General Information of Drug Metabolite (DM) (ID: DM004787)
DM Name
acetaminophen|Paracetamol|4-Acetamidophenol|103-90-2|Tylenol|APAP|N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide|Panadol|N-Acetyl-p-aminophenol|4'-Hydroxyacetanilide|Acetaminofen|Datril|p-Hydroxyacetanilide|Algotropyl|Lonarid|Naprinol|p-Acetamidophenol|Doliprane|Injectapap|Acamol|Acenol|Anelix|Multin|p-Acetaminophenol|Abensanil|Acetagesic|Acetalgin|Biocetamol|Clixodyne|Febridol|Febrilix|Febrolin|Gelocatil|Homoolan|Liquagesic|Pyrinazine|Servigesic|Tabalgin|Tussapap|Valgesic|Vermidon|Acephen|Alpiny|Alvedon|Amadil|Anaflon|Anhiba|Apamide|Calpol|Dymadon|Eneril|Fendon|Finimal|Lestemp|Lyteca|Neopap|Pacemo|Panets|Paracet|Parmol|Tempra|Tralgon|Valadol|Dirox|Hedex|Tapar|Paracetamolo|Dafalgan|Disprol|Dolprone|Momentum|Ortensan|Paldesic|Salzone|Captin|Enelfa|Exdol|p-Acetylaminophenol|Febro-Gesic|Acetamide, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-|Paracetamolum|Dolgesic|Febrectal|Tempanal|Abenol|Apacet|Apadon|Banesin|Cetadol|Fensum|Janupap|Minoset|Napafen|Neodol|Nobedon|Pacemol|Panodil|Parapan|Pedric|Phendon|Rounox|Suppap|Korum|Pinex|Temlo|4-(Acetylamino)phenol|NEBS|Acetamol|Acetofen|Aferadol|Algesidal|Apitrelal|Atralidon|Bacetamol|Ben-u-ron|Calmanticold|Causalon|Codabrol|Codalgin|Codapane|Codoliprane|Cosutone|Custodial|Deminofen|Demogripal|Desfebre|Dial-A-Gesic|Dolegrippin|Dolofugin|Doloreduct|Dolorfug|Dolorstop|Dorocoff|Dristancito|Duracetamol|Ecosetol|Elixodyne|Excipain|Fanalgic|Farmadol|Febranine|Febrectol|Febricet|Fluparmol|Geluprane|Grippostad|Gynospasmine|Infadrops|Kataprin|Magnidol|Malidens|Medocodene|Miralgin|Neodolito|Neuridon|Oxycocet|Paedialgon|Panacete|Panadeine|Panadiene|Panasorbe|Pantalgin|Paracemol|Paracenol|Paracetanol|Paracetol|Paracodol|Paradrops|Parakapton|Paralief|Paralink|Paralyoc|Paramolan|Parasedol|Paraspen|Parcetol|Pediapirin|Pediatrix|Perfalgan|Phenipirin|Phogoglandin|Pirinasol|Polmofen|Predimol|Predualito|Prontina|Pulmofen|Pyrigesic|Rubophen|Sanicopyrine|Scentalgyl|Schmerzex|Sedalito|Semolacin|Seskamol|Sinaspril|Stanback|Sunetheton|Tachiprina|Termacet|Termalgin|Termalgine|Termofren|Titralgan|Treuphadol|Tricoton|Veralgina|Abrolet|Acertol|Acetaco|Afebrin|Afebryl|Algina|Algomol|Alpinyl|Analter|Antidol|Asetam|Asomal|Asplin|Babikan|Benmyo|Cadafen|Calapol|Cefalex|Codicet|Codisal|Cofamol|Cuponol|Curadon|Curpol|Darocet|Daygrip|Democyl|Dhamol|Dolcor|Dolefin|Dolotec|Dresan|Durapan|Febrex|Febrin|Fepanil|Finiweh|Ildamol|Inalgex|Labamol|Lekadol|Lemgrip|Lemsip|Lupocet|Malgis|Maxadol|Mexalen|Minafen|Nodolex|Ofirmev|Oralgan|Paceco|Pacimol|Paedol|Panamax|Panofen|Paracin|Paracod|Parador|Parake|Paralen|Paramol|Paranox|Parasin|Parogal|Paroma|Plicet|Prodol|Puernol|Pyromed|Remedol|Rupemol|Sanicet|Scanol|Setakop|Setamol|Sifenol|Sinedol|Sinmol|Stopain|Supofen|Tazamol|Upsanol|Utragin|Verpol|Viruflu|Vivimed|Volpan|Zatinol|Zolben|Abrol|Anacin-3|Andox|Dolko|Eu-Med|Oltyl|Pacet|Pamol|Panex|Reliv|Setol|Tiffy|Tylex|Tylol|Tymol|NeoCitran|NilnOcen|Nina|RubieMol|Vips|Supadol mono|Treupel mon|Bickie-mol|Fortalidon P|Lonarid Mono|Panadeine Co|Gattaphen T|Gripin Bebe|Influbene