELLLINE Embryonic stem cell DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC3-CYP26A1 interaction DME0227 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is reported to deacetylate the CYP26A1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC3 and CYP26A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase 26A1. DME0230 DME___ID DME0230 DME0230 DME_NAME Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase (ACP5) DME0230 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN PROTNAME Microphthalmia-associated TF (MITF) DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN CELLLINE NIH 3T3 and COS-7 cell lines DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MITF-ACP5 interaction DME0230 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN DESCRIPT Microphthalmia-associated TF (MITF) is reported to activate the transcription of ACP5 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase. As a result, the interaction between MITF and ACP5 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase. DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor PU.1 (SPI1) DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN CELLLINE NIH 3T3 cell line DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SPI1-ACP5 interaction DME0230 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor PU.1 (SPI1) is reported to activate the transcription of ACP5 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase. As a result, the interaction between SPI1 and ACP5 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase. DME0233 DME___ID DME0233 DME0233 DME_NAME Aldo-keto reductase 1C2 (AKR1C2) DME0233 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 PROTNAME hsa-miR-193b-3p DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-193b-3p--AKR1C2 regulation DME0233 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002819 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-193b-3p is reported to suppress AKR1C2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of AKR1C2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldo-keto reductase 1C2. DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN PROTNAME Twist-related 1 (TWIST1) DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN CELLLINE SGC-7901, HGC-27, MGC-803 and BGC-823 cell lines DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TWIST1-AKR1C2 interaction DME0233 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Twist-related 1 (TWIST1) is reported to activate the transcription of AKR1C2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldo-keto reductase 1C2. As a result, the interaction between TWIST1 and AKR1C2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aldo-keto reductase 1C2. DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN PROTNAME Twist-related 2 (TWIST2) DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN CELLLINE SGC-7901, HGC-27, MGC-803 and BGC-823 cell lines DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TWIST2-AKR1C2 interaction DME0233 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Twist-related 2 (TWIST2) is reported to activate the transcription of AKR1C2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldo-keto reductase 1C2. As a result, the interaction between TWIST2 and AKR1C2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Aldo-keto reductase 1C2. DME0246 DME___ID DME0246 DME0246 DME_NAME Lactoperoxidase (LPO) DME0246 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-LPO interaction DME0246 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the LPO gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Lactoperoxidase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and LPO can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Lactoperoxidase. DME0286 DME___ID DME0286 DME0286 DME_NAME Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) DME0286 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-ALDH1 interaction DME0286 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the ALDH1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and ALDH1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 PROTNAME hsa-miR-140-5p DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 HPPI_DIS Ductal carcinoma in situ [ICD-11: 2E65] DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 CELLLINE SUM225CWN and SUM102PT cell lines DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-140-5p--ALDH1A1 regulation DME0286 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000431 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-140-5p is reported to suppress ALDH1A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of ALDH1A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Retinal dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1A1) DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pancreatic adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C10] DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN CELLLINE BxPC3, Panc1, and HEK293 cell lines DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ALDH1A1-ALDH1A1 homotetramerization DME0286 UNIPROID AL1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Retinal dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1A1) is reported to homotetramerize with the ALDH1 protein, which leads to a suppressed activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between ALDH1A1 and ALDH1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN PROTNAME Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN CELLLINE SKOV3 cell line DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EZH2-ALDH1A1 interaction DME0286 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is reported to repress the transcription of ALDH1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between EZH2 and ALDH1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. DME0287 DME___ID DME0287 DME0287 DME_NAME Retinal dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH1A2) DME0287 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN PROTNAME Stem cell protein (TAL1) DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2A90] DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN CELLLINE T-ALL cell line DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TAL1-ALDH1A2 interaction DME0287 UNIPROID TAL1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Stem cell protein (TAL1) is reported to activate the transcription of ALDH1A2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Retinal dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between TAL1 and ALDH1A2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Retinal dehydrogenase 2. DME0308 DME___ID DME0308 DME0308 DME_NAME Glutathione S-transferase mu-1 (GSTM1) DME0308 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma [ICD-11: 2B01] DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE T cells from 39 pre/post-treatment peripheral blood samples DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HATs-GSTM1 interaction DME0308 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are reported to acetylate the GSTM1 gene and thereby activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase mu-1. As a result, the interaction between HATs and GSTM1 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase mu-1. DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Myb (MYB) DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN CELLLINE Estrogen-regulated Myb-transformed cell line DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MYB-GSTM1 interaction DME0308 UNIPROID MYB_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Myb (MYB) is reported to activate the transcription of GSTM1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutathione S-transferase mu-1. As a result, the interaction between MYB and GSTM1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutathione S-transferase mu-1. DME0384 DME___ID DME0384 DME0384 DME_NAME Sulfotransferase 2B1 (SULT2B1) DME0384 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Immortalized human keratinocytes DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-SULT2B1 interaction DME0384 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the SULT2B1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sulfotransferase 2B1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and SULT2B1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Sulfotransferase 2B1. DME0403 DME___ID DME0403 DME0403 DME_NAME Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (ALOX15) DME0403 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE SH-SY5Y cell line DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-ALOX15 interaction DME0403 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the ALOX15 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and ALOX15 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor PU.1 (SPI1) DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SPI1-ALOX15 interaction DME0403 UNIPROID SPI1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor PU.1 (SPI1) is reported to activate the transcription of ALOX15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between SPI1 and ALOX15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 6 (STAT6) DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT6-ALOX15 interaction DME0403 UNIPROID STAT6_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 6 (STAT6) is reported to activate the transcription of ALOX15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between STAT6 and ALOX15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN PROTNAME CREB-binding protein (CREBBP) DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CREBBP-ALOX15 interaction DME0403 UNIPROID CBP_HUMAN DESCRIPT CREB-binding protein (CREBBP) is reported to activate the transcription of ALOX15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between CREBBP and ALOX15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN PROTNAME His-acetyltransferase p300 (EP300) DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EP300-ALOX15 interaction DME0403 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN DESCRIPT His-acetyltransferase p300 (EP300) is reported to activate the transcription of ALOX15 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. As a result, the interaction between EP300 and ALOX15 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. DME0408 DME___ID DME0408 DME0408 DME_NAME Arsenite methyltransferase (AS3MT) DME0408 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-AS3MT interaction DME0408 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) are reported to hyper-methylate the AS3MT gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Arsenite methyltransferase. As a result, the interaction between HMTs and AS3MT can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Arsenite methyltransferase. DME0409 DME___ID DME0409 DME0409 DME_NAME Carbonic anhydrase II (CA2) DME0409 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute myeloid leukemia [ICD-11: 2A60] DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Erythroleukemia cell line HD3 DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CA2 interaction DME0409 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CA2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Carbonic anhydrase II. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CA2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Carbonic anhydrase II. DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 PROTNAME hsa-miR-23b-3p DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 CELLLINE Hepatocellular carcinoma cells DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-23b-3p--CA2 regulation DME0409 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000418 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-23b-3p is reported to suppress CA2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CA2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Carbonic anhydrase II. DME0410 DME___ID DME0410 DME0410 DME_NAME Serine sulfhydrase (CBS) DME0410 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear TF factor Y alpha (NFYA) DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN CELLLINE HT1080 cell line DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFYA-CBS interaction DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear TF factor Y alpha (NFYA) is reported to activate the transcription of CBS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serine sulfhydrase. As a result, the interaction between NFYA and CBS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Serine sulfhydrase. DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0410 UNIPROID NFYA_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0411 DME___ID DME0411 DME0411 DME_NAME Microsomal cytochrome MCB5 (CYB5A) DME0411 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 PROTNAME hsa-miR-223-3p DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-223-3p--CYB5A regulation DME0411 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000280 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-223-3p is reported to suppress CYB5A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYB5A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Microsomal cytochrome MCB5. DME0413 DME___ID DME0413 DME0413 DME_NAME Delta(24)-sterol reductase (DHCR24) DME0413 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 and RzM6 cell lines DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-DHCR24 interaction DME0413 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of DHCR24 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Delta(24)-sterol reductase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and DHCR24 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Delta(24)-sterol reductase. DME0414 DME___ID DME0414 DME0414 DME_NAME Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR1 (DHRS3) DME0414 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN PROTNAME Retinol dehydrogenase 10 (RDH10) DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Oligomerization DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Homo-oligomerization DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Reduction of retinaldehyde (Metabolic product: Retinol) DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN CELLLINE Human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293) DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RDH10-DHRS3 homooligomerization DME0414 UNIPROID RDH10_HUMAN DESCRIPT Retinol dehydrogenase 10 (RDH10) is reported to homooligomerize with the DHRS3 protein, which leads to activation of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR1. As a result, the interaction between RDH10 and DHRS3 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR1. DME0416 DME___ID DME0416 DME0416 DME_NAME Friedreich ataxia protein (FXN) DME0416 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse Model DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-FXN interaction DME0416 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the FXN gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and FXN can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 PROTNAME hsa-miR-124-3p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-124-3p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-124-3p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 PROTNAME hsa-miR-1270 DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-1270--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0005924 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-1270 is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 PROTNAME hsa-miR-299-3p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-299-3p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000687 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-299-3p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 PROTNAME hsa-miR-506-3p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-506-3p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-506-3p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 PROTNAME hsa-miR-522-3p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-522-3p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-522-3p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 PROTNAME hsa-miR-559 DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-559--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003223 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-559 is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 PROTNAME hsa-miR-589-5p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-589-5p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004799 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-589-5p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 PROTNAME hsa-miR-620 DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-620--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003289 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-620 is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 PROTNAME hsa-miR-624-3p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 HPPI_DIS Friedreich's ataxia [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 CELLLINE Friedreich's ataxia cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-624-3p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004807 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-624-3p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 PROTNAME hsa-miR-145-5p DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 HPPI_DIS Congenital heart disease [ICD-11: LA8Z] DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 CELLLINE Congenital heart disease cells DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-145-5p--FXN regulation DME0416 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000437 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-145-5p is reported to suppress FXN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FXN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Friedreich ataxia protein. DME0418 DME___ID DME0418 DME0418 DME_NAME Glutamine synthetase (GLUL) DME0418 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29a-3p DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 HPPI_DIS Irritable bowel syndrome [ICD-11: DD91] DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 CELLLINE Irritable Bowel Syndrome cell line DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29a-3p--GLUL regulation DME0418 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29a-3p is reported to suppress GLUL mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GLUL mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamine synthetase. DME0419 DME___ID DME0419 DME0419 DME_NAME Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2 (HSD11B2) DME0419 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Rodent model DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-HSD11B2 interaction DME0419 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 36 trimethylation of HSD11B2 gene is reported to activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and HSD11B2 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE SW620 cell line DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-HSD11B2 interaction DME0419 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD11B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and HSD11B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE SW620 cell line DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-HSD11B2 interaction DME0419 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD11B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between RELA and HSD11B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PROTNAME Early growth response 1 (EGR1) DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN CELLLINE SW620 cell line DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EGR1-HSD11B2 interaction DME0419 UNIPROID EGR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Early growth response 1 (EGR1) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD11B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between EGR1 and HSD11B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor delta (PPARD) DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN CELLLINE Placental trophoblast cell line DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARD-HSD11B2 interaction DME0419 UNIPROID PPARD_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor delta (PPARD) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD11B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between PPARD and HSD11B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0420 DME___ID DME0420 DME0420 DME_NAME Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1 (HSD17B1) DME0420 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Polycystic ovary syndrome [ICD-11: 5A80] DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Primary bovine theca (TC) and granulosa (GC) cells DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-HSD17B1 interaction DME0420 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the HSD17B1 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and HSD17B1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PROTNAME hsa-miR-210-3p DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 HPPI_DIS Preeclampsia [ICD-11: JA24] DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 CELLLINE Preeclampsia cells DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-210-3p--HSD17B1 regulation DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-210-3p is reported to suppress HSD17B1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HSD17B1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 PROTNAME hsa-miR-518c-3p DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 HPPI_DIS Preeclampsia [ICD-11: JA24] DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 CELLLINE Preeclampsia cells DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-518c-3p--HSD17B1 regulation DME0420 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002848 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-518c-3p is reported to suppress HSD17B1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HSD17B1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Choriocarcinoma cell line DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-HSD17B1 interaction DME0420 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD17B1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and HSD17B1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN PROTNAME GATA-binding factor 3 (GATA3) DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN CELLLINE Choriocarcinoma cell line DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA3-HSD17B1 interaction DME0420 UNIPROID GATA3_HUMAN DESCRIPT GATA-binding factor 3 (GATA3) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD17B1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between GATA3 and HSD17B1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN CELLLINE Choriocarcinoma cell line DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2A-HSD17B1 interaction DME0420 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD17B1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2A and HSD17B1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1. DME0422 DME___ID DME0422 DME0422 DME_NAME Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2 (HSD17B2) DME0422 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometrial cancer [ICD-11: 2C76] DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Ishikawa and RL95-2 cell lines DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-HSD17B2 interaction DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD17B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and HSD17B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometrial epithelial cell line DME0422 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD17B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and HSD17B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN PROTNAME Retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometrial cancer [ICD-11: 2C76] DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN CELLLINE Ishikawa and RL95-2 cell lines DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RARA-HSD17B2 interaction DME0422 UNIPROID RARA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD17B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between RARA and HSD17B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN PROTNAME Retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRA) DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometrial cancer [ICD-11: 2C76] DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN CELLLINE Ishikawa and RL95-2 cell lines DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RXRA-HSD17B2 interaction DME0422 UNIPROID RXRA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRA) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD17B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between RXRA and HSD17B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp2 (SP2) DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Endometrial cancer [ICD-11: 2C76] DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN CELLLINE Ishikawa and RL95-2 cell lines DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP2-HSD17B2 interaction DME0422 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp2 (SP2) is reported to repress the transcription of HSD17B2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between SP2 and HSD17B2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN CELLLINE Human endometrial epithelial cell line DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP3-HSD17B2 interaction DME0422 UNIPROID SP3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp3 (SP3) is reported to activate the transcription of HSD17B2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. As a result, the interaction between SP3 and HSD17B2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 2. DME0425 DME___ID DME0425 DME0425 DME_NAME Methylsterol monooxygenase 1 (MSMO1) DME0425 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 PROTNAME hsa-miR-19a-3p DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-19a-3p--MSMO1 regulation DME0425 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000073 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-19a-3p is reported to suppress MSMO1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MSMO1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Methylsterol monooxygenase 1. DME0429 DME___ID DME0429 DME0429 DME_NAME Prostaglandin reductase 1 (PTGR1) DME0429 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 PROTNAME hsa-miR-522-3p DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 CELLLINE MDA-MB-231 cell line DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-522-3p--PTGR1 regulation DME0429 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002868 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-522-3p is reported to suppress PTGR1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGR1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin reductase 1. DME0430 DME___ID DME0430 DME0430 DME_NAME Tyrosine-protein phosphatase STS1/TULA2 (UBASH3B) DME0430 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 PROTNAME hsa-miR-200a-3p DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 CELLLINE Triple-negative breast cancer cells DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-200a-3p--UBASH3B regulation DME0430 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000682 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-200a-3p is reported to suppress UBASH3B mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of UBASH3B mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tyrosine-protein phosphatase STS1/TULA2. DME0437 DME___ID DME0437 DME0437 DME_NAME Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) DME0437 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 PROTNAME hsa-miR-133a-3p DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 CELLLINE PC3 and DU145 cell lines DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-133a-3p--PNP regulation DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000427 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-133a-3p is reported to suppress PNP mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PNP mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Purine nucleoside phosphorylase. DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 PROTNAME hsa-miR-1-3p DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 CELLLINE PC3 and DU145 cell lines DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-1-3p--PNP regulation DME0437 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000416 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-1-3p is reported to suppress PNP mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PNP mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Purine nucleoside phosphorylase. DME0442 DME___ID DME0442 DME0442 DME_NAME Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 1 (DRP1) DME0442 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 PROTNAME hsa-miR-187-3p DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 CELLLINE Hs-746T cell line DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-187-3p--CRMP1 regulation DME0442 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000262 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-187-3p is reported to suppress CRMP1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CRMP1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 1. DME0446 DME___ID DME0446 DME0446 DME_NAME Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) DME0446 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell line DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HIF1A-ACE2 interaction DME0446 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) is reported to repress the transcription of ACE2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. As a result, the interaction between HIF1A and ACE2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. DME0447 DME___ID DME0447 DME0447 DME_NAME Acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase (LIPA) DME0447 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PROTNAME hsa-miR-125b-5p DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 HPPI_DIS Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia [ICD-11: 2A82] DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 CELLLINE MEC1 and MEC2 cell lines DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-125b-5p--LIPA regulation DME0447 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-125b-5p is reported to suppress LIPA mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of LIPA mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase. DME0451 DME___ID DME0451 DME0451 DME_NAME Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) DME0451 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hepatocyte NF 3-beta (FOXA2) DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN CELLLINE Thyroid cell line DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOXA2-TPO interaction DME0451 UNIPROID FOXA2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Hepatocyte NF 3-beta (FOXA2) is reported to activate the transcription of TPO gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thyroid peroxidase. As a result, the interaction between FOXA2 and TPO can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Thyroid peroxidase. DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription release 2 (TTF2) DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN CELLLINE Thyroid cell line DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TTF2-TPO interaction DME0451 UNIPROID TTF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription release 2 (TTF2) is reported to activate the transcription of TPO gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Thyroid peroxidase. As a result, the interaction between TTF2 and TPO can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Thyroid peroxidase. DME0456 DME___ID DME0456 DME0456 DME_NAME Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase (UMPK) DME0456 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 PROTNAME hsa-miR-130b-3p DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 CELLLINE OVCAR-3 and SK-OV-3 cell lines DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-130b-3p--CMPK1 regulation DME0456 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-130b-3p is reported to suppress CMPK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CMPK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase. DME0457 DME___ID DME0457 DME0457 DME_NAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME0457 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN PROTNAME Gu-binding protein (PIAS1) DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN CELLLINE HCT116 cell line DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PIAS1-SI interaction DME0457 UNIPROID PIAS1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Gu-binding protein (PIAS1) is reported to activate the transcription of SI gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal. As a result, the interaction between PIAS1 and SI can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal. DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor GATA-4 (GATA4) DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN CELLLINE HCT116 cell line DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATA4-SI interaction DME0457 UNIPROID GATA4_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor GATA-4 (GATA4) is reported to activate the transcription of SI gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal. As a result, the interaction between GATA4 and SI can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal. DME0459 DME___ID DME0459 DME0459 DME_NAME Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (IDO2) DME0459 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN PROTNAME Prothymosin alpha (PTMA) DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Aplastic anemia [ICD-11: 3A70] DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN CELLLINE Mesenchymal stem cell line DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PTMA-IDO2 interaction DME0459 UNIPROID PTMA_HUMAN DESCRIPT Prothymosin alpha (PTMA) is reported to activate the transcription of IDO2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2. As a result, the interaction between PTMA and IDO2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2. DME0461 DME___ID DME0461 DME0461 DME_NAME Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1 (P4HA1) DME0461 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PROTNAME hsa-miR-122-5p DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 CELLLINE Hepatic stellate cells DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-122-5p--P4HA1 regulation DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-122-5p is reported to suppress P4HA1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of P4HA1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 PROTNAME hsa-miR-30e-5p DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-30e-5p--P4HA1 regulation DME0461 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000692 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-30e-5p is reported to suppress P4HA1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of P4HA1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 2 (USF2) DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa and Human aortic vascular smooth muscle cell lines DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF2-P4HA1 interaction DME0461 UNIPROID USF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 2 (USF2) is reported to activate the transcription of P4HA1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. As a result, the interaction between USF2 and P4HA1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa and Human aortic vascular smooth muscle cell lines DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF1-P4HA1 interaction DME0461 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) is reported to activate the transcription of P4HA1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. As a result, the interaction between USF1 and P4HA1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human aortic smooth muscle cell line DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-P4HA1 interaction DME0461 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of P4HA1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and P4HA1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha-1. DME0462 DME___ID DME0462 DME0462 DME_NAME HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 2 (EGLN1) DME0462 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 PROTNAME hsa-miR-21-5p DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 