General Information of DME (ID: DMEN787)
DME Name Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), Homo sapiens
Gene Name CDK2
UniProt ID
EC Number    EC:     (Click to Show/Hide the Complete EC Tree)
Protein-serine/threonine kinases
Lineage    Species: Homo sapiens     (Click to Show/Hide the Complete Species Lineage)
Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo sapiens
      Click to Show/Hide the Molecular/Functional Data (Sequence/Structure/Pathway/Function) of This DME
1AQ1 ; 1B38 ; 1B39 ; 1BUH ; 1CKP ; 1DI8 ; 1DM2 ; 1E1V ; 1E1X ; 1E9H ; 1F5Q ; 1FIN ; 1FQ1 ; 1FVT ; 1FVV ; 1G5S ; 1GIH ; 1GII ; 1GIJ ; 1GY3 ; 1GZ8 ; 1H00 ; 1H01 ; 1H07 ; 1H08 ; 1H0V ; 1H0W ; 1H1P ; 1H1Q ; 1H1R ; 1H1S ; 1H24 ; 1H25 ; 1H26 ; 1H27 ; 1H28 ; 1HCK ; 1HCL ; 1JST ; 1JSU ; 1JSV ; 1JVP ; 1KE5 ; 1KE6 ; 1KE7 ; 1KE8 ; 1KE9 ; 1OGU ; 1OI9 ; 1OIQ ; 1OIR ; 1OIT ; 1OIU ; 1OIY ; 1OKV ; 1OKW ; 1OL1 ; 1OL2 ; 1P2A ; 1P5E ; 1PF8 ; 1PKD ; 1PW2 ; 1PXI ; 1PXJ ; 1PXK ; 1PXL ; 1PXM ; 1PXN ; 1PXO ; 1PXP ; 1PYE ; 1QMZ ; 1R78 ; 1URC ; 1URW ; 1V1K ; 1VYW ; 1VYZ ; 1W0X ; 1W8C ; 1W98 ; 1WCC ; 1Y8Y ; 1Y91 ; 1YKR ; 2A0C ; 2A4L ; 2B52 ; 2B53 ; 2B54 ; 2B55 ; 2BHE ; 2BHH ; 2BKZ ; 2BPM ; 2BTR ; 2BTS ; 2C4G ; 2C5N ; 2C5O ; 2C5V ; 2C5X ; 2C5Y ; 2C68 ; 2C69 ; 2C6I ; 2C6K ; 2C6L ; 2C6M ; 2C6O ; 2C6T ; 2CCH ; 2CCI ; 2CJM ; 2CLX ; 2DS1 ; 2DUV ; 2EXM ; 2FVD ; 2G9X ; 2I40 ; 2IW6 ; 2IW8 ; 2IW9 ; 2J9M ; 2JGZ ; 2R3F ; 2R3G ; 2R3H ; 2R3I ; 2R3J ; 2R3K ; 2R3L ; 2R3M ; 2R3N ; 2R3O ; 2R3P ; 2R3Q ; 2R3R ; 2R64 ; 2UUE ; 2UZB ; 2UZD ; 2UZE ; 2UZL ; 2UZN ; 2UZO ; 2V0D ; 2V22 ; 2VTA ; 2VTH ; 2VTI ; 2VTJ ; 2VTL ; 2VTM ; 2VTN ; 2VTO ; 2VTP ; 2VTQ ; 2VTR ; 2VTS ; 2VTT ; 2VU3 ; 2VV9 ; 2W05 ; 2W06 ; 2W17 ; 2W1H ; 2WEV ; 2WFY ; 2WHB ; 2WIH ; 2WIP ; 2WMA ; 2WMB ; 2WPA ; 2WXV ; 2X1N ; 2XMY ; 2XNB ; 3BHT ; 3BHU ; 3BHV ; 3DDP ; 3DDQ ; 3DOG ; 3EID ; 3EJ1 ; 3EOC ; 3EZR ; 3EZV ; 3F5X ; 3FZ1 ; 3IG7 ; 3IGG ; 3LE6 ; 3LFN ; 3LFQ ; 3LFS ; 3MY5 ; 3NS9 ; 3PJ8 ; 3PXF ; 3PXQ ; 3PXR ; 3PXY ; 3PXZ ; 3PY0 ; 3PY1 ; 3QHR ; 3QHW ; 3QL8 ; 3QQF ; 3QQG ; 3QQH ; 3QQJ ; 3QQK ; 3QQL ; 3QRT ; 3QRU ; 3QTQ ; 3QTR ; 3QTS ; 3QTU ; 3QTW ; 3QTX ; 3QTZ ; 3QU0 ; 3QWJ ; 3QWK ; 3QX2 ; 3QX4 ; 3QXO ; 3QXP ; 3QZF ; 3QZG ; 3QZH ; 3QZI ; 3R1Q ; 3R1S ; 3R1Y ; 3R28 ; 3R6X ; 3R71 ; 3R73 ; 3R7E ; 3R7I ; 3R7U ; 3R7V ; 3R7Y ; 3R83 ; 3R8L ; 3R8M ; 3R8P ; 3R8U ; 3R8V ; 3R8Z ; 3R9D ; 3R9H ; 3R9N ; 3R9O ; 3RAH ; 3RAI ; 3RAK ; 3RAL ; 3RJC ; 3RK5 ; 3RK7 ; 3RK9 ; 3RKB ; 3RM6 ; 3RM7 ; 3RMF ; 3RNI ; 3ROY ; 3RPO ; 3RPR ; 3RPV ; 3RPY ; 3RZB ; 3S00 ; 3S0O ; 3S1H ; 3S2P ; 3SQQ ; 3SW4 ; 3SW7 ; 3TI1 ; 3TIY ; 3TIZ ; 3TNW ; 3ULI ; 3UNJ ; 3UNK ; 3WBL ; 4ACM ; 4BCK ; 4BCM ; 4BCN ; 4BCO ; 4BCP ; 4BCQ ; 4BGH ; 4BZD ; 4CFM ; 4CFN ; 4CFU ; 4CFV ; 4CFW ; 4CFX ; 4D1X ; 4D1Z ; 4EK3 ; 4EK4 ; 4EK5 ; 4EK6 ; 4EK8 ; 4EOI ; 4EOJ ; 4EOK ; 4EOL ; 4EOM ; 4EON ; 4EOO ; 4EOP ; 4EOQ ; 4EOR ; 4EOS ; 4ERW ; 4EZ3 ; 4EZ7 ; 4FKG ; 4FKI ; 4FKJ ; 4FKL ; 4FKO ; 4FKP ; 4FKQ ; 4FKR ; 4FKS ; 4FKT ; 4FKU ; 4FKV ; 4FKW ; 4FX3 ; 4GCJ ; 4I3Z ; 4II5 ; 4KD1 ; 4LYN ; 4NJ3 ; 4RJ3 ; 5A14 ; 5AND ; 5ANE ; 5ANG ; 5ANI ; 5ANJ ; 5ANK ; 5ANO ; 5CYI ; 5D1J ; 5FP5 ; 5FP6 ; 5IEV ; 5IEX ; 5IEY ; 5IF1 ; 5JQ5 ; 5JQ8 ; 5K4J ; 5L2W ; 5LMK ; 5MHQ ; 5NEV ; 5OO0 ; 5OO1 ; 5OO3 ; 5OSJ ; 5OSM ; 5UQ1 ; 5UQ2 ; 5UQ3 ; 6ATH ; 6GUB ; 6GUC ; 6GUE ; 6GUF ; 6GUH ; 6GUK ; 6GVA ; 6INL ; 6JGM ; 6OQI ; 6P3W ; 6Q3B ; 6Q3C ; 6Q3F ; 6Q48 ; 6Q49 ; 6Q4A ; 6Q4B ; 6Q4C ; 6Q4D ; 6Q4E ; 6Q4F ; 6Q4G ; 6Q4H ; 6Q4I ; 6Q4J ; 6Q4K ; 6RIJ ; 6SG4 ; 6YL1 ; 6YL6 ; 6YLK ; 7ACK ; 7B5L ; 7B5R ; 7B7S ; 7E34 ; 7KJS ; 7M2F ; 7MKX ; 7NVQ ; 7QHL ; 7RA5 ; 7RWE ; 7RWF ; 7RXO ; 7S4T ; 7S7A ; 7S84 ; 7S85 ; 7S9X ; 7SA0 ; 7UXI ; 7UXK ; 7VDU ; 7ZPC ; 8B54 ; 8H6P ; 8H6T
