General Information of This Metabolic Reaction (MR) (ID:
MR008923) |
Formula |
Reactant |
Emedastine |
Product |
5-hydroxyemedastine |
Reactant Info
Product Info
Metabolic Type
Other MR(s) Related to The Reactant of This MR |
Other MR(s) That Metabolize The Reactant of This MR
References |
1 |
[In vitro metabolism of an antiallergic agent, emedastine difumarate, in rats and guinea pigs]
2 |
[Cross-reactivities of active metabolites in the radioreceptor assay of an antiallergic agent, 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-2-(hexahydro-4-methyl-1H-1,4-diazepin-1-yl)- 1H-benzimidazole difumarate (KG-2413)]
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