CELLLINE HK-2 cell line DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-21-5p--EGLN1 regulation DME0462 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-21-5p is reported to suppress EGLN1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of EGLN1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 2. DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN PROTNAME SIR2-like protein 1 (SIRT1) DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SIRT1-EGLN1 interaction DME0462 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT SIR2-like protein 1 (SIRT1) is reported to repress the transcription of EGLN1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 2. As a result, the interaction between SIRT1 and EGLN1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 2. DME0465 DME___ID DME0465 DME0465 DME_NAME UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase (UGDH) DME0465 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-UGDH interaction DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of UGDH gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and UGDH can activate the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase. DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0465 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HeLa cell line DME0484 DME___ID DME0484 DME0484 DME_NAME Sphingosine kinase 1 (SPHK1) DME0484 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PROTNAME hsa-miR-125b-5p DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 CELLLINE T24 cell line DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-125b-5p--SPHK1 regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-125b-5p is reported to suppress SPHK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SPHK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sphingosine kinase 1. DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 PROTNAME hsa-miR-506-3p DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 HPPI_DIS Pancreatic adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C10] DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 CELLLINE AsPC-1 and PANC-1 cell lines DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-506-3p--SPHK1 regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002878 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-506-3p is reported to suppress SPHK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SPHK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sphingosine kinase 1. DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 PROTNAME hsa-miR-659-3p DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 CELLLINE LOVO and HT29 cell lines DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-659-3p--SPHK1 regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003337 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-659-3p is reported to suppress SPHK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SPHK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sphingosine kinase 1. DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 PROTNAME hsa-miR-124-3p DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 HPPI_DIS Melanoma [ICD-11: 2C30] DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 CELLLINE A375 and SKMEL-1 cell lines DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-124-3p--SPHK1 regulation DME0484 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-124-3p is reported to suppress SPHK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SPHK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sphingosine kinase 1. DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN PROTNAME Protein BTG2 (BTG2) DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN CELLLINE PC3, LNCaP and DU145 cell lines DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM BTG2-SPHK1 interaction DME0484 UNIPROID BTG2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Protein BTG2 (BTG2) is reported to activate the transcription of SPHK1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Sphingosine kinase 1. As a result, the interaction between BTG2 and SPHK1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Sphingosine kinase 1. DME0485 DME___ID DME0485 DME0485 DME_NAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME0485 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Murine TAMH hepatocyte cell line DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-GCLC interaction DME0485 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the GCLC gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and GCLC can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 PROTNAME hsa-miR-433-5p DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-433-5p--GCLC regulation DME0485 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-433-5p is reported to suppress GCLC mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GCLC mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HL-60/ADR cell line DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-GCLC interaction DME0485 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of GCLC gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and GCLC can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor MTF-1 (MTF1) DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTF1-GCLC interaction DME0485 UNIPROID MTF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor MTF-1 (MTF1) is reported to activate the transcription of GCLC gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. As a result, the interaction between MTF1 and GCLC can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L2-GCLC interaction DME0485 UNIPROID NF2L2_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2) is reported to repress the transcription of GCLC gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L2 and GCLC can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic. DME0486 DME___ID DME0486 DME0486 DME_NAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME0486 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse Model DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-GCLM interaction DME0486 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the GCLM gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and GCLM can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory. DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 PROTNAME hsa-miR-433-5p DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 CELLLINE Human umbilical vein endothelial cell line DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-433-5p--GCLM regulation DME0486 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026554 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-433-5p is reported to suppress GCLM mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of GCLM mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory. DME0487 DME___ID DME0487 DME0487 DME_NAME Delta-aminolevulinate synthase 2 (ALAS2) DME0487 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE K562 cell line DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HATs-ALAS2 interaction DME0487 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are reported to acetylate the ALAS2 gene and thereby activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Delta-aminolevulinate synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between HATs and ALAS2 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Delta-aminolevulinate synthase 2. DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE K562 cell line DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HIF1A-ALAS2 interaction DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of ALAS2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Delta-aminolevulinate synthase 2. As a result, the interaction between HIF1A and ALAS2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Delta-aminolevulinate synthase 2. DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0487 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7 cell line DME0489 DME___ID DME0489 DME0489 DME_NAME Liver-type arginase (ARG1) DME0489 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PROTNAME Androgen receptor (AR) DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP, 22Rv1, DU145 and PC3 cell lines DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AR-ARG1 interaction DME0489 UNIPROID ANDR_HUMAN DESCRIPT Androgen receptor (AR) is reported to activate the transcription of ARG1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Liver-type arginase. As a result, the interaction between AR and ARG1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Liver-type arginase. DME0494 DME___ID DME0494 DME0494 DME_NAME Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) DME0494 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE SH-SY5Y cell line DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-IDE interaction DME0494 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the IDE gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Insulin-degrading enzyme. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and IDE can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Insulin-degrading enzyme. DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN PROTNAME NFE2-related factor 1 (NFE2L1) DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN CELLLINE NIH-3T3 and HeLa cell lines DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFE2L1-IDE interaction DME0494 UNIPROID NF2L1_HUMAN DESCRIPT NFE2-related factor 1 (NFE2L1) is reported to activate the transcription of IDE gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Insulin-degrading enzyme. As a result, the interaction between NFE2L1 and IDE can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Insulin-degrading enzyme. DME0495 DME___ID DME0495 DME0495 DME_NAME Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor 1 (PTP1B) DME0495 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PROTNAME hsa-miR-210-3p DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-210-3p--PTPN1 regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-210-3p is reported to suppress PTPN1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTPN1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor 1. DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PROTNAME hsa-miR-122-5p DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-122-5p--PTPN1 regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-122-5p is reported to suppress PTPN1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTPN1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor 1. DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 PROTNAME hsa-miR-362-3p DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 CELLLINE Colorectal cancer cells DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-362-3p--PTPN1 regulation DME0495 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004683 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-362-3p is reported to suppress PTPN1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTPN1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor 1. DME0496 DME___ID DME0496 DME0496 DME_NAME Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK1) DME0496 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hyperacetylation DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HATs-PCK1 interaction DME0496 UNIPROID HAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are reported to acetylate the PCK1 gene and thereby activate the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. As a result, the interaction between HATs and PCK1 can enhance the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC4-PCK1 interaction DME0496 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) is reported to deacetylate the PCK1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. As a result, the interaction between HDAC4 and PCK1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 PROTNAME hsa-miR-33b-5p DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-33b-5p--PCK1 regulation DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003301 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-33b-5p is reported to suppress PCK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PCK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 PROTNAME hsa-miR-26a-1-3p DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 CELLLINE Huh7 cell line DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-26a-1-3p--PCK1 regulation DME0496 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004499 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-26a-1-3p is reported to suppress PCK1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PCK1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 2 (ATF2) DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF2-PCK1 interaction DME0496 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 2 (ATF2) is reported to activate the transcription of PCK1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. As a result, the interaction between ATF2 and PCK1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-PCK1 interaction DME0496 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of PCK1 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and PCK1 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sterol element-binding 1 (SREBF1) DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SREBF1-PCK1 interaction DME0496 UNIPROID SRBP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Sterol element-binding 1 (SREBF1) is reported to repress the transcription of PCK1 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. As a result, the interaction between SREBF1 and PCK1 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. DME0497 DME___ID DME0497 DME0497 DME_NAME Red cell/liver pyruvate kinase (PKLR) DME0497 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 PROTNAME hsa-miR-338-3p DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 CELLLINE SMMC-7721 cell line DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-338-3p--PKLR regulation DME0497 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-338-3p is reported to suppress PKLR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PKLR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Red cell/liver pyruvate kinase. DME0506 DME___ID DME0506 DME0506 DME_NAME Factor inhibiting HIF-1 (HIF1AN) DME0506 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 PROTNAME hsa-miR-31-5p DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 CELLLINE Human corneal epithelial keratinocytes DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-31-5p--HIF1AN regulation DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000089 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-31-5p is reported to suppress HIF1AN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HIF1AN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Factor inhibiting HIF-1. DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 PROTNAME hsa-miR-24-1-5p DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 CELLLINE MCF-7 and BT-549 cell lines DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-24-1-5p--HIF1AN regulation DME0506 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000079 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-24-1-5p is reported to suppress HIF1AN mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HIF1AN mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Factor inhibiting HIF-1. DME0507 DME___ID DME0507 DME0507 DME_NAME HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 3 (EGLN3) DME0507 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PROTNAME hsa-miR-122-5p DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 CELLLINE Mahlavu and SK-HEP-1 cell lines DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-122-5p--EGLN3 regulation DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-122-5p is reported to suppress EGLN3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of EGLN3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 3. DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 PROTNAME hsa-miR-20a-5p DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 CELLLINE Cardiomyocytes DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-20a-5p--EGLN3 regulation DME0507 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000075 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-20a-5p is reported to suppress EGLN3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of EGLN3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme HIF-prolyl hydroxylase 3. DME0512 DME___ID DME0512 DME0512 DME_NAME Dinucleosidetriphosphatase (FHIT) DME0512 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PROTNAME hsa-miR-143-3p DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-143-3p--FHIT regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-143-3p is reported to suppress FHIT mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FHIT mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dinucleosidetriphosphatase. DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 PROTNAME hsa-miR-217 DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-217--FHIT regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MI0000293 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-217 is reported to suppress FHIT mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FHIT mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dinucleosidetriphosphatase. DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 PROTNAME hsa-miR-331-3p DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-331-3p--FHIT regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000760 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-331-3p is reported to suppress FHIT mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FHIT mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dinucleosidetriphosphatase. DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 PROTNAME hsa-miR-625-5p DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-625-5p--FHIT regulation DME0512 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0003294 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-625-5p is reported to suppress FHIT mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of FHIT mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dinucleosidetriphosphatase. DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor E2F1 (E2F1) DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN CELLLINE Fibroblasts DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM E2F1-FHIT interaction DME0512 UNIPROID E2F1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor E2F1 (E2F1) is reported to repress the transcription of FHIT gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dinucleosidetriphosphatase. As a result, the interaction between E2F1 and FHIT can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Dinucleosidetriphosphatase. DME0523 DME___ID DME0523 DME0523 DME_NAME Glucose-6-phosphatase beta (G6PC3) DME0523 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC4-G6PC3 interaction DME0523 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) is reported to deacetylate the G6PC3 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glucose-6-phosphatase beta. As a result, the interaction between HDAC4 and G6PC3 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Glucose-6-phosphatase beta. DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PROTNAME hsa-miR-122-5p DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 CELLLINE Mahlavu and SK-HEP-1 cell lines DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-122-5p--G6PC3 regulation DME0523 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-122-5p is reported to suppress G6PC3 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of G6PC3 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Glucose-6-phosphatase beta. DME0525 DME___ID DME0525 DME0525 DME_NAME Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase I (INPP4A) DME0525 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 PROTNAME hsa-miR-3127-5p DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 CELLLINE Hepatocellular carcinoma cells DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-3127-5p--INPP4A regulation DME0525 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0014990 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-3127-5p is reported to suppress INPP4A mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of INPP4A mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase I. DME0538 DME___ID DME0538 DME0538 DME_NAME Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 (CD38) DME0538 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Multiple myeloma [ICD-11: 2A83] DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Multiple myeloma cell line DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CD38 interaction DME0538 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CD38 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CD38 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1. DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 PROTNAME hsa-miR-140-3p DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 CELLLINE Airway smooth muscle cells DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-140-3p--CD38 regulation DME0538 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004597 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-140-3p is reported to suppress CD38 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CD38 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1. DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Myc (MYC) DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN CELLLINE EREB2-5 cell line DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MYC-CD38 interaction DME0538 UNIPROID MYC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Myc (MYC) is reported to activate the transcription of CD38 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1. As a result, the interaction between MYC and CD38 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1. DME0539 DME___ID DME0539 DME0539 DME_NAME Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 2 (NMNAT2) DME0539 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Melanoma [ICD-11: 2C30] DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE SK-MEL-3 cell line DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-NMNAT2 interaction DME0539 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the NMNAT2 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 2. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and NMNAT2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 2. DME0548 DME___ID DME0548 DME0548 DME_NAME Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (DDAH1) DME0548 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PROTNAME hsa-miR-210-3p DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-210-3p--DDAH1 regulation DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000267 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-210-3p is reported to suppress DDAH1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DDAH1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1. DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 PROTNAME hsa-miR-21-5p DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-21-5p--DDAH1 regulation DME0548 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-21-5p is reported to suppress DDAH1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of DDAH1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1. DME0561 DME___ID DME0561 DME0561 DME_NAME Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) DME0561 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 [ICD-11: 8A03] DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN CELLLINE SCA3 cell model and human brain tissue DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC3-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is reported to deacetylate the MMP2 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between HDAC3 and MMP2 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 PROTNAME hsa-miR-17-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 CELLLINE Hepatocellular carcinoma cells DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-17-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-17-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 PROTNAME hsa-miR-491-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 CELLLINE HepG2, MHCC97H and MHCC97L cell lines DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-491-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-491-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 PROTNAME hsa-miR-708-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 CELLLINE A172 and T98G cell lines DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-708-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004926 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-708-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29c-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 CELLLINE HGC-27, BGC-823, SGC-7901, MKN-25 and MGC-803 cell lines DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29c-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000681 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29c-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 PROTNAME hsa-miR-221-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 CELLLINE HuH28 and HuCCT1 cell lines DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-221-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000278 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-221-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 PROTNAME hsa-miR-106b-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 CELLLINE Breast cancer cells DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-106b-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000680 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-106b-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 PROTNAME hsa-miR-130b-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 CELLLINE M12 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-130b-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000691 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-130b-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 PROTNAME hsa-miR-519d-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 HPPI_DIS Choriocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C75] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 CELLLINE Human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-519d-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002853 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-519d-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29b-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29b-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29b-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 PROTNAME hsa-miR-218-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 CELLLINE U373 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-218-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000275 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-218-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 PROTNAME hsa-miR-302a-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 CELLLINE SW480 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-302a-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-302a-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 PROTNAME hsa-miR-203a-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 CELLLINE BT474 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-203a-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0031890 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-203a-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29a-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29a-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000086 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29a-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PROTNAME hsa-miR-143-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-143-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-143-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 PROTNAME hsa-miR-524-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 CELLLINE SGC-7901 and MGC-803 cell lines DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-524-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-524-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PROTNAME hsa-miR-125b-5p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 CELLLINE HaCaT cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-125b-5p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000423 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-125b-5p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 PROTNAME hsa-miR-451a DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 CELLLINE SGC-7901 cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-451a--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-451a is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 PROTNAME hsa-miR-520g-3p DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 CELLLINE HTR-8/SVneo cell line DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-520g-3p--MMP2 regulation DME0561 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002858 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-520g-3p is reported to suppress MMP2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 3 (STAT3) DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Pancreatic adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C10] DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN CELLLINE SW1990 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT3-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 3 (STAT3) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between STAT3 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PROTNAME ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE U87MG, U251MG, U373MG and LN18 cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HIF1A-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between HIF1A and MMP2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN CELLLINE CL1-5 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID HIF1A_HUMAN DESCRIPT ARNT-interacting protein (HIF1A) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between HIF1A and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE LN-18, LN-382, U87MG, U251MG, LN-444, SNB19, U118MG and LN-428 cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN PROTNAME Twist-related 1 (TWIST1) DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN CELLLINE T98G, SNB19, SF767 and U87MG cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TWIST1-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID TWST1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Twist-related 1 (TWIST1) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between TWIST1 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN PROTNAME Twist-related 2 (TWIST2) DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN CELLLINE T98G, SNB19, SF767 and U87MG cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TWIST2-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID TWST2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Twist-related 2 (TWIST2) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between TWIST2 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN PROTNAME Homeobox protein Hox-B7 (HOXB7) DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Multiple myeloma [ICD-11: 2A83] DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN CELLLINE Multiple myeloma cell line DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HOXB7-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID HXB7_HUMAN DESCRIPT Homeobox protein Hox-B7 (HOXB7) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between HOXB7 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE HT1080 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE HT1080 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between RELA and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN PROTNAME Tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN CELLLINE Human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TP53-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID P53_HUMAN DESCRIPT Tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between TP53 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 3 (ATF3) DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN CELLLINE HT1080 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF3-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID ATF3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 3 (ATF3) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between ATF3 and MMP2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN CELLLINE MKN-45 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF4-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID KLF4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between KLF4 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN PROTNAME Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 (HTATIP2) DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN CELLLINE A549, NCI-H460, SK-MES-1, LTEP-a-2 and H1299 cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HTATIP2-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID HTAI2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 (HTATIP2) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between HTATIP2 and MMP2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468 and MDA-MB-435 cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between JUN and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN PROTNAME Musculin (MSC) DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN CELLLINE MDA-MB-231 cell line DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MSC-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID MUSC_HUMAN DESCRIPT Musculin (MSC) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between MSC and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN PROTNAME Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN CELLLINE Cervical cancer cell line DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EZH2-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID EZH2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between EZH2 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1) DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Cervical cancer [ICD-11: 2C77] DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN CELLLINE SiHa cell line DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MZF1-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID MZF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between MZF1 and MMP2 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN PROTNAME Runt transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Thyroid cancer [ICD-11: 2D10] DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN CELLLINE WRO, TPC-1, KTC-1, 8505C, 8305C and TT cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RUNX2-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID RUNX2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Runt transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between RUNX2 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear receptor family 4 A1 (NR4A1) DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN CELLLINE HTR-8/SVneo cell line DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NR4A1-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID NR4A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear receptor family 4 A1 (NR4A1) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between NR4A1 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN PROTNAME Activating TF factor 2 (ATF2) DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF10A cell line DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ATF2-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID ATF2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Activating TF factor 2 (ATF2) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between ATF2 and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN PROTNAME Serum response factor (SRF) DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN CELLLINE WI-38 and IMR-90 cell lines DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SRF-MMP2 interaction DME0561 UNIPROID SRF_HUMAN DESCRIPT Serum response factor (SRF) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP2 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-2. As a result, the interaction between SRF and MMP2 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-2. DME0563 DME___ID DME0563 DME0563 DME_NAME Carboxypeptidase M (CPM) DME0563 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PROTNAME