General Information of DME (ID: DME1968)
DME Name Nitroreductase (NTR), Salmonella typhimurium
Synonyms FMN reductase (NAD(P)H); FMN reductase NADPH; nfrA2; AAK29_19565; AAP89_17340; ABO94_21460; AF480_20870; AF488_23150; AF489_23340; AIC76_20195; AU613_12225; AXR84_20760; AXU58_04975; C2253_16765; CD48_22070; CE87_20375; CET98_22760; CQG18_18555; CVR97_26810; D4369_19420; D4380_20855; D4401_19160; D4E62_20230; D6360_18430; D7F20_19765; D7H43_20545; DJ388_15780; DKJ11_20120; DKU57_16540; DLM31_17395; DNV30_18555; DO698_18905; DOJ90_20570; DOQ88_18330; DPJ93_20300; DQ848_17880; DRM14_15155; DSF69_18065; DSR36_20995; DUW48_14845; EBO41_17185; EBP31_19365; EGU67_18695; EHB24_16995; EHC98_18885; EIW53_20245; GW08_19510; LZ63_23085; NG18_18155; NU83_21515; QA89_14925; QB40_21055; QD15_17380; RJ78_20865; SAMEA4398682_04794; SBOV39431; Y934_22205; YG50_14570; YI33_18440; YR17_18395; ZA53_16690; ZB89_19155
Gene Name yieF
UniProt ID
EC Number    EC:     (Click to Show/Hide the Complete EC Tree)
CH-NH donor oxidoreductase
NAD/NADP acceptor oxidoreductase
Lineage    Species: Salmonella typhimurium     (Click to Show/Hide the Complete Species Lineage)
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: Gammaproteobacteria
Order: Enterobacterales
Family: Enterobacteriaceae
Genus: Salmonella
Species: Salmonella typhimurium
Subspecies: Salmonella typhimurium subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium
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       Interactions between Xenobiotics and DME (XEOTIC)                      
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       Interactions between Host Protein and DME (HOSPPI)                     
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      Click to Show/Hide the Molecular/Functional Data (Sequence/Structure/Pathway/Function) of This DME
Tissue Distribution Primarily distributed in human gut.
Function This enzyme catalyzes the reduction of a variety of nitroaromatic compounds.
Full List of Drug(s) Metabolized by This DME
      Drugs Approved by FDA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drugs:          2 Drugs
Drug Info Approved Tapeworm infestation ICD11: 1F7Y [1]
Drug Info Approved Acne vulgaris ICD11: ED80 [2], [3]
      Drugs in Phase 3 Clinical Trial Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drugs:          1 Drugs
Drug Info Phase 3 Insomnia ICD11: 7A00 [2], [3]
      Preclinical/investigative Agents Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drugs:          2 Drugs
Drug Info Investigative Discovery agent ICD: N.A. [2], [3]
Drug Info Investigative Discovery agent ICD: N.A. [2], [3]
1 CYP1A1 and Cnr nitroreductase bioactivated niclosamide in vitro. Mutagenesis. 2013 Nov;28(6):645-51.
2 Purification and characterization of wild-type and mutant "classical" nitroreductases of Salmonella typhimurium. L33R mutation greatly diminishes binding of FMN to the nitroreductase of S. typhimurium. J Biol Chem. 1998 Sep 11;273(37):23922-8.
3 Prenatal diagnosis of junctional epidermolysis bullosa Herlitz type. Lancet. 1989 Oct 28;2(8670):1035-6. Letter

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