General Information of DME (ID: DMEN816)
DME Name B-esterases (BES), Homo sapiens
Gene Name BES
Lineage    Species: Homo sapiens     (Click to Show/Hide the Complete Species Lineage)
Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo sapiens
      Click to Show/Hide the Molecular/Functional Data (Sequence/Structure/Pathway/Function) of This DME
Full List of Drug(s) Metabolized by This DME
      Drugs Approved by FDA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drugs:          1 Drugs
Drug Info Approved Epilepsy ICD11: 8A61-8A6Z [1]
Full List of Metabolic Reactions (MR) Catalyzed by This DME
MR ID Reactant Product MR Type Source Drug REF
MR011240 Indiplon N-desacetylIndiplon Oxidation - N-deacetylation indiplon [2]
MR011239 N-desmethylIndiplon N-desmethyl-desacetyl-Indiplon Oxidation - N-deacetylation indiplon [2]
1 In situ metabolism of levetiracetam in blood of patients with epilepsy
2 In vitro metabolism of indiplon and an assessment of its drug interaction potential

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