hsa-miR-146a-5p DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 CELLLINE HT-29 cell line DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-146a-5p--CPM regulation DME0563 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-146a-5p is reported to suppress CPM mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CPM mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Carboxypeptidase M. DME0564 DME___ID DME0564 DME0564 DME_NAME Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) DME0564 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE HT1080 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC1-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) is reported to deacetylate the MMP9 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between HDAC1 and MMP9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 PROTNAME hsa-miR-451a DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 CELLLINE A172, LN229 and U251 cell lines DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-451a--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001631 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-451a is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 PROTNAME hsa-miR-338-3p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 CELLLINE SK-HEP-1 and SMMC-7721 cell lines DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-338-3p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000763 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-338-3p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 PROTNAME hsa-miR-29b-3p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-29b-3p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000100 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-29b-3p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 PROTNAME hsa-miR-942-3p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 CELLLINE Metastatic renal cell carcinoma cells DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-942-3p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026734 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-942-3p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 PROTNAME hsa-let-7e-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 CELLLINE Adipose-derived stem cells DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 PPI_SUMM hsa-let-7e-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000066 DESCRIPT hsa-let-7e-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 PROTNAME hsa-miR-133b DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 CELLLINE 786-O and A498 cell lines DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-133b--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000770 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-133b is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 PROTNAME hsa-miR-133a-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 CELLLINE HepG2 and SMMC-7721 cell lines DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-133a-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0026478 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-133a-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 PROTNAME hsa-miR-15b-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 HPPI_DIS Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 CELLLINE U87 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-15b-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000417 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-15b-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 PROTNAME hsa-miR-302a-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 CELLLINE SW480 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-302a-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000683 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-302a-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 PROTNAME hsa-miR-132-3p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 CELLLINE HEK293 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-132-3p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000426 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-132-3p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PROTNAME hsa-miR-143-3p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-143-3p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000435 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-143-3p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 PROTNAME hsa-miR-524-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 CELLLINE SGC-7901 and MGC-803 cell lines DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-524-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002849 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-524-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 PROTNAME hsa-miR-491-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 HPPI_DIS Osteosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B51] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 CELLLINE Osteosarcoma cells DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-491-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0002807 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-491-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 PROTNAME hsa-miR-204-5p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 HPPI_DIS Melanoma [ICD-11: 2C30] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 CELLLINE A375 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-204-5p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000265 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-204-5p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 PROTNAME hsa-miR-9-3p DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 CELLLINE OVCAR-3 cell line DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-9-3p--MMP9 regulation DME0564 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000442 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-9-3p is reported to suppress MMP9 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of MMP9 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN CELLLINE H9c2 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOS-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between FOS and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468 and MDA-MB-435 cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN PPI_SUMM JUN-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between JUN and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN CELLLINE Vascular smooth muscle cell line DME0564 UNIPROID JUN_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor AP-1 (JUN) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between JUN and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN CELLLINE SW480 and KM12C cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2A-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID AP2A_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2-alpha (TFAP2A) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2A and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Vascular smooth muscle cell line DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor p65 (RELA) DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE Mono-Mac-6 and RAW264.7 monocyte/macrophage cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RELA-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between RELA and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Fibrosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B5J] DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN CELLLINE HT1080 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID TF65_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor p65 (RELA) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between RELA and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 5 (KLF5) DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN CELLLINE Caco-2 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF5-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 5 (KLF5) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between KLF5 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0564 UNIPROID KLF5_HUMAN CELLLINE HepG2, HuH7 and HLE cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia [ICD-11: 2A82] DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN CELLLINE B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell line DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT1-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID STAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 1-alpha/beta (STAT1) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between STAT1 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN PROTNAME MAD homolog 3 (SMAD3) DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN CELLLINE Mono-Mac-6 and RAW264.7 monocyte/macrophage cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SMAD3-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID SMAD3_HUMAN DESCRIPT MAD homolog 3 (SMAD3) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between SMAD3 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN PROTNAME SIR2-like protein 1 (SIRT1) DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD-11: 2B33] DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN CELLLINE U937 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SIRT1-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID SIR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT SIR2-like protein 1 (SIRT1) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between SIRT1 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN PROTNAME E74-like factor 3 (ELF3) DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B60] DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN CELLLINE HSC-3 and KB cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ELF3-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID ELF3_HUMAN DESCRIPT E74-like factor 3 (ELF3) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between ELF3 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN PROTNAME Runt transcription factor 3 (RUNX3) DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN CELLLINE SGC7901 and MKN28 cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM RUNX3-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID RUNX3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Runt transcription factor 3 (RUNX3) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between RUNX3 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN CELLLINE CT26 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP1-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID SP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between SP1 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN PROTNAME Protein C-ets-2 (ETS2) DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ETS2-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID ETS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Protein C-ets-2 (ETS2) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between ETS2 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN PROTNAME E74-like factor 4 (ELF4) DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN CELLLINE A549 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ELF4-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID ELF4_HUMAN DESCRIPT E74-like factor 4 (ELF4) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between ELF4 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 8 (KLF8) DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN CELLLINE MCF10A cell line DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF8-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID KLF8_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 8 (KLF8) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between KLF8 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN PROTNAME His-acetyltransferase p300 (EP300) DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN CELLLINE MDA-MB-231 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EP300-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID EP300_HUMAN DESCRIPT His-acetyltransferase p300 (EP300) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between EP300 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PROTNAME STAT 3 (STAT3) DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60-2C65] DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN CELLLINE MDA-MB-231 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM STAT3-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID STAT3_HUMAN DESCRIPT STAT 3 (STAT3) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between STAT3 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN PROTNAME Protein C-ets-1 (ETS1) DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Ovarian cancer [ICD-11: 2C73] DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN CELLLINE SKOV3 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ETS1-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID ETS1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Protein C-ets-1 (ETS1) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between ETS1 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN PROTNAME Zinc finger SNAI2 (SNAI2) DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN CELLLINE PC3, DU145, 22RV1, and LNCaP cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SNAI2-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Zinc finger SNAI2 (SNAI2) is reported to activate the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between SNAI2 and MMP9 can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN PROTNAME Prostate-specific Ets (SPDEF) DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN CELLLINE PC3, LNCaP and C4-2B cell lines DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SPDEF-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID SPDEF_HUMAN DESCRIPT Prostate-specific Ets (SPDEF) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between SPDEF and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Acute coronary syndrome [ICD-11: BA4Z] DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN CELLLINE Peripheral blood mononuclear cell line DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARG-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID PPARG_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor gamma (PPARG) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between PPARG and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN PROTNAME Krueppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN CELLLINE Blood outgrowth endothelial cell line DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KLF6-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID KLF6_HUMAN DESCRIPT Krueppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between KLF6 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transcription factor Sp2 (SP2) DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN CELLLINE Blood outgrowth endothelial cell line DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SP2-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID SP2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Transcription factor Sp2 (SP2) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between SP2 and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PROTNAME PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN CELLLINE hCMEC/D3 cell line DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PPARA-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID PPARA_HUMAN DESCRIPT PPA receptor alpha (PPARA) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between PPARA and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN PROTNAME I-kappa-B-kinase beta (IKBKB) DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN CELLLINE Human mesenchymal stem cell line DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM IKBKB-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID IKKB_HUMAN DESCRIPT I-kappa-B-kinase beta (IKBKB) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between IKBKB and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN PROTNAME MHC II transactivator (CIITA) DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN CELLLINE STAT-1-deficient U3A cell line DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CIITA-MMP9 interaction DME0564 UNIPROID C2TA_HUMAN DESCRIPT MHC II transactivator (CIITA) is reported to repress the transcription of MMP9 gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Matrix metalloproteinase-9. As a result, the interaction between CIITA and MMP9 can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Matrix metalloproteinase-9. DME0566 DME___ID DME0566 DME0566 DME_NAME Prostaglandin dehydrogenase 1 (HPGD) DME0566 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 PROTNAME hsa-miR-21-5p DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 CELLLINE CCLP1, SG231, HuCCT1 and TFK1 cell lines DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-21-5p--HPGD regulation DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000076 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-21-5p is reported to suppress HPGD mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HPGD mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin dehydrogenase 1. DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 PROTNAME hsa-miR-21-3p DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 HPPI_DIS Tongue squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B62] DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 CELLLINE UM1, UM2, SCC9 and Tca8113 cell lines DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-21-3p--HPGD regulation DME0566 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004494 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-21-3p is reported to suppress HPGD mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of HPGD mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin dehydrogenase 1. DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN PROTNAME Zinc finger SNAI2 (SNAI2) DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25] DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN CELLLINE NSCLC cell line DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SNAI2-HPGD interaction DME0566 UNIPROID SNAI2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Zinc finger SNAI2 (SNAI2) is reported to repress the transcription of HPGD gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin dehydrogenase 1. As a result, the interaction between SNAI2 and HPGD can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Prostaglandin dehydrogenase 1. DME0572 DME___ID DME0572 DME0572 DME_NAME Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase (PTGDS) DME0572 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PROTNAME Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Medulloblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.10] DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN CELLLINE TE671 cell line DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM USF1-PTGDS interaction DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) is reported to repress the transcription of PTGDS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. As a result, the interaction between USF1 and PTGDS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human brain-derived TE671 cell line DME0572 UNIPROID USF1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Upstream stimulatory 1 (USF1) is reported to activate the transcription of PTGDS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. As a result, the interaction between USF1 and PTGDS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor AP-2-beta (TFAP2B) DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Medulloblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.10] DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN CELLLINE TE671 cell line DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TFAP2B-PTGDS interaction DME0572 UNIPROID AP2B_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor AP-2-beta (TFAP2B) is reported to activate the transcription of PTGDS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. As a result, the interaction between TFAP2B and PTGDS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN PROTNAME TF factor HES-1 (HES1) DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Medulloblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.10] DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Repression DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN CELLLINE TE671 cell line DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HES1-PTGDS interaction DME0572 UNIPROID HES1_HUMAN DESCRIPT TF factor HES-1 (HES1) is reported to repress the transcription of PTGDS gene, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. As a result, the interaction between HES1 and PTGDS can repress the drug-metabolizing process of Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human chondrocytes DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NFKB1-PTGDS interaction DME0572 UNIPROID NFKB1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Nuclear factor kappa-B p105 (NFKB1) is reported to activate the transcription of PTGDS gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. As a result, the interaction between NFKB1 and PTGDS can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Lipocalin-type prostaglandin-D synthase. DME0573 DME___ID DME0573 DME0573 DME_NAME Cathepsin K (CTSK) DME0573 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN PROTNAME Microphthalmia-associated TF (MITF) DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN CELLLINE Renal cell carcinoma cell line DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MITF-CTSK interaction DME0573 UNIPROID MITF_HUMAN DESCRIPT Microphthalmia-associated TF (MITF) is reported to activate the transcription of CTSK gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cathepsin K. As a result, the interaction between MITF and CTSK can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Cathepsin K. DME0586 DME___ID DME0586 DME0586 DME_NAME Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR8 (DHRS9) DME0586 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Renal cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C90] DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) lines DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-DHRS9 interaction DME0586 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the DHRS9 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR8. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and DHRS9 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR8. DME0588 DME___ID DME0588 DME0588 DME_NAME Serine racemase (SRR) DME0588 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Neuroblastoma [ICD-11: 2A11] DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE Neuro-2a cell line DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-SRR interaction DME0588 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the SRR gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serine racemase. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and SRR can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Serine racemase. DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 PROTNAME hsa-miR-193a-5p DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 HPPI_DIS Osteosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B51] DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 CELLLINE MG63 cell line DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-193a-5p--SRR regulation DME0588 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0004614 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-193a-5p is reported to suppress SRR mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SRR mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serine racemase. DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PROTNAME Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Transcription-factor regulation DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Activation DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN CELLLINE HAPI, BV-2 and N9 cell lines DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FOS-SRR interaction DME0588 UNIPROID FOS_HUMAN DESCRIPT Proto-oncogene c-Fos (FOS) is reported to activate the transcription of SRR gene, which leads to an increased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Serine racemase. As a result, the interaction between FOS and SRR can activate the drug-metabolizing process of Serine racemase. DME0589 DME___ID DME0589 DME0589 DME_NAME Prostaglandin E synthase 2 (PTGES2) DME0589 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PROTNAME hsa-miR-146a-5p DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 CELLLINE Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-146a-5p--PTGES2 regulation DME0589 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000449 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-146a-5p is reported to suppress PTGES2 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of PTGES2 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Prostaglandin E synthase 2. DME0590 DME___ID DME0590 DME0590 DME_NAME Spermine oxidase (SMOX) DME0590 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 PROTNAME hsa-miR-124-3p DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 HPPI_DIS Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B71] DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 CELLLINE AGS cell line DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-124-3p--SMOX regulation DME0590 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000422 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-124-3p is reported to suppress SMOX mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of SMOX mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Spermine oxidase. DME0593 DME___ID DME0593 DME0593 DME_NAME Carboxypeptidase A4 (CPA4) DME0593 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE prostate cancer cells DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-CPA4 interaction DME0593 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the CPA4 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Carboxypeptidase A4. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and CPA4 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Carboxypeptidase A4. DME0608 DME___ID DME0608 DME0608 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 7B1 (CYP7B1) DME0608 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 PROTNAME hsa-miR-17-5p DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 HPPI_DIS Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B90] DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 CELLLINE DLD1 cell line DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-17-5p--CYP7B1 regulation DME0608 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000070 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-17-5p is reported to suppress CYP7B1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP7B1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7B1. DME0624 DME___ID DME0624 DME0624 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 7A1 (CYP7A1) DME0624 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Type II diabetic [ICD-11: 5A11] DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypermethylation DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN CELLLINE Humanized CYP7A1-transgenic mice DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HMTs-CYP7A1 interaction DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 9 dimethylation of CYP7A1 gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and CYP7A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0624 UNIPROID EHMT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The Histone 3 lysine 9 trimethylation of CYP7A1 gene is reported to repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. As a result, the interaction between Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and CYP7A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Health [ICD-11: N.A.] DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN CELLLINE Mouse Model DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC2-CYP7A1 interaction DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC2_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) s-nitrosylation is reported to deacetylate the CYP7A1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC2 and CYP7A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Type II diabetic [ICD-11: 5A11] DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN CELLLINE Humanized CYP7A1-transgenic mice DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC3-CYP7A1 interaction DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC3_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is reported to deacetylate the CYP7A1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC3 and CYP7A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Type II diabetic [ICD-11: 5A11] DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN CELLLINE Humanized CYP7A1-transgenic mice DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDAC4-CYP7A1 interaction DME0624 UNIPROID HDAC4_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) is reported to deacetylate the CYP7A1 gene and thereby represses the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. As a result, the interaction between HDAC4 and CYP7A1 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PROTNAME hsa-miR-122-5p DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-122-5p--CYP7A1 regulation DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0000421 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-122-5p is reported to suppress CYP7A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP7A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 PROTNAME hsa-miR-422a DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 HPPI_DIS Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12] DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 MOFCLASS Non-coding RNA regulation DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 MOFDETAI microRNA regulation DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 CELLLINE HepG2 cell line DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 PPI_SUMM hsa-miR-422a--CYP7A1 regulation DME0624 MIRNA_ID MIMAT0001339 DESCRIPT hsa-miR-422a is reported to suppress CYP7A1 mRNA translation by binding to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of CYP7A1 mRNA, which leads to a decreased expression of the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cytochrome P450 7A1. DME0640 DME___ID DME0640 DME0640 DME_NAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B11 (UGT2B11) DME0640 SPESNAME Homo sapiens DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PROTNAME Histone deacetylases (HDACs) DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN HPPI_DIS Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82] DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Histone modification DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Histone hypoacetylation DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN CELLLINE LNCaP cell line DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HDACs-UGT2B11 interaction DME0640 UNIPROID HDAC1_HUMAN DESCRIPT Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are reported to deacetylate the UGT2B11 gene and thereby repress the transcriptional activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B11. As a result, the interaction between HDACs and UGT2B11 can inhibit the drug-metabolizing process of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B11. DME1002 DME___ID DME1002 DME1002 DME_NAME Dipeptidase (pepV) DME1002 SPESNAME Lactococcus lactis DME1002 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1002 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1002 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1002 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Enalapril DME1002 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-pepV interaction DME1002 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Dipeptidase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug Enalapril, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1002 UNIPROID EST1_HUMAN PROTNAME Carboxylesterase 1 (CES1) DME1002 UNIPROID EST1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1002 UNIPROID EST1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1002 UNIPROID EST1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Enalapril DME1002 UNIPROID EST1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CES1-pepV interaction DME1002 UNIPROID EST1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Carboxylesterase 1 and Dipeptidase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug Enalapril, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1004 DME___ID DME1004 DME1004 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1004 SPESNAME Enterobacter cloacae DME1004 UNIPROID DPEP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Dehydropeptidase-I (DPEP1) DME1004 UNIPROID DPEP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1004 UNIPROID DPEP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1004 UNIPROID DPEP1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doripenem DME1004 UNIPROID DPEP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DPEP1-blaB interaction DME1004 UNIPROID DPEP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dehydropeptidase-I and Beta-lactamase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Doripenem, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1009 DME___ID DME1009 DME1009 DME_NAME Biphenyl dioxygenase (bphC) DME1009 SPESNAME Pseudomonas furukawaii DME1009 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1009 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1009 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1009 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flavone DME1009 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-bphC interaction DME1009 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Biphenyl dioxygenase from Pseudomonas furukawaii which collectively metabolize the drug Flavone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1012 DME___ID DME1012 DME1012 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1012 SPESNAME Bacteroides eggerthii DME1012 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1012 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1012 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1012 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1012 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1012 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides eggerthii which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1013 DME___ID DME1013 DME1013 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1013 SPESNAME Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus DME1013 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1013 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1013 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1013 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1013 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1013 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1014 DME___ID DME1014 DME1014 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1014 SPESNAME Acidaminococcus intestini DME1014 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1014 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1014 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1014 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1014 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1014 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Acidaminococcus intestini which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1015 DME___ID DME1015 DME1015 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1015 SPESNAME Fusobacterium mortiferum DME1015 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1015 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1015 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1015 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1015 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1015 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Fusobacterium mortiferum which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1016 DME___ID DME1016 DME1016 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1016 SPESNAME Prevotella melaninogenica DME1016 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1016 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1016 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1016 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1016 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1016 