Function Serine/threonine-protein kinase involved in the control of the cell cycle; essential for meiosis, but dispensable for mitosis. Phosphorylates CTNNB1, USP37, p53/TP53, NPM1, CDK7, RB1, BRCA2, MYC, NPAT, EZH2. Triggers duplication of centrosomes and DNA. Acts at the G1-S transition to promote the E2F transcriptional program and the initiation of DNA synthesis, and modulates G2 progression; controls the timing of entry into mitosis/meiosis by controlling the subsequent activation of cyclin B/CDK1 by phosphorylation, and coordinates the activation of cyclin B/CDK1 at the centrosome and in the nucleus. Crucial role in orchestrating a fine balance between cellular proliferation, cell death, and DNA repair in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Activity of CDK2 is maximal during S phase and G2; activated by interaction with cyclin E during the early stages of DNA synthesis to permit G1-S transition, and subsequently activated by cyclin A2 (cyclin A1 in germ cells) during the late stages of DNA replication to drive the transition from S phase to mitosis, the G2 phase. EZH2 phosphorylation promotes H3K27me3 maintenance and epigenetic gene silencing. Phosphorylates CABLES1 (By similarity). Cyclin E/CDK2 prevents oxidative stress-mediated Ras-induced senescence by phosphorylating MYC. Involved in G1-S phase DNA damage checkpoint that prevents cells with damaged DNA from initiating mitosis; regulates homologous recombination-dependent repair by phosphorylating BRCA2, this phosphorylation is low in S phase when recombination is active, but increases as cells progress towards mitosis. In response to DNA damage, double-strand break repair by homologous recombination a reduction of CDK2-mediated BRCA2 phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of RB1 disturbs its interaction with E2F1. NPM1 phosphorylation by cyclin E/CDK2 promotes its dissociates from unduplicated centrosomes, thus initiating centrosome duplication. Cyclin E/CDK2-mediated phosphorylation of NPAT at G1-S transition and until prophase stimulates the NPAT-mediated activation of histone gene transcription during S phase. Required for vitamin D-mediated growth inhibition by being itself inactivated. Involved in the nitric oxide- (NO) mediated signaling in a nitrosylation/activation-dependent manner. USP37 is activated by phosphorylation and thus triggers G1-S transition. CTNNB1 phosphorylation regulates insulin internalization. Phosphorylates FOXP3 and negatively regulates its transcriptional activity and protein stability (By similarity). Phosphorylates CDK2AP2 . Phosphorylates ERCC6 which is essential for its chromatin remodeling activity at DNA double-strand breaks .
Full List of Metabolic Reactions (MR) Catalyzed by This DME
MR ID Reactant Product MR Type Source Drug REF
MR009113 Lactam EB-10101 T-705-R Unclear - Unclear Favipiravir [1]
MR009112 RDP RTP Unclear - Unclear Favipiravir [1]
1 Favipiravir and Its Structural Analogs: Antiviral Activity and Synthesis Methods

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