General Information of This Metabolic Reaction (MR) (ID:
MR001973) |
Formula |
Reactant |
Pentamidine isethionate |
Product |
Pentamidine isethionate |
Reactant Info
Product Info
Other MR(s) Related to The Reactant of This MR |
Other MR(s) That Metabolize The Reactant of This MR
References |
1 |
Identification of human cytochrome P(450)s that metabolise anti-parasitic drugs and predictions of in vivo drug hepatic clearance from in vitro data. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Sep;59(5-6):429-42.
2 |
Value of preemptive CYP2C19 genotyping in allogeneic stem cell transplant patients considered for pentamidine administration. Clin Transplant. 2011 May-Jun;25(3):E271-5.
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