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella melaninogenica which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1017 DME___ID DME1017 DME1017 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1017 SPESNAME Odoribacter splanchnicus DME1017 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1017 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1017 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1017 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1017 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1017 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Odoribacter splanchnicus which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1018 DME___ID DME1018 DME1018 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1018 SPESNAME Prevotella oralis DME1018 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1018 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1018 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1018 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1018 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1018 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella oralis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1019 DME___ID DME1019 DME1019 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1019 SPESNAME Prevotella bivia DME1019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1019 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella bivia which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1020 DME___ID DME1020 DME1020 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1020 SPESNAME Acidaminococcus fermentans DME1020 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1020 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1020 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1020 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1020 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1020 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Acidaminococcus fermentans which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1021 DME___ID DME1021 DME1021 DME_NAME N-acylhomoserine lactone acylase (lacA) DME1021 SPESNAME Acidovorax ebreus DME1021 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1021 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1021 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-lacA interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and N-acylhomoserine lactone acylase from Acidovorax ebreus which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1021 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1021 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cefalexin DME1021 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-lacA interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and N-acylhomoserine lactone acylase from Acidovorax ebreus which collectively metabolize the drug Cefalexin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1021 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1021 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cefalexin DME1021 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-lacA interaction DME1021 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and N-acylhomoserine lactone acylase from Acidovorax ebreus which collectively metabolize the drug Cefalexin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1022 DME___ID DME1022 DME1022 DME_NAME Tyramine oxidase (tynA) DME1022 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1022 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1022 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1022 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1022 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amphetamine DME1022 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-tynA interaction DME1022 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Tyramine oxidase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Amphetamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1023 DME___ID DME1023 DME1023 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1023 SPESNAME Klebsiella pneumoniae DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Aztreonam DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-blaB interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Aztreonam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Aztreonam DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-blaB interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Aztreonam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Aztreonam DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-blaB interaction DME1023 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Aztreonam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1023 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PROTNAME Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) DME1023 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1023 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cefazolin DME1023 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TPMT-blaB interaction DME1023 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Thiopurine methyltransferase and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Cefazolin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1024 DME___ID DME1024 DME1024 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1024 SPESNAME Klebsiella variicola DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Aztreonam DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-blaB interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella variicola which collectively metabolize the drug Aztreonam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Aztreonam DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-blaB interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella variicola which collectively metabolize the drug Aztreonam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Aztreonam DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-blaB interaction DME1024 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Beta-lactamase from Klebsiella variicola which collectively metabolize the drug Aztreonam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1025 DME___ID DME1025 DME1025 DME_NAME Beta-glucuronidase (uidA) DME1025 SPESNAME Lactobacillus gasseri DME1025 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1025 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1025 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1025 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Bazedoxifene DME1025 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-uidA interaction DME1025 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus gasseri which collectively metabolize the drug Bazedoxifene, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1025 UNIPROID UD110_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10 (UGT1A10) DME1025 UNIPROID UD110_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1025 UNIPROID UD110_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1025 UNIPROID UD110_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Bazedoxifene DME1025 UNIPROID UD110_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A10-uidA interaction DME1025 UNIPROID UD110_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus gasseri which collectively metabolize the drug Bazedoxifene, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1026 DME___ID DME1026 DME1026 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1026 SPESNAME Bacteroides uniformis DME1026 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1026 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1026 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1026 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1026 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1026 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides uniformis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1026 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME1026 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1026 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1026 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cefaloridine DME1026 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C8-blaB interaction DME1026 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides uniformis which collectively metabolize the drug Cefaloridine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1028 DME___ID DME1028 DME1028 DME_NAME Chloramphenicolase (chlR) DME1028 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1028 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1028 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1028 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1028 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chloramphenicol DME1028 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-chlR interaction DME1028 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Chloramphenicolase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Chloramphenicol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1029 DME___ID DME1029 DME1029 DME_NAME Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpsA) DME1029 SPESNAME Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae DME1029 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1029 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1029 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1029 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chloramphenicol DME1029 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-gpsA interaction DME1029 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae which collectively metabolize the drug Chloramphenicol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1030 DME___ID DME1030 DME1030 DME_NAME Chloramphenicolase (chlR) DME1030 SPESNAME Bacillus pumilus DME1030 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1030 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1030 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1030 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chloramphenicol DME1030 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-chlR interaction DME1030 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Chloramphenicolase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug Chloramphenicol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1031 DME___ID DME1031 DME1031 DME_NAME Chloramphenicolase (chlR) DME1031 SPESNAME Proteus penneri DME1031 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1031 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1031 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1031 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chloramphenicol DME1031 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-chlR interaction DME1031 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Chloramphenicolase from Proteus penneri which collectively metabolize the drug Chloramphenicol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1033 DME___ID DME1033 DME1033 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1033 SPESNAME Edwardsiella tarda DME1033 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1033 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1033 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1033 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Clindamycin DME1033 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-blaB interaction DME1033 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Beta-lactamase from Edwardsiella tarda which collectively metabolize the drug Clindamycin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1035 DME___ID DME1035 DME1035 DME_NAME Cardiac glycoside reductase 1 (cgr1) DME1035 SPESNAME Eggerthella lenta DME1035 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1035 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1035 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1035 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Digoxin DME1035 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cgr1 interaction DME1035 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cardiac glycoside reductase 1 from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Digoxin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1036 DME___ID DME1036 DME1036 DME_NAME Cardiac glycoside reductase 2 (cgr2) DME1036 SPESNAME Eggerthella lenta DME1036 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1036 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1036 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1036 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Digoxin DME1036 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cgr2 interaction DME1036 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cardiac glycoside reductase 2 from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Digoxin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 DME___ID DME1037 DME1037 DME_NAME Dopamine dehydroxylase (dadH) DME1037 SPESNAME Eggerthella lenta DME1037 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1037 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1037 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1037 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1037 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN PROTNAME Catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) DME1037 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM COMT-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Catechol O-methyltransferase and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 UNIPROID AOFB_HUMAN PROTNAME Monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) DME1037 UNIPROID AOFB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID AOFB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID AOFB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID AOFB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MAO-B-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID AOFB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Monoamine oxidase type B and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1037 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1B1 (SULT1B1) DME1037 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1037 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dopamine hydrochloride DME1037 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1B1-dadH interaction DME1037 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1B1 and Dopamine dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta which collectively metabolize the drug Dopamine hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 DME___ID DME1039 DME1039 DME_NAME Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme (molD) DME1039 SPESNAME Klebsiella pneumoniae DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1039 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN PROTNAME Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase (XDH) DME1039 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM XDH-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1039 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1039 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1A1 (AKR1A1) DME1039 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1A1-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1A1 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) DME1039 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1C3-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa (NDUFS2) DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS2-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 30 kDa (NDUFS3) DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS3-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 30 kDa and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa (NDUFS7) DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS7-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase brain (NOS1) DME1039 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS1-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase brain and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase endothelial (NOS3) DME1039 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS3-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase endothelial and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase inducible (NOS2) DME1039 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS2-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase inducible and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN PROTNAME Succinic semialdehyde reductase (AKR7A2) DME1039 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR7A2-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Succinic semialdehyde reductase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1039 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1039 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1039 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1039 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-molD interaction DME1039 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 DME___ID DME1040 DME1040 DME_NAME Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme (molD) DME1040 SPESNAME Raoultella planticola DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1040 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN PROTNAME Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase (XDH) DME1040 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM XDH-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1040 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1040 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1A1 (AKR1A1) DME1040 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1A1-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1A1 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) DME1040 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1C3-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa (NDUFS2) DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS2-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 30 kDa (NDUFS3) DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS3-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 30 kDa and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa (NDUFS7) DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS7-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase brain (NOS1) DME1040 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS1-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase brain and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase endothelial (NOS3) DME1040 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS3-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase endothelial and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase inducible (NOS2) DME1040 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS2-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase inducible and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN PROTNAME Succinic semialdehyde reductase (AKR7A2) DME1040 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR7A2-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Succinic semialdehyde reductase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1040 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1040 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1040 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1040 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-molD interaction DME1040 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Molybdopterin-dependent enzyme from Raoultella planticola which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 DME___ID DME1041 DME1041 DME_NAME NADH dehydrogenase (nuoE) DME1041 SPESNAME Streptomyces griseus DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1041 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN PROTNAME Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase (XDH) DME1041 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM XDH-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID XDH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1041 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1041 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1A1 (AKR1A1) DME1041 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1A1-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID AK1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1A1 and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) DME1041 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1C3-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID AK1C3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1C3 and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa (NDUFS2) DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS2-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 30 kDa (NDUFS3) DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS3-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 30 kDa and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN PROTNAME NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa (NDUFS7) DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NDUFS7-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NDUS7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase brain (NOS1) DME1041 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS1-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase brain and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase endothelial (NOS3) DME1041 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS3-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase endothelial and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN PROTNAME Nitric oxide synthase inducible (NOS2) DME1041 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NOS2-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID NOS2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Nitric oxide synthase inducible and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN PROTNAME Succinic semialdehyde reductase (AKR7A2) DME1041 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR7A2-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID ARK72_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Succinic semialdehyde reductase and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1041 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1041 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1041 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Doxorubicin DME1041 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-nuoE interaction DME1041 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and NADH dehydrogenase from Streptomyces griseus which collectively metabolize the drug Doxorubicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 DME___ID DME1042 DME1042 DME_NAME Beta-glucuronidase (uidA) DME1042 SPESNAME Lactobacillus sakei DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) DME1042 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1B1-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1B1 and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1042 UNIPROID CP4FB_HUMAN PROTNAME Docosahexaenoic acid omega-hydroxylase (CYP4F11) DME1042 UNIPROID CP4FB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP4FB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP4FB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Erythromycin stearate DME1042 UNIPROID CP4FB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP4F11-uidA interaction DME1042 UNIPROID CP4FB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Docosahexaenoic acid omega-hydroxylase and Beta-glucuronidase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug Erythromycin stearate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1043 DME___ID DME1043 DME1043 DME_NAME Beta-glucosidase (bglA) DME1043 SPESNAME Malassezia furfur DME1043 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1043 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1043 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1043 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Esculin DME1043 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-bglA interaction DME1043 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Beta-glucosidase from Malassezia furfur which collectively metabolize the drug Esculin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1044 DME___ID DME1044 DME1044 DME_NAME Beta-glucosidase (bglA) DME1044 SPESNAME Malassezia sympodialis DME1044 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1044 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1044 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1044 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Esculin DME1044 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-bglA interaction DME1044 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Beta-glucosidase from Malassezia sympodialis which collectively metabolize the drug Esculin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1045 DME___ID DME1045 DME1045 DME_NAME Beta-glucosidase (bglA) DME1045 SPESNAME Trichophyton interdigitale DME1045 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1045 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1045 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1045 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Esculin DME1045 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-bglA interaction DME1045 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Beta-glucosidase from Trichophyton interdigitale which collectively metabolize the drug Esculin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1047 DME___ID DME1047 DME1047 DME_NAME Beta-glucosidase (bglA) DME1047 SPESNAME Trichophyton rubrum DME1047 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1047 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1047 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1047 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Esculin DME1047 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-bglA interaction DME1047 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Beta-glucosidase from Trichophyton rubrum which collectively metabolize the drug Esculin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 DME___ID DME1048 DME1048 DME_NAME Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B (nfsB) DME1048 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Clonazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Clonazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1048 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Clonazepam DME1048 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Clonazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flunitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Flunitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1048 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flunitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Flunitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1048 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flunitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Flunitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1048 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flunitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Flunitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1048 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flunitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Flunitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1048 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Flunitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Flunitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1048 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrobenzodiazepine DME1048 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrobenzodiazepine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrazepam DME1048 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1048 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CBL-954 DME1048 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug CBL-954, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1048 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1048 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofural DME1048 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-nfsB interaction DME1048 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase B from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofural, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 DME___ID DME1049 DME1049 DME_NAME Dihydrofolate reductase (folA) DME1049 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1049 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1049 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1049 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME1049 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTHFR-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PROTNAME Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) DME1049 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DHFR-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dihydrofolate reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PROTNAME Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase (GGH) DME1049 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GGH-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin B12 methionine synthase (MTR) DME1049 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTR-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Vitamin B12 methionine synthase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1049 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1049 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1049 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1049 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-folA interaction DME1049 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 DME___ID DME1050 DME1050 DME_NAME Dihydrofolate reductase (folA) DME1050 SPESNAME Lactobacillus casei DME1050 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1050 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1050 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME1050 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTHFR-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PROTNAME Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) DME1050 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DHFR-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dihydrofolate reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PROTNAME Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase (GGH) DME1050 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GGH-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin B12 methionine synthase (MTR) DME1050 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTR-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Vitamin B12 methionine synthase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1050 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1050 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1050 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1050 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-folA interaction DME1050 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 DME___ID DME1051 DME1051 DME_NAME Dihydrofolate reductase (folA) DME1051 SPESNAME Chlamydia muridarum DME1051 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1051 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1051 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME1051 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTHFR-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PROTNAME Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) DME1051 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DHFR-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dihydrofolate reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PROTNAME Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase (GGH) DME1051 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GGH-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin B12 methionine synthase (MTR) DME1051 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTR-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Vitamin B12 methionine synthase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1051 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1051 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1051 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1051 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-folA interaction DME1051 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Dihydrofolate reductase from Chlamydia muridarum which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1052 DME___ID DME1052 DME1052 DME_NAME Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gap) DME1052 SPESNAME Lactobacillus acidophilus DME1052 UNIPROID AGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoglucomutase 3 (PGM3) DME1052 UNIPROID AGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1052 UNIPROID AGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1052 UNIPROID AGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT NA-alpha-D-glucosamine DME1052 UNIPROID AGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PGM3-gap interaction DME1052 UNIPROID AGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoglucomutase 3 and Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus acidophilus which collectively metabolize the drug NA-alpha-D-glucosamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1052 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1052 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1052 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1052 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CERC-801 DME1052 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-gap interaction DME1052 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus acidophilus which collectively metabolize the drug CERC-801, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1052 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN PROTNAME Galactose kinase (GALK1) DME1052 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1052 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1052 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CERC-801 DME1052 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GALK1-gap interaction DME1052 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Galactose kinase and Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus acidophilus which collectively metabolize the drug CERC-801, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1053 DME___ID DME1053 DME1053 DME_NAME L-arabinose isomerase (araA) DME1053 SPESNAME Lactobacillus sakei DME1053 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1053 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1053 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1053 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CERC-801 DME1053 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-araA interaction DME1053 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and L-arabinose isomerase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug CERC-801, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1053 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN PROTNAME Galactose kinase (GALK1) DME1053 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1053 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1053 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CERC-801 DME1053 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GALK1-araA interaction DME1053 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Galactose kinase and L-arabinose isomerase from Lactobacillus sakei which collectively metabolize the drug CERC-801, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1054 DME___ID DME1054 DME1054 DME_NAME L-arabinose isomerase (araA) DME1054 SPESNAME Clostridium hylemonae DME1054 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1054 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1054 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1054 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CERC-801 DME1054 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-araA interaction DME1054 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and L-arabinose isomerase from Clostridium hylemonae which collectively metabolize the drug CERC-801, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1054 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN PROTNAME Galactose kinase (GALK1) DME1054 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1054 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1054 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CERC-801 DME1054 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GALK1-araA