General Information of This Metabolic Reaction (MR) (ID: MR002884)
SVG example
Reactant Propafenone hydrochloride Product Propafenone glucuronide
Reactant Info Product Info
Metabolic Type Conjugation - Glucuronidation
Other MR(s) Related to The Reactant of This MR
Other MR(s) That Metabolize The Reactant of This MR
MR ID Reactant Product MR Type Related Drug REF
MR002883 Propafenone hydrochloride (S)-4'-hydroxypropafenone Oxidation - Hydroxylation Propafenone hydrochloride [1]
MR002881 Propafenone hydrochloride (S)-5-hydroxypropafenone Oxidation - Hydroxylation Propafenone hydrochloride [1]
MR002882 Propafenone hydrochloride (S)-N-Despropylpropafenone Oxidation - N-Dealkylation Propafenone hydrochloride [1]
MR002879 Propafenone hydrochloride 5-hydroxypropafenone Oxidation - 5-Hydroxylation Propafenone hydrochloride [2], [3]
MR002880 Propafenone hydrochloride N-depropylpropafenone Oxidation - N-Dealkylation Propafenone hydrochloride [2]
1 Cytochromes P450: a structure-based summary of biotransformations using representative substrates Drug Metab Rev. 2008;40(1):1-100. doi: 10.1080/03602530802309742.
2 Effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on the oxidative metabolism of propafenone: in vitro studies using human liver microsomes. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000 Aug;20(4):428-34.
3 A rapid HPLC assay for the simultaneous determination of propafenone and its major metabolites in human serum Anal Sci. 2004 Sep;20(9):1307-11. doi: 10.2116/analsci.20.1307.

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