General Information of Xenobiotics (ID: XEO00286)
Xenobiotics Name
Deferoxamine mesylate
Xenobiotics Type
Pharmaceutical Agent(s)
Approved/Marketed Drug
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PubChem CID
DME(s) Modulated by This Xenobiotics
DME(s) Inhibited by This Xenobiotics
Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) DME Info Homo sapiens [1]
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DME Info Homo sapiens [2]
Quinone reductase 1 (NQO1) DME Info Homo sapiens [3]
DME(s) Induced by This Xenobiotics
Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 (COX-2) DME Info Homo sapiens [1], [4]
1 Facilitation of human osteoblast apoptosis by sulindac and indomethacin under hypoxic injury. J Cell Biochem. 2012 Jan;113(1):148-55.
2 Drug-metabolising enzymes are down-regulated by hypoxia in differentiated human hepatoma HepaRG cells: HIF-1alpha involvement in CYP3A4 repression. Eur J Cancer. 2009 Nov;45(16):2882-92.
3 Hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha-independent suppression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-regulated genes by nickel. Mol Pharmacol. 2003 Dec;64(6):1485-93.
4 Desferrioxamine, an iron chelator, enhances HIF-1alpha accumulation via cyclooxygenase-2 signaling pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Apr 28;343(1):8-14.

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