interaction DME1054 UNIPROID GALK1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Galactose kinase and L-arabinose isomerase from Clostridium hylemonae which collectively metabolize the drug CERC-801, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1055 DME___ID DME1055 DME1055 DME_NAME Cytidine deaminase (cdd) DME1055 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1055 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytidine aminohydrolase (CDA) DME1055 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1055 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1055 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemcitabine DME1055 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDA-cdd interaction DME1055 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytidine aminohydrolase and Cytidine deaminase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Gemcitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1055 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN PROTNAME Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase (UMPK) DME1055 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1055 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1055 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemcitabine DME1055 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UMPK-cdd interaction DME1055 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase and Cytidine deaminase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Gemcitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1056 DME___ID DME1056 DME1056 DME_NAME Cytidine deaminase (cdd) DME1056 SPESNAME Klebsiella pneumoniae DME1056 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytidine aminohydrolase (CDA) DME1056 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1056 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1056 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemcitabine DME1056 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDA-cdd interaction DME1056 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytidine aminohydrolase and Cytidine deaminase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Gemcitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1056 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN PROTNAME Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase (UMPK) DME1056 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1056 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1056 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemcitabine DME1056 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UMPK-cdd interaction DME1056 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase and Cytidine deaminase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Gemcitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1057 DME___ID DME1057 DME1057 DME_NAME Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase (caD) DME1057 SPESNAME Bacillus pumilus DME1057 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1057 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemfibrozil DME1057 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-caD interaction DME1057 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug Gemfibrozil, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1057 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1057 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemfibrozil DME1057 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-caD interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug Gemfibrozil, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1057 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (UGT2B7) DME1057 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemfibrozil DME1057 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT2B7-caD interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 and Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug Gemfibrozil, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1057 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 (UGT1A3) DME1057 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemfibrozil DME1057 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A3-caD interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 and Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug Gemfibrozil, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1057 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME1057 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemfibrozil DME1057 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-caD interaction DME1057 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 and Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug Gemfibrozil, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1058 DME___ID DME1058 DME1058 DME_NAME Propanediol dehydrogenase (dhaT) DME1058 SPESNAME Lactobacillus brevis DME1058 UNIPROID AQP7_HUMAN PROTNAME Aquaporin adipose (AQP7) DME1058 UNIPROID AQP7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1058 UNIPROID AQP7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1058 UNIPROID AQP7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Glycerol DME1058 UNIPROID AQP7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AQP7-dhaT interaction DME1058 UNIPROID AQP7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aquaporin adipose and Propanediol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus brevis which collectively metabolize the drug Glycerol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1059 DME___ID DME1059 DME1059 DME_NAME Fumarate reductase flavoprotein (frdA) DME1059 SPESNAME Wolinella succinogenes DME1059 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1059 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1059 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1059 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Hydroquinone DME1059 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-frdA interaction DME1059 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Fumarate reductase flavoprotein from Wolinella succinogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Hydroquinone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1061 DME___ID DME1061 DME1061 DME_NAME Tyrosine decarboxylase (tdc) DME1061 SPESNAME Enterococcus faecalis DME1061 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1061 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1061 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1061 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Levodopa DME1061 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-tdc interaction DME1061 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Tyrosine decarboxylase from Enterococcus faecalis which collectively metabolize the drug Levodopa, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1061 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PROTNAME Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) DME1061 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1061 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1061 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Levodopa DME1061 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TPMT-tdc interaction DME1061 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Thiopurine methyltransferase and Tyrosine decarboxylase from Enterococcus faecalis which collectively metabolize the drug Levodopa, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1061 UNIPROID DDC_HUMAN PROTNAME DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) DME1061 UNIPROID DDC_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1061 UNIPROID DDC_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1061 UNIPROID DDC_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Levodopa DME1061 UNIPROID DDC_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DDC-tdc interaction DME1061 UNIPROID DDC_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human DOPA decarboxylase and Tyrosine decarboxylase from Enterococcus faecalis which collectively metabolize the drug Levodopa, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 DME___ID DME1063 DME1063 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1063 SPESNAME Salmonella enterica DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1063 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID CBR1_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase 1 (CBR1) DME1063 UNIPROID CBR1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CBR1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CBR1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID CBR1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CBR1-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CBR1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase 1 and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID CBR3_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase 3 (CBR3) DME1063 UNIPROID CBR3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CBR3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CBR3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID CBR3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CBR3-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID CBR3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase 3 and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME1063 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTHFR-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1063 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID QOR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH:quinone reductase (CRYZ) DME1063 UNIPROID QOR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID QOR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID QOR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID QOR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CRYZ-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID QOR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH:quinone reductase and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1063 UNIPROID SPRE_HUMAN PROTNAME Sepiapterin reductase (SPR) DME1063 UNIPROID SPRE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID SPRE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1063 UNIPROID SPRE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Menadione DME1063 UNIPROID SPRE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SPR-NTR interaction DME1063 UNIPROID SPRE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sepiapterin reductase and Nitroreductase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Menadione, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1064 DME___ID DME1064 DME1064 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1064 SPESNAME Giardia intestinalis DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Giardia intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1064 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1064 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1064 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1064 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Giardia intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1064 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1064 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1064 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Giardia intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Giardia intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Giardia intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1064 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1064 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1064 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1064 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Giardia intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1065 DME___ID DME1065 DME1065 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1065 SPESNAME Trichomonas vaginalis DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Trichomonas vaginalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1065 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Trichomonas vaginalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1065 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1065 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1065 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Trichomonas vaginalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Trichomonas vaginalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Trichomonas vaginalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1065 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1065 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1065 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1065 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Trichomonas vaginalis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1066 DME___ID DME1066 DME1066 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1066 SPESNAME Entamoeba histolytica DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Entamoeba histolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1066 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1066 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1066 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1066 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Entamoeba histolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1066 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1066 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1066 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Entamoeba histolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Entamoeba histolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Entamoeba histolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1066 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1066 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1066 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1066 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Entamoeba histolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1068 DME___ID DME1068 DME1068 DME_NAME Aminoglycoside O-phosphotransferase (aphA6) DME1068 SPESNAME Acinetobacter baumannii DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tobramycin DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-aphA6 interaction DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Aminoglycoside O-phosphotransferase from Acinetobacter baumannii which collectively metabolize the drug Tobramycin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Netilmicin DME1068 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Aminoglycoside O-phosphotransferase from Acinetobacter baumannii which collectively metabolize the drug Netilmicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 DME___ID DME1069 DME1069 DME_NAME Nicotinate dehydrogenase (nicA) DME1069 SPESNAME Pseudomonas putida DME1069 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1069 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1069 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C8-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1069 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A13 (CYP2A13) DME1069 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nicotine DME1069 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A13-nicA interaction DME1069 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A13 and Nicotinate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Nicotine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1070 DME___ID DME1070 DME1070 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1070 SPESNAME Clostridium leptum DME1070 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1070 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1070 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1070 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrazepam DME1070 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1070 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium leptum which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1070 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1070 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1070 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1070 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1070 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1070 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Clostridium leptum which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 DME___ID DME1072 DME1072 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 MEG (cyp106) DME1072 SPESNAME Bacillus megaterium DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP19A_HUMAN PROTNAME Aromatase (CYP19A1) DME1072 UNIPROID CP19A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP19A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP19A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP19A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP19A1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP19A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aromatase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 4B1 (CYP4B1) DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP4B1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 4B1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C8-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP343_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A43 (CYP3A43) DME1072 UNIPROID CP343_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP343_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP343_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP343_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A43-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP343_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A43 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1B1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1B1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN PROTNAME Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP46A1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A13 (CYP2A13) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A13-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2AD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A13 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID S5A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 1 (SRD5A1) DME1072 UNIPROID S5A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID S5A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID S5A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID S5A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SRD5A1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID S5A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID S5A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 2 (SRD5A2) DME1072 UNIPROID S5A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID S5A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID S5A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID S5A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SRD5A2-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID S5A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 2 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID PORED_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 3 (SRD5A3) DME1072 UNIPROID PORED_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID PORED_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID PORED_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID PORED_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SRD5A3-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID PORED_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Steroid 5-alpha-reductase 3 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID AK1BF_HUMAN PROTNAME Farnesol dehydrogenase (AKR1B15) DME1072 UNIPROID AK1BF_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID AK1BF_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID AK1BF_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID AK1BF_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1B15-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID AK1BF_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Farnesol dehydrogenase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID DHB14_HUMAN PROTNAME Dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR3 (HSD17B14) DME1072 UNIPROID DHB14_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID DHB14_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID DHB14_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Testosterone cypionate DME1072 UNIPROID DHB14_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HSD17B14-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID DHB14_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dehydrogenase/reductase retSDR3 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Testosterone cypionate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1072 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1072 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP4B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 4B1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 (GSTA1) DME1072 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GSTA1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1B1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN PROTNAME Steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21A2) DME1072 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP21A2-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID CP21A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Steroid 21-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1072 UNIPROID AK1C1_HUMAN PROTNAME Aldo-keto reductase 1C1 (AKR1C1) DME1072 UNIPROID AK1C1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID AK1C1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1072 UNIPROID AK1C1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Progesterone DME1072 UNIPROID AK1C1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM AKR1C1-cyp106 interaction DME1072 UNIPROID AK1C1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Aldo-keto reductase 1C1 and Cytochrome P450 MEG from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Progesterone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 DME___ID DME1075 DME1075 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 102A1 (cyp102) DME1075 SPESNAME Bacillus megaterium DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amodiaquine DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Amodiaquine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amodiaquine DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C8-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Amodiaquine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) DME1075 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amodiaquine DME1075 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1B1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1B1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Amodiaquine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID GSTM4_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutathione S-transferase mu-4 (GSTM4) DME1075 UNIPROID GSTM4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID GSTM4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID GSTM4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amodiaquine DME1075 UNIPROID GSTM4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GSTM4-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID GSTM4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutathione S-transferase mu-4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Amodiaquine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Buspirone DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Buspirone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Buspirone DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Buspirone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Buspirone DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Buspirone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Buspirone DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Buspirone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Chlorzoxazone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Chlorzoxazone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Chlorzoxazone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Chlorzoxazone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chlorzoxazone DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Chlorzoxazone, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Mefenamic acid DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Mefenamic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Mefenamic acid DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Mefenamic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CCRIS-9277 DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug CCRIS-9277, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN PROTNAME Catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) DME1075 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CCRIS-9277 DME1075 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM COMT-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID COMT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Catechol O-methyltransferase and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug CCRIS-9277, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nifedipine DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Nifedipine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nifedipine DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Nifedipine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nifedipine DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Nifedipine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nifedipine DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Nifedipine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID FMO2_HUMAN PROTNAME Dimethylaniline oxidase 2 (FMO2) DME1075 UNIPROID FMO2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID FMO2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID FMO2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Propranolol hydrochloride DME1075 UNIPROID FMO2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM FMO2-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID FMO2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dimethylaniline oxidase 2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Propranolol hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT GEA-6414 DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug GEA-6414, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Benzyloxyresorufin DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Benzyloxyresorufin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C18 (CYP2C18) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C18-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C18 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN PROTNAME Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP46A1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (UGT2B7) DME1075 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT2B7-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 (UGT1A3) DME1075 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A3-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1075 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 (GSTA1) DME1075 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GSTA1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID GSTA1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UDB15_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 (UGT2B15) DME1075 UNIPROID UDB15_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UDB15_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UDB15_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID UDB15_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT2B15-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UDB15_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 (UGT1A6) DME1075 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Acetaminophen DME1075 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A6-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID UD16_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Acetaminophen, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Dextromethorphan hydrobromide DME1075 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A2 (SULT1A2) DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Mononitrophenol DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A2-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Mononitrophenol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1075 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1B1 (SULT1B1) DME1075 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Mononitrophenol DME1075 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1B1-cyp102 interaction DME1075 UNIPROID ST1B1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1B1 and Cytochrome P450 102A1 from Bacillus megaterium which collectively metabolize the drug Mononitrophenol, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1076 DME___ID DME1076 DME1076 DME_NAME Nicotinamidase (pncA) DME1076 SPESNAME Acinetobacter baumannii DME1076 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1076 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1076 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1076 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Pyrazinamide DME1076 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-pncA interaction DME1076 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nicotinamidase from Acinetobacter baumannii which collectively metabolize the drug Pyrazinamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1076 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1076 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1076 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1076 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Pyrazinamide DME1076 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-pncA interaction DME1076 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Nicotinamidase from Acinetobacter baumannii which collectively metabolize the drug Pyrazinamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1077 DME___ID DME1077 DME1077 DME_NAME NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase (curA) DME1077 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1077 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1077 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT SRT-501 DME1077 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-curA interaction DME1077 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug SRT-501, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1077 UNIPROID ST1C2_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1C2 (SULT1C2) DME1077 UNIPROID ST1C2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID ST1C2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID ST1C2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT SRT-501 DME1077 UNIPROID ST1C2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1C2-curA interaction DME1077 UNIPROID ST1C2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1C2 and NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug SRT-501, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1077 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1077 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Curcumin DME1077 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-curA interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Curcumin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1077 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME1077 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Curcumin DME1077 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-curA interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 and NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Curcumin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1077 UNIPROID UD18_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 (UGT1A8) DME1077 UNIPROID UD18_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD18_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD18_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Curcumin DME1077 UNIPROID UD18_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A8-curA interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD18_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 and NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Curcumin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1077 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 (UGT1A7) DME1077 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Curcumin DME1077 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A7-curA interaction DME1077 UNIPROID UD17_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 and NADPH-dependent curcumin reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Curcumin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1080 DME___ID DME1080 DME1080 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1080 SPESNAME Streptococcus salivarius DME1080 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1080 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1080 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1080 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1080 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1080 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Streptococcus salivarius which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1081 DME___ID DME1081 DME1081 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1081 SPESNAME Enterococcus casseliflavus DME1081 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1081 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1081 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1081 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1081 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1081 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1082 DME___ID DME1082 DME1082 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1082 SPESNAME Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron DME1082 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1082 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1082 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1082 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1082 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1082 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1083 DME___ID DME1083 DME1083 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1083 SPESNAME Bifidobacterium dentium DME1083 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1083 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1083 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1083 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1083 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1083 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1085 DME___ID DME1085 DME1085 DME_NAME VanA ligase (vanA) DME1085 SPESNAME Enterococcus faecalis DME1085 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1085 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1085 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1085 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Teicoplanin DME1085 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-vanA interaction DME1085 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and VanA ligase from Enterococcus faecalis which collectively metabolize the drug Teicoplanin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1086 DME___ID DME1086 DME1086 DME_NAME VanA ligase (vanA) DME1086 SPESNAME Enterococcus faecium DME1086 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1086 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1086 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1086 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Teicoplanin DME1086 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-vanA interaction DME1086 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and VanA ligase from Enterococcus faecium which collectively metabolize the drug Teicoplanin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1087 DME___ID DME1087 DME1087 DME_NAME Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase (pobA) DME1087 SPESNAME Pseudomonas aeruginosa DME1087 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1087 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1087 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1087 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tetracycline DME1087 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-pobA interaction DME1087 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa which collectively metabolize the drug Tetracycline, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1088 DME___ID DME1088 DME1088 DME_NAME Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase (pobA) DME1088 SPESNAME Pseudomonas fluorescens DME1088 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1088 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1088 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1088 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tetracycline DME1088 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-pobA interaction DME1088 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase from Pseudomonas fluorescens which collectively metabolize the drug Tetracycline, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1089 DME___ID DME1089 DME1089 DME_NAME Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase (pobA) DME1089 SPESNAME Pseudomonas putida DME1089 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1089 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1089 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1089 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tetracycline DME1089 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-pobA interaction DME1089 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida which collectively metabolize the drug Tetracycline, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1090 DME___ID DME1090 DME1090 DME_NAME Aminoglycoside phosphotransferase (aph-Ib) DME1090 SPESNAME Campylobacter jejuni DME1090 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1090 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1090 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1090 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tobramycin DME1090 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-aph-Ib interaction DME1090 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Aminoglycoside phosphotransferase from Campylobacter jejuni which collectively metabolize the drug Tobramycin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1091 DME___ID DME1091 DME1091 DME_NAME Kanamycin/gentamycin-resistance enzyme (aacA) DME1091 SPESNAME Campylobacter coli DME1091 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1091 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1091 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1091 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tobramycin DME1091 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-aacA interaction DME1091 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Kanamycin/gentamycin-resistance enzyme from Campylobacter coli which collectively metabolize the drug Tobramycin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1092 DME___ID DME1092 DME1092 DME_NAME Aldehyde oxidase (AOX) DME1092 SPESNAME Clostridium sporogenes DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Zonisamide DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-AOX interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Aldehyde oxidase from Clostridium sporogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Zonisamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1092 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1092 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Zonisamide DME1092 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-AOX interaction DME1092 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Aldehyde oxidase from Clostridium sporogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Zonisamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Zonisamide DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-AOX interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Aldehyde oxidase from Clostridium sporogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Zonisamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Zonisamide DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-AOX interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Aldehyde oxidase from Clostridium sporogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Zonisamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1092 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1092 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Zonisamide DME1092 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-AOX interaction DME1092 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Aldehyde oxidase from Clostridium sporogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Zonisamide, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1094 DME___ID DME1094 DME1094 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1094 SPESNAME Citrobacter freundii DME1094 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1094 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1094 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1094 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1094 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1094 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Citrobacter freundii which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1094 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PROTNAME Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) DME1094 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1094 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1094 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cefazolin DME1094 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TPMT-blaB interaction DME1094 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Thiopurine methyltransferase and Beta-lactamase from Citrobacter freundii which collectively metabolize the drug Cefazolin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1095 DME___ID DME1095 DME1095 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1095 SPESNAME Bacteroides fragilis DME1095 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1095 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1095 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1095 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1095 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1095 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1095 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PROTNAME Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) DME1095 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1095 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1095 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cefazolin DME1095 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TPMT-blaB interaction DME1095 UNIPROID TPMT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Thiopurine methyltransferase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Cefazolin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1096 DME___ID DME1096 DME1096 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1096 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1096 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1096 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1096 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1096 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CBL-954 DME1096 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-azoR interaction DME1096 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and Azoreductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug CBL-954, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1097 DME___ID DME1097 DME1097 DME_NAME N-ethylmaleimide reductase (nemA) DME1097 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1097 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1097 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1097 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1097 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CBL-954 DME1097 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-nemA interaction DME1097 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and N-ethylmaleimide reductase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug CBL-954, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 DME___ID DME1098 DME1098 DME_NAME Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A (nfsA) DME1098 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrazepam DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-nfsA interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrazepam, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1098 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CBL-954 DME1098 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-nfsA interaction DME1098 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug CBL-954, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofural DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-nfsA interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofural, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Loperamide hydrochloride DME1098 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Loperamide hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Loperamide hydrochloride DME1098 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Loperamide hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME1098 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Loperamide hydrochloride DME1098 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C8-nfsA interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Loperamide hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1098 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1098 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Loperamide hydrochloride DME1098 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-nfsA interaction DME1098 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Oxygen-insensitive NADPH nitroreductase A from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug Loperamide hydrochloride, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1099 DME___ID DME1099 DME1099 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1099 SPESNAME Vibrio cholerae DME1099 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1099 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1099 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1099 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1099 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1099 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Vibrio cholerae which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1099 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1099 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1099 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1099 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1099 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1099 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Vibrio cholerae which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1100 DME___ID DME1100 DME1100 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1100 SPESNAME Shigella flexneri DME1100 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1100 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1100 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1100 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1100 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1100 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1100 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1100 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1100 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1100 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1100 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1100 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1101 DME___ID DME1101 DME1101 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1101 SPESNAME Plesiomonas shigelloides DME1101 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1101 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1101 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1101 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1101 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1101 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Plesiomonas shigelloides which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1101 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1101 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1101 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1101 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1101 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1101 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Plesiomonas shigelloides which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1102 DME___ID DME1102 DME1102 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1102 SPESNAME Morganella morganii DME1102 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1102 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1102 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1102 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1102 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1102 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Morganella morganii which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1102 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1102 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1102 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1102 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1102 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1102 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Morganella morganii which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1103 DME___ID DME1103 DME1103 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1103 SPESNAME Citrobacter freundii DME1103 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1103 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1103 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1103 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1103 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1103 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Citrobacter freundii which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1103 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1103 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1103 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1103 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1103 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1103 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Citrobacter freundii which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1104 DME___ID DME1104 DME1104 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1104 SPESNAME Serratia marcescens DME1104 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1104 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1104 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1104 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1104 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1104 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Serratia marcescens which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1104 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1104 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1104 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1104 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1104 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1104 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Serratia marcescens which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1106 DME___ID DME1106 DME1106 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1106 SPESNAME Klebsiella pneumoniae DME1106 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1106 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1106 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1106 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1106 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1106 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1106 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1106 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1106 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1106 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1106 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1106 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1107 DME___ID DME1107 DME1107 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1107 SPESNAME Citrobacter farmeri DME1107 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1107 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1107 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1107 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1107 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1107 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Citrobacter farmeri which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1107 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1107 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1107 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1107 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1107 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1107 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Citrobacter farmeri which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1108 DME___ID DME1108 DME1108 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1108 SPESNAME Klebsiella oxytoca DME1108 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1108 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1108 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1108 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1108 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1108 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Klebsiella oxytoca which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1108 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1108 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1108 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1108 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1108 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1108 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Klebsiella oxytoca which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1109 DME___ID DME1109 DME1109 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1109 SPESNAME Citrobacter amalonaticus DME1109 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1109 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1109 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1109 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1109 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1109 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Citrobacter amalonaticus which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1109 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1109 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1109 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1109 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1109 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1109 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Citrobacter amalonaticus which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1110 DME___ID DME1110 DME1110 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1110 SPESNAME Pseudomonas aeruginosa DME1110 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1110 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1110 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1110 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1110 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1110 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1110 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1110 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1110 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1110 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1110 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1110 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1111 DME___ID DME1111 DME1111 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1111 SPESNAME Salmonella enterica DME1111 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) DME1111 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1111 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1111 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1111 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT1-NAT interaction DME1111 UNIPROID ARY1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1111 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) DME1111 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1111 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1111 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Asacolitin DME1111 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAT2-NAT interaction DME1111 UNIPROID ARY2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyltransferase 2 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Salmonella enterica which collectively metabolize the drug Asacolitin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1112 DME___ID DME1112 DME1112 DME_NAME Carboxylic ester hydrolase (CEH) DME1112 SPESNAME Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens DME1112 UNIPROID PGH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 (COX-1) DME1112 UNIPROID PGH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1112 UNIPROID PGH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1112 UNIPROID PGH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Alpha-linolenic acid DME1112 UNIPROID PGH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM COX-1-CEH interaction DME1112 UNIPROID PGH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 and Carboxylic ester hydrolase from Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens which collectively metabolize the drug Alpha-linolenic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1112 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN PROTNAME Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 (COX-2) DME1112 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1112 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1112 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Alpha-linolenic acid DME1112 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM COX-2-CEH interaction DME1112 UNIPROID PGH2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 and Carboxylic ester hydrolase from Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens which collectively metabolize the drug Alpha-linolenic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1113 DME___ID DME1113 DME1113 DME_NAME Thymidylate synthase (thyA) DME1113 SPESNAME Lactobacillus casei DME1113 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN PROTNAME Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) DME1113 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1113 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1113 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Deoxy-UMP DME1113 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TYMS-thyA interaction DME1113 UNIPROID TYSY_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Thymidylate synthase and Thymidylate synthase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Deoxy-UMP, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1115 DME___ID DME1115 DME1115 DME_NAME S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase (mtnN) DME1115 SPESNAME Klebsiella pneumoniae DME1115 UNIPROID MTAP_HUMAN PROTNAME S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP) DME1115 UNIPROID MTAP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1115 UNIPROID MTAP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1115 UNIPROID MTAP_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Methylthioadenosine DME1115 UNIPROID MTAP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTAP-mtnN interaction DME1115 UNIPROID MTAP_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine phosphorylase and S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase from Klebsiella pneumoniae which collectively metabolize the drug Methylthioadenosine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1116 DME___ID DME1116 DME1116 DME_NAME D-Lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA) DME1116 SPESNAME Megasphaera elsdenii DME1116 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN PROTNAME ADP-dependent glucokinase (ADPGK) DME1116 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1116 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1116 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT D-glucose DME1116 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ADPGK-ldhA interaction DME1116 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human ADP-dependent glucokinase and D-Lactate dehydrogenase from Megasphaera elsdenii which collectively metabolize the drug D-glucose, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1116 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN PROTNAME Brain form hexokinase (HK1) DME1116 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1116 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1116 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT D-glucose DME1116 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HK1-ldhA interaction DME1116 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Brain form hexokinase and D-Lactate dehydrogenase from Megasphaera elsdenii which collectively metabolize the drug D-glucose, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 DME___ID DME1118 DME1118 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1118 SPESNAME Lactobacillus johnsonii DME1118 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1118 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1118 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1118 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1118 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1118 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1118 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1118 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1118 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1118 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1118 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1118 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1118 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1118 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1118 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1118 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1118 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1118 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1118 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1118 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1118 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus johnsonii which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 DME___ID DME1120 DME1120 DME_NAME Glutamate racemase (MurI) DME1120 SPESNAME Aquifex pyrophilus DME1120 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1120 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1120 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1120 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1120 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1120 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1120 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1120 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1120 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1120 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1120 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1120 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1120 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1120 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1120 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1120 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1120 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1120 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1120 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1120 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-MurI interaction DME1120 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 DME___ID DME1121 DME1121 DME_NAME Glutamate racemase (MurI) DME1121 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1121 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1121 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1121 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1121 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1121 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1121 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1121 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1121 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1121 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1121 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1121 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1121 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1121 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1121 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1121 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1121 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1121 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1121 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1121 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1121 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-MurI interaction DME1121 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate racemase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 DME___ID DME1123 DME1123 DME_NAME Glutamate racemase (MurI) DME1123 SPESNAME Lactobacillus fermentum DME1123 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1123 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1123 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1123 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1123 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1123 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1123 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1123 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1123 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1123 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1123 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1123 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1123 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1123 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1123 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1123 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1123 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1123 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1123 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1123 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-MurI interaction DME1123 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate racemase from Lactobacillus fermentum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 DME___ID DME1124 DME1124 DME_NAME Glutamate racemase (MurI) DME1124 SPESNAME Bacillus subtilis DME1124 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1124 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1124 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1124 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1124 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1124 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1124 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1124 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1124 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1124 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1124 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1124 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1124 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1124 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1124 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1124 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1124 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1124 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1124 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1124 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-MurI interaction DME1124 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 DME___ID DME1125 DME1125 DME_NAME Glutamate racemase (MurI) DME1125 SPESNAME Bacillus pumilus DME1125 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1125 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1125 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1125 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1125 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1125 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1125 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1125 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1125 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1125 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1125 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1125 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1125 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1125 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1125 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1125 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1125 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1125 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1125 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1125 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-MurI interaction DME1125 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus pumilus which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 DME___ID DME1126 DME1126 DME_NAME Glutamate racemase (MurI) DME1126 SPESNAME Bacillus anthracis DME1126 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1126 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1126 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1126 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1126 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1126 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1126 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1126 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1126 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1126 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1126 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1126 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1126 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1126 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1126 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1126 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1126 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1126 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1126 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1126 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-MurI interaction DME1126 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate racemase from Bacillus anthracis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1128 DME___ID DME1128 DME1128 DME_NAME Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) DME1128 SPESNAME Faecalibacterium prausnitzii DME1128 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1128 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1128 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1128 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1128 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-CE interaction DME1128 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Cellobiose 2-epimerase from Faecalibacterium prausnitzii which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1129 DME___ID DME1129 DME1129 DME_NAME Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) DME1129 SPESNAME Coprococcus eutactus DME1129 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1129 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1129 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1129 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1129 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-CE interaction DME1129 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Cellobiose 2-epimerase from Coprococcus eutactus which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1130 DME___ID DME1130 DME1130 DME_NAME Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) DME1130 SPESNAME Eubacterium siraeum DME1130 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1130 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1130 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1130 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1130 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-CE interaction DME1130 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Cellobiose 2-epimerase from Eubacterium siraeum which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1132 DME___ID DME1132 DME1132 DME_NAME Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) DME1132 SPESNAME Lachnoclostridium phytofermentans DME1132 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1132 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1132 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1132 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1132 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-CE interaction DME1132 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Cellobiose 2-epimerase from Lachnoclostridium phytofermentans which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1133 DME___ID DME1133 DME1133 DME_NAME Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) DME1133 SPESNAME Eubacterium cellulosolvens DME1133 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1133 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1133 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1133 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1133 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-CE interaction DME1133 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Cellobiose 2-epimerase from Eubacterium cellulosolvens which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1134 DME___ID DME1134 DME1134 DME_NAME Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) DME1134 SPESNAME Ruminococcus albus DME1134 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1134 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1134 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1134 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1134 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-CE interaction DME1134 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Cellobiose 2-epimerase from Ruminococcus albus which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1136 DME___ID DME1136 DME1136 DME_NAME Fructokinase (scrK) DME1136 SPESNAME Fusobacterium mortiferum DME1136 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1136 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1136 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1136 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1136 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-scrK interaction DME1136 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Fructokinase from Fusobacterium mortiferum which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1137 DME___ID DME1137 DME1137 DME_NAME Maltose phosphorylase (malP) DME1137 SPESNAME Lactobacillus acidophilus DME1137 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1137 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1137 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1137 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1137 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-malP interaction DME1137 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Maltose phosphorylase from Lactobacillus acidophilus which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1138 DME___ID DME1138 DME1138 DME_NAME Alpha-glucosidase (aglA) DME1138 SPESNAME Blautia obeum DME1138 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PROTNAME Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal (SI) DME1138 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1138 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1138 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT M-7403 DME1138 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SI-aglA interaction DME1138 UNIPROID SUIS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sucrase-isomaltase intestinal and Alpha-glucosidase from Blautia obeum which collectively metabolize the drug M-7403, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1139 DME___ID DME1139 DME1139 DME_NAME Beta-galactosidase (bgaB) DME1139 SPESNAME Victivallis vadensis DME1139 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN PROTNAME Glucosidase II beta (PRKCSH) DME1139 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1139 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1139 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN SUBSTRAT PNA-D-glucopyranoside DME1139 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PRKCSH-bgaB interaction DME1139 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glucosidase II beta and Beta-galactosidase from Victivallis vadensis which collectively metabolize the drug PNA-D-glucopyranoside, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1139 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN PROTNAME Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB (GANAB) DME1139 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1139 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1139 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT PNA-D-glucopyranoside DME1139 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GANAB-bgaB interaction DME1139 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB and Beta-galactosidase from Victivallis vadensis which collectively metabolize the drug PNA-D-glucopyranoside, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1140 DME___ID DME1140 DME1140 DME_NAME Beta-galactosidase (bgaB) DME1140 SPESNAME Bifidobacterium adolescentis DME1140 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN PROTNAME Glucosidase II beta (PRKCSH) DME1140 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1140 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1140 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN SUBSTRAT PNA-D-glucopyranoside DME1140 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PRKCSH-bgaB interaction DME1140 UNIPROID GLU2B_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glucosidase II beta and Beta-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium adolescentis which collectively metabolize the drug PNA-D-glucopyranoside, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1140 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN PROTNAME Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB (GANAB) DME1140 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1140 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1140 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT PNA-D-glucopyranoside DME1140 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GANAB-bgaB interaction DME1140 UNIPROID GANAB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB and Beta-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium adolescentis which collectively metabolize the drug PNA-D-glucopyranoside, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1156 DME___ID DME1156 DME1156 DME_NAME Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm (erm) DME1156 SPESNAME Corynebacterium amycolatum DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-erm interaction DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm from Corynebacterium amycolatum which collectively metabolize the drug Tacrolimus, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-erm interaction DME1156 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm from Corynebacterium amycolatum which collectively metabolize the drug Tacrolimus, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1156 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1156 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1156 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1156 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME1156 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-erm interaction DME1156 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm from Corynebacterium amycolatum which collectively metabolize the drug Tacrolimus, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1172 DME___ID DME1172 DME1172 DME_NAME Aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase (aacC2) DME1172 SPESNAME Acinetobacter baumannii DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tobramycin DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-aacC2 interaction DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase from Acinetobacter baumannii which collectively metabolize the drug Tobramycin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Netilmicin DME1172 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase from Acinetobacter baumannii which collectively metabolize the drug Netilmicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 DME___ID DME1196 DME1196 DME_NAME Cytidine deaminase (cdd) DME1196 SPESNAME Mycoplasma hyorhinis DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytidine aminohydrolase (CDA) DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemcitabine DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CDA-cdd interaction DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytidine aminohydrolase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Gemcitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN PROTNAME Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase (UMPK) DME1196 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Gemcitabine DME1196 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UMPK-cdd interaction DME1196 UNIPROID KCY_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Uridine/cytidine monophosphate kinase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Gemcitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Azacitidine DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytidine aminohydrolase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Azacitidine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1196 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cytarabine DME1196 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cdd interaction DME1196 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Cytarabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cytarabine DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytidine aminohydrolase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Cytarabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID 5NTD_HUMAN PROTNAME Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (NT5E) DME1196 UNIPROID 5NTD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID 5NTD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID 5NTD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cytarabine DME1196 UNIPROID 5NTD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NT5E-cdd interaction DME1196 UNIPROID 5NTD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Cytarabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID DCTD_HUMAN PROTNAME Deoxycytidylate deaminase (DCTD) DME1196 UNIPROID DCTD_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID DCTD_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1196 UNIPROID DCTD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Cytarabine DME1196 UNIPROID DCTD_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DCTD-cdd interaction DME1196 UNIPROID DCTD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Deoxycytidylate deaminase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Cytarabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Decitabine DME1196 UNIPROID CDD_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytidine aminohydrolase and Cytidine deaminase from Mycoplasma hyorhinis which collectively metabolize the drug Decitabine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1215 DME___ID DME1215 DME1215 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1215 SPESNAME Bacteroides caccae DME1215 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1215 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1215 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1215 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1215 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1215 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides caccae which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1216 DME___ID DME1216 DME1216 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1216 SPESNAME Parabacteroides distasonis DME1216 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1216 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1216 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1216 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1216 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1216 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Parabacteroides distasonis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1218 DME___ID DME1218 DME1218 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1218 SPESNAME Bacteroides ovatus DME1218 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1218 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1218 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1218 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1218 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1218 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides ovatus which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1219 DME___ID DME1219 DME1219 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1219 SPESNAME Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron DME1219 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1219 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1219 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1219 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1219 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1219 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1220 DME___ID DME1220 DME1220 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1220 SPESNAME Bacteroides vulgatus DME1220 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1220 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1220 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1220 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1220 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1220 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides vulgatus which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1221 DME___ID DME1221 DME1221 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1221 SPESNAME Capnocytophaga haemolytica DME1221 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1221 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1221 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1221 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1221 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1221 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Capnocytophaga haemolytica which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1225 DME___ID DME1225 DME1225 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1225 SPESNAME Fusobacterium varium DME1225 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1225 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1225 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1225 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1225 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1225 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Fusobacterium varium which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1227 DME___ID DME1227 DME1227 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1227 SPESNAME Neisseria sicca DME1227 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1227 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1227 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1227 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1227 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1227 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Neisseria sicca which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1229 DME___ID DME1229 DME1229 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1229 SPESNAME Prevotella intermedia DME1229 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1229 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1229 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1229 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1229 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1229 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella intermedia which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1230 DME___ID DME1230 DME1230 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1230 SPESNAME Prevotella nigrescens DME1230 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1230 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1230 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1230 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1230 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1230 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella nigrescens which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 DME___ID DME1233 DME1233 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 105D7 (cyp105) DME1233 SPESNAME Streptomyces avermitilis DME1233 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1233 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C18 (CYP2C18) DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C18-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CI_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C18 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C8-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C8_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1233 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN PROTNAME Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) DME1233 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP46A1-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID CP46A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (UGT2B7) DME1233 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT2B7-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD2B7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 (UGT1A3) DME1233 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A3-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD13_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1233 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME1233 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Diclofenac sodium DME1233 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A9-cyp105 interaction DME1233 UNIPROID UD19_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 and Cytochrome P450 105D7 from Streptomyces avermitilis which collectively metabolize the drug Diclofenac sodium, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1234 DME___ID DME1234 DME1234 DME_NAME Cytochrome P450 124 (cyp124) DME1234 SPESNAME Mycobacterium tuberculosis DME1234 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1234 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Vitamin D DME1234 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-cyp124 interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Cytochrome P450 124 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis which collectively metabolize the drug Vitamin D, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1234 UNIPROID CP27A_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) DME1234 UNIPROID CP27A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP27A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP27A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Vitamin D DME1234 UNIPROID CP27A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP27A1-cyp124 interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP27A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Vitamin D(3 25-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 124 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis which collectively metabolize the drug Vitamin D, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1234 UNIPROID CP2J2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2J2 (CYP2J2) DME1234 UNIPROID CP2J2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP2J2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP2J2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Vitamin D DME1234 UNIPROID CP2J2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2J2-cyp124 interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP2J2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2J2 and Cytochrome P450 124 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis which collectively metabolize the drug Vitamin D, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1234 UNIPROID CP11A_HUMAN PROTNAME Cholesterol desmolase (CYP11A1) DME1234 UNIPROID CP11A_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP11A_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP11A_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Vitamin D DME1234 UNIPROID CP11A_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP11A1-cyp124 interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP11A_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cholesterol desmolase and Cytochrome P450 124 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis which collectively metabolize the drug Vitamin D, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1234 UNIPROID CP2R1_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin D 25-hydroxylase (CYP2R1) DME1234 UNIPROID CP2R1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP2R1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP2R1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Vitamin D DME1234 UNIPROID CP2R1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2R1-cyp124 interaction DME1234 UNIPROID CP2R1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Vitamin D 25-hydroxylase and Cytochrome P450 124 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis which collectively metabolize the drug Vitamin D, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1238 DME___ID DME1238 DME1238 DME_NAME Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm (erm) DME1238 SPESNAME Corynebacterium jeikeium DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-erm interaction DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm from Corynebacterium jeikeium which collectively metabolize the drug Tacrolimus, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-erm interaction DME1238 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm from Corynebacterium jeikeium which collectively metabolize the drug Tacrolimus, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1238 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1238 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1238 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1238 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tacrolimus DME1238 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-erm interaction DME1238 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Ribosomal 23S RNA methyltransferase Erm from Corynebacterium jeikeium which collectively metabolize the drug Tacrolimus, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 DME___ID DME1239 DME1239 DME_NAME Folylpolyglutamate synthetase (fpgS) DME1239 SPESNAME Lactobacillus casei DME1239 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PROTNAME RNA cytidine acetyltransferase (hALP) DME1239 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN PPI_SUMM hALP-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NAT10_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human RNA cytidine acetyltransferase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1239 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME1239 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTHFR-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PROTNAME Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) DME1239 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM DHFR-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID DYR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Dihydrofolate reductase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PROTNAME Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase (GGH) DME1239 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GGH-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GGH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PROTNAME Vitamin B12 methionine synthase (MTR) DME1239 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTR-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID METH_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Vitamin B12 methionine synthase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) DME1239 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Folic acid DME1239 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTRR-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID MTRR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methionine synthase reductase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug Folic acid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1239 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1239 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1239 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1239 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1239 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1239 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1239 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1239 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1239 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1239 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1239 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1239 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1239 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1239 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1239 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1239 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1239 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1239 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-fpgS interaction DME1239 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Folylpolyglutamate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1240 DME___ID DME1240 DME1240 DME_NAME Hyaluronate lyase (hyaL) DME1240 SPESNAME Streptobacillus moniliformis DME1240 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN PROTNAME Alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA) DME1240 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1240 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM IDUA-hyaL interaction DME1240 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Alpha-L-iduronidase and Hyaluronate lyase from Streptobacillus moniliformis which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1240 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN PROTNAME Arylsulfatase B (ARSB) DME1240 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1240 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ARSB-hyaL interaction DME1240 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Arylsulfatase B and Hyaluronate lyase from Streptobacillus moniliformis which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1240 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN PROTNAME Beta-glucuronidase (GUSB) DME1240 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1240 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GUSB-hyaL interaction DME1240 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Beta-glucuronidase and Hyaluronate lyase from Streptobacillus moniliformis which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1240 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase beta (HEXB) DME1240 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1240 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HEXB-hyaL interaction DME1240 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase beta and Hyaluronate lyase from Streptobacillus moniliformis which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1240 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN PROTNAME Iduronate 2-sulfatase (IDS) DME1240 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1240 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM IDS-hyaL interaction DME1240 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Iduronate 2-sulfatase and Hyaluronate lyase from Streptobacillus moniliformis which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1240 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN PROTNAME Chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase (CHST3) DME1240 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1240 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1240 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CHST3-hyaL interaction DME1240 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase and Hyaluronate lyase from Streptobacillus moniliformis which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1241 DME___ID DME1241 DME1241 DME_NAME Hyaluronoglucosaminidase (nagH) DME1241 SPESNAME Treponema vincentii DME1241 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN PROTNAME Alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA) DME1241 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1241 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM IDUA-nagH interaction DME1241 UNIPROID IDUA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Alpha-L-iduronidase and Hyaluronoglucosaminidase from Treponema vincentii which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1241 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN PROTNAME Arylsulfatase B (ARSB) DME1241 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1241 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ARSB-nagH interaction DME1241 UNIPROID ARSB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Arylsulfatase B and Hyaluronoglucosaminidase from Treponema vincentii which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1241 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN PROTNAME Beta-glucuronidase (GUSB) DME1241 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1241 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GUSB-nagH interaction DME1241 UNIPROID BGLR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Beta-glucuronidase and Hyaluronoglucosaminidase from Treponema vincentii which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1241 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase beta (HEXB) DME1241 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1241 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HEXB-nagH interaction DME1241 UNIPROID HEXB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase beta and Hyaluronoglucosaminidase from Treponema vincentii which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1241 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN PROTNAME Iduronate 2-sulfatase (IDS) DME1241 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1241 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM IDS-nagH interaction DME1241 UNIPROID IDS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Iduronate 2-sulfatase and Hyaluronoglucosaminidase from Treponema vincentii which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1241 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN PROTNAME Chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase (CHST3) DME1241 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1241 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Chondroitin sulfate DME1241 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CHST3-nagH interaction DME1241 UNIPROID CHST3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase and Hyaluronoglucosaminidase from Treponema vincentii which collectively metabolize the drug Chondroitin sulfate, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 DME___ID DME1242 DME1242 DME_NAME NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase (nfrA) DME1242 SPESNAME Staphylococcus aureus DME1242 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1242 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofural DME1242 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofural, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1242 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1242 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1242 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN PROTNAME Testicular acid phosphatase (ACP4) DME1242 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP4-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Testicular acid phosphatase and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN PROTNAME Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase (ACP5) DME1242 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP5-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN PROTNAME Acid phosphatase-like protein 1 (ACP6) DME1242 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP6-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Acid phosphatase-like protein 1 and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN PROTNAME Prostatic acid phosphatase (ACP3) DME1242 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP3-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Prostatic acid phosphatase and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN PROTNAME Eosinophil peroxidase (EPX) DME1242 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EPX-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Eosinophil peroxidase and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1242 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Xylosyl phosphatase (PXYLP1) DME1242 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1242 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PXYLP1-nfrA interaction DME1242 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Xylosyl phosphatase and NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 DME___ID DME1243 DME1243 DME_NAME NADPH-dependent nitroreductase (nfrA1) DME1243 SPESNAME Bacillus subtilis DME1243 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1243 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofural DME1243 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofural, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1243 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1243 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) DME1243 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A1-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID CP1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN PROTNAME Testicular acid phosphatase (ACP4) DME1243 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP4-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPAT_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Testicular acid phosphatase and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN PROTNAME Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase (ACP5) DME1243 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP5-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPA5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Tartrate-resistant acid ATPase and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN PROTNAME Acid phosphatase-like protein 1 (ACP6) DME1243 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP6-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPA6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Acid phosphatase-like protein 1 and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN PROTNAME Prostatic acid phosphatase (ACP3) DME1243 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ACP3-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PPAP_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Prostatic acid phosphatase and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN PROTNAME Eosinophil peroxidase (EPX) DME1243 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM EPX-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PERE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Eosinophil peroxidase and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1243 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN PROTNAME Xylosyl phosphatase (PXYLP1) DME1243 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Riboflavin DME1243 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PXYLP1-nfrA1 interaction DME1243 UNIPROID PXYP1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Xylosyl phosphatase and NADPH-dependent nitroreductase from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug Riboflavin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1244 DME___ID DME1244 DME1244 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1244 SPESNAME Clostridium paraputrificum DME1244 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1244 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1244 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1244 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1244 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1244 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Clostridium paraputrificum which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 DME___ID DME1245 DME1245 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1245 SPESNAME Clostridium perfringens DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1245 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1245 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1245 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1245 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1245 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1245 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1245 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1245 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1245 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1245 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1245 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1246 DME___ID DME1246 DME1246 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1246 SPESNAME Clostridium hiranonis DME1246 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1246 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1246 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1246 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1246 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1246 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Clostridium hiranonis which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 DME___ID DME1247 DME1247 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1247 SPESNAME Enterobacter cloacae DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1247 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1247 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1247 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1247 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1247 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1247 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1247 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1247 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Tinidazole DME1247 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Enterobacter cloacae which collectively metabolize the drug Tinidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1291 DME___ID DME1291 DME1291 DME_NAME VanA ligase (vanA) DME1291 SPESNAME Enterococcus avium DME1291 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PROTNAME Sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) DME1291 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1291 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1291 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Teicoplanin DME1291 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM SULT1A1-vanA interaction DME1291 UNIPROID ST1A1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Sulfotransferase 1A1 and VanA ligase from Enterococcus avium which collectively metabolize the drug Teicoplanin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 DME___ID DME1294 DME1294 DME_NAME Rifampicin monooxygenase (rox) DME1294 SPESNAME Nocardia farcinica DME1294 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1294 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DME1294 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP1A2-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP1A2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1294 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1294 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1294 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) DME1294 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2B6-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2B6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2B6 and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1294 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1294 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Rifampicin DME1294 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-rox interaction DME1294 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Rifampicin monooxygenase from Nocardia farcinica which collectively metabolize the drug Rifampicin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1295 DME___ID DME1295 DME1295 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1295 SPESNAME Prevotella buccae DME1295 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1295 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1295 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1295 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1295 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1295 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella buccae which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1296 DME___ID DME1296 DME1296 DME_NAME Metallo-beta-lactamase (blaM) DME1296 SPESNAME Achromobacter xylosoxidans DME1296 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1296 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1296 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1296 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1296 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaM interaction DME1296 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Metallo-beta-lactamase from Achromobacter xylosoxidans which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1298 DME___ID DME1298 DME1298 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1298 SPESNAME Shigella sonnei DME1298 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1298 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1298 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1298 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1298 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1298 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Shigella sonnei which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1299 DME___ID DME1299 DME1299 DME_NAME Alpha-glucosidase (aglA) DME1299 SPESNAME Lactobacillus paracasei DME1299 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN PROTNAME ADP-dependent glucokinase (ADPGK) DME1299 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1299 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1299 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT D-glucose DME1299 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ADPGK-aglA interaction DME1299 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human ADP-dependent glucokinase and Alpha-glucosidase from Lactobacillus paracasei which collectively metabolize the drug D-glucose, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1299 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN PROTNAME Brain form hexokinase (HK1) DME1299 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1299 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1299 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT D-glucose DME1299 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HK1-aglA interaction DME1299 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Brain form hexokinase and Alpha-glucosidase from Lactobacillus paracasei which collectively metabolize the drug D-glucose, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1300 DME___ID DME1300 DME1300 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1300 SPESNAME Capnocytophaga ochracea DME1300 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1300 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1300 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1300 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1300 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1300 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Capnocytophaga ochracea which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1301 DME___ID DME1301 DME1301 DME_NAME Catalase-peroxidase (katG) DME1301 SPESNAME Synechococcus elongatus DME1301 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1301 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1301 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1301 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Isoniazid DME1301 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-katG interaction DME1301 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Catalase-peroxidase from Synechococcus elongatus which collectively metabolize the drug Isoniazid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1302 DME___ID DME1302 DME1302 DME_NAME General stress protein 14 (ywrO) DME1302 SPESNAME Bacillus subtilis DME1302 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PROTNAME Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME1302 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1302 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1302 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT CBL-954 DME1302 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NQO1-ywrO interaction DME1302 UNIPROID NQO1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Quinone reductase 1 and General stress protein 14 from Bacillus subtilis which collectively metabolize the drug CBL-954, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 DME___ID DME1303 DME1303 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1303 SPESNAME Listeria monocytogenes DME1303 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1303 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1303 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1303 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1303 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1303 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1303 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1303 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1303 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1303 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1303 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1303 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1303 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1303 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1303 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1303 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1303 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1303 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1303 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1303 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1303 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Listeria monocytogenes which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 DME___ID DME1304 DME1304 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1304 SPESNAME Escherichia coli DME1304 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1304 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1304 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1304 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1304 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1304 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1304 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1304 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1304 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1304 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1304 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1304 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1304 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1304 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1304 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1304 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1304 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1304 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1304 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1304 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1304 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Escherichia coli which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 DME___ID DME1305 DME1305 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1305 SPESNAME Shigella flexneri DME1305 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1305 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1305 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1305 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1305 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1305 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1305 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1305 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1305 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1305 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1305 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1305 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1305 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1305 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1305 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1305 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1305 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1305 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1305 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1305 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1305 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Shigella flexneri which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 DME___ID DME1306 DME1306 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1306 SPESNAME Lactococcus lactis DME1306 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1306 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1306 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1306 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1306 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1306 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1306 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1306 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1306 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1306 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1306 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1306 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1306 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1306 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1306 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1306 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1306 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1306 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1306 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1306 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1306 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 DME___ID DME1307 DME1307 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1307 SPESNAME Bifidobacterium dentium DME1307 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1307 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1307 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1307 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1307 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1307 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1307 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1307 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1307 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1307 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1307 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1307 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1307 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1307 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1307 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1307 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1307 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1307 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1307 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1307 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1307 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Bifidobacterium dentium which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1308 DME___ID DME1308 DME1308 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1308 SPESNAME Prevotella veroralis DME1308 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1308 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1308 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1308 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1308 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1308 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella veroralis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1309 DME___ID DME1309 DME1309 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1309 SPESNAME Alloprevotella tannerae DME1309 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1309 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1309 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1309 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1309 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1309 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Alloprevotella tannerae which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1310 DME___ID DME1310 DME1310 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1310 SPESNAME Capnocytophaga gingivalis DME1310 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1310 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1310 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1310 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1310 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1310 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Capnocytophaga gingivalis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1314 DME___ID DME1314 DME1314 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1314 SPESNAME Photorhabdus asymbiotica DME1314 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1314 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1314 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1314 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1314 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1314 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Photorhabdus asymbiotica which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1315 DME___ID DME1315 DME1315 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1315 SPESNAME Enterococcus faecalis DME1315 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1315 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1315 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1315 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1315 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1315 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Enterococcus faecalis which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1316 DME___ID DME1316 DME1316 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1316 SPESNAME Clostridium perfringens DME1316 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1316 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1316 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1316 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1316 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1316 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Clostridium perfringens which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1317 DME___ID DME1317 DME1317 DME_NAME Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) DME1317 SPESNAME Lactobacillus reuteri DME1317 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN PROTNAME ADP-dependent glucokinase (ADPGK) DME1317 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1317 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1317 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT D-glucose DME1317 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ADPGK-ADH interaction DME1317 UNIPROID ADPGK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human ADP-dependent glucokinase and Alcohol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus reuteri which collectively metabolize the drug D-glucose, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1317 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN PROTNAME Brain form hexokinase (HK1) DME1317 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1317 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1317 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT D-glucose DME1317 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM HK1-ADH interaction DME1317 UNIPROID HXK1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Brain form hexokinase and Alcohol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus reuteri which collectively metabolize the drug D-glucose, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1318 DME___ID DME1318 DME1318 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1318 SPESNAME Bacteroides dorei DME1318 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1318 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1318 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1318 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1318 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1318 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides dorei which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1319 DME___ID DME1319 DME1319 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1319 SPESNAME Bacteroides intestinalis DME1319 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1319 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1319 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1319 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1319 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1319 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Bacteroides intestinalis which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1321 DME___ID DME1321 DME1321 DME_NAME Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) DME1321 SPESNAME Tsukamurella paurometabola DME1321 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME1321 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1321 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1321 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Isoniazid DME1321 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2E1-NAT interaction DME1321 UNIPROID CP2E1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Arylamine N-acetyltransferase from Tsukamurella paurometabola which collectively metabolize the drug Isoniazid, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1322 DME___ID DME1322 DME1322 DME_NAME Azoreductase (azoR) DME1322 SPESNAME Lactobacillus buchneri DME1322 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1322 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1322 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1322 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Sulfasalazine DME1322 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-azoR interaction DME1322 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Azoreductase from Lactobacillus buchneri which collectively metabolize the drug Sulfasalazine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1326 DME___ID DME1326 DME1326 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1326 SPESNAME Capnocytophaga granulosa DME1326 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1326 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1326 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1326 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1326 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1326 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Capnocytophaga granulosa which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 DME___ID DME1327 DME1327 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1327 SPESNAME Enterococcus casseliflavus DME1327 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1327 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofural DME1327 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofural, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1327 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1327 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1327 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1327 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1327 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1327 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1327 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1327 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1327 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1327 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1327 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus casseliflavus which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 DME___ID DME1328 DME1328 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1328 SPESNAME Enterococcus gallinarum DME1328 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME1328 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofural DME1328 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2D6-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2D6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2D6 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofural, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1328 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1328 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1328 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1328 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1328 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1328 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1328 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1328 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1328 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1328 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1328 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Enterococcus gallinarum which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1329 DME___ID DME1329 DME1329 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1329 SPESNAME Prevotella denticola DME1329 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1329 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1329 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1329 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1329 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1329 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Prevotella denticola which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1331 DME___ID DME1331 DME1331 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1331 SPESNAME Clostridium sporogenes DME1331 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PROTNAME NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) DME1331 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1331 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1331 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Nitrofurantoin DME1331 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CPR-NTR interaction DME1331 UNIPROID NCPR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and Nitroreductase from Clostridium sporogenes which collectively metabolize the drug Nitrofurantoin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1333 DME___ID DME1333 DME1333 DME_NAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (folD) DME1333 SPESNAME Blautia producta DME1333 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PROTNAME Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) DME1333 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1333 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1333 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN SUBSTRAT ISO-901 DME1333 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN PPI_SUMM MTHFR-folD interaction DME1333 UNIPROID MTHR_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase from Blautia producta which collectively metabolize the drug ISO-901, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1334 DME___ID DME1334 DME1334 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1334 SPESNAME Capnocytophaga sputigena DME1334 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1334 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1334 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1334 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1334 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1334 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Capnocytophaga sputigena which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1335 DME___ID DME1335 DME1335 DME_NAME Beta-lactamase (blaB) DME1335 SPESNAME Capnocytophaga leadbetteri DME1335 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PROTNAME Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DME1335 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1335 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1335 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Amoxicillin DME1335 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C19-blaB interaction DME1335 UNIPROID CP2CJ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase and Beta-lactamase from Capnocytophaga leadbetteri which collectively metabolize the drug Amoxicillin, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 DME___ID DME1339 DME1339 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1339 SPESNAME Lactobacillus plantarum DME1339 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1339 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLS-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human L-glutamine amidohydrolase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PROTNAME Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) DME1339 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM ASNS-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID ASNS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Asparagine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase (NADSYN1) DME1339 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NADSYN1-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID NADE_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine-dependent NAD(+ synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PROTNAME Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 (GFPT2) DME1339 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GFPT2-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GFPT2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Hexosephosphate aminotransferase 2 and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GLNRS) DME1339 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GLNRS-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID SYQ_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase B (GATB) DME1339 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GATB-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GATB_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln amidotransferase B and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamine amidotransferase (GMPS) DME1339 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GMPS-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GUAA_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamine amidotransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PROTNAME Kynurenine aminotransferase I (KYAT1) DME1339 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM KYAT1-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID KAT1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Kynurenine aminotransferase I and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PROTNAME Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (PFAS) DME1339 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM PFAS-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID PUR4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase H (TGM2) DME1339 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM2-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM2_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase H and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase X (TGM5) DME1339 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM5-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase X and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Y (TGM6) DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM6-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3L_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Y and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase E (TGM3) DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM3-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM3_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase E and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase K (TGM1) DME1339 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM1-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase K and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PROTNAME Transglutaminase Z (TGM7) DME1339 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM TGM7-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID TGM7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Transglutaminase Z and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) DME1339 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLC-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GSH1_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PROTNAME Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory (GCLM) DME1339 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN PPI_SUMM GCLM-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID GSH0_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1339 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PROTNAME N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) DME1339 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1339 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN SUBSTRAT L-glutamine DME1339 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN PPI_SUMM NAGS-gadB interaction DME1339 UNIPROID NAGS_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human N-acetylglutamate synthase and Glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum which collectively metabolize the drug L-glutamine, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1340 DME___ID DME1340 DME1340 DME_NAME Nitroreductase (NTR) DME1340 SPESNAME Bacteroides fragilis DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A4-NTR interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A4_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and Nitroreductase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1340 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PROTNAME UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME1340 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1340 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN PPI_SUMM UGT1A1-NTR interaction DME1340 UNIPROID UD11_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and Nitroreductase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1340 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) DME1340 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1340 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2A6-NTR interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP2A6_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2A6 and Nitroreductase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A5-NTR interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A5_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A5 and Nitroreductase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP3A7-NTR interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP3A7_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 3A7 and Nitroreductase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1340 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PROTNAME Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) DME1340 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN SUBSTRAT Metronidazole DME1340 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN PPI_SUMM CYP2C9-NTR interaction DME1340 UNIPROID CP2C9_HUMAN DESCRIPT The interaction, between human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and Nitroreductase from Bacteroides fragilis which collectively metabolize the drug Metronidazole, is reported to affect the efficacy, safety or bioavailability of this drug via interfering with it metabolism. DME1344 DME___ID DME1344 DME1344 DME_NAME Glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) DME1344 SPESNAME Bifidobacterium adolescentis DME1344 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN PROTNAME L-glutamine amidohydrolase (GLS) DME1344 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFCLASS Host-microbiome interaction DME1344 UNIPROID GLSK_HUMAN MOFDETAI Host-microbiome interaction DME13