N|Dymadon Co|Toximer P|Treupel N|4-Acetaminophenol|Helon N|Malex N|Spalt N|Tylex CD|Paracetamole|Dimindol|Dularin|Febrinol|Nealgyl|Neotrend|Panaleve|Piramin|Rivalgyl|SK-Apap|Anapap|Arfen|Aspac|Atasol|Duaneo|Duorol|Dypap|Painex|Freka-cetamol|N-Acetyl-4-aminophenol|A-Per|Junior Disprol|Kinder Finimal|Mono Praecimed|Codisal Forte|Croix Blanche|Dolorol Forte|Dymadon Forte|Kratofin simplex|Liquigesic Co|Percocet-Demi|Perdolan Mono|Rockamol Plus|Viclor Richet|Geralgine-P|Neo-Fepramol|Paracetamol AL|Paracetamol BC|Paracetamol PB|Pyregesic-C|Anti-Algos|Claradol Codeine|Melabon Infantil|Migraleve Yellow|Para-Suppo|Paracetamol Saar|Supramol-M|Fever All|No-Febril|Panado-Co|Para-Tabs|Accu-Tap|Dol-Stop|Paracetamol Hexal|Paracetamol Raffo|Paracetamol Rosch|Paracetamol Stada|Percocet-5|Acetanilide, 4'-hydroxy-|Anadin dla dzieci|Cod-Acamol Forte|Contra-Schmerz P|Medinol Paediatric|Paracetamol Basics|p-Hydroxyphenolacetamide|Panado-Co Caplets|Paracetamol von ct|Paracetamol Fecofar|Paracetamol Harkley|Paracetamol Heumann|Paracetamol Nycomed|Pe-Tam|Acetominophen|Codral Pain Relief|Aminofen|Conacetol|Darvocet|Empracet|Panasorb|Paracetamol Hanseler|Paracetamol Winthrop|Resfenol|Parelan|Phenaphen W/Codeine|Prompt|4-Hydroxyacetanilide|Fevor|Spalt fur die nacht|A.F. Anacin|Paracetamol Genericon|Actifed Plus|Paracetamol DC|Paracetamol Ratiopharm|Dafalgan Codeine|Pasolind N|Paracetamol Italfarmaco|Paracetamol Antipanin P|St Joseph Aspirin-Free|New Cortal for Children|INFANTS' FEVERALL|p-hydroxy-acetanilid|acetaminophene|Capital with Codeine|Acetamidophenol|Actamin|Demilets|Efferalgan|Endecon|Flexsure|Intensin|Naldegesic|Paracetamol Dr. Schmidgall|Pasolind|Propacet|Redutemp|Robigesic|Valorin|Acetamide, N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-|Children's Tylenol Chewable|p-(Acetylamino)phenol|Coricidin Sinus|NCI-C55801|PCM Paracetamol Lichtenstein|Sudafed Sinus|Aceta Elixir|Quiet World|Acenol (pharmaceutical)|Hydroxyacetanilide|Paracetamol SmithKline Beecham|Scherzatabletten Rezeptur 534|Jin Gang|Tylenol (caplet)|Tylenol (geltab)|4-Hydroxyanilid kyseliny octove|N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetanilide|Tylenol 8-Hour|CCRIS 3|St. Joseph Fever Reducer|Midol Teen Formula|Aspirin-Free Anacin|Tylenol Allergy Sinus|St Joseph Aspirin-Free for Children|Phenol, p-acetamido-|Rhinex D-Lay Tablets|Midol Regular Strength|Children's Acetaminophen Elixir Drops|Acetavance|Arthralgen|Paracetamolo [Italian]|Percogesic with Codeine|Anuphen|Calonal|Capital|Liqiprine|Bayer Select Head Cold|DTXSID2020006|CHEBI:46195|Drixoral Sinus|D oliprane|HSDB 3001|p-Acetoaminophen|N-acetyl-para-aminophenol|Panale ve|Paracetamol [INN:BAN]|4-(N-Acetylamino)phenol|Ty lenol|n-acetyl-4-hydroxyaniline|Bayer Select Allergy-Sinus|Bayer Select Headache Pain|Dristan Cold No Drowsiness|NSC-3991|Paracetamolum [INN-Latin]|EINECS 203-157-5|Prestwick_13|UNII-362O9ITL9D|222 AF|4-acetylaminophenol|MFCD00002328|Midol PM Night Time Formula|Tavist Allergy/Sinus/Headache|Triaminic Sore Throat Formula|N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanamide|NSC 109028|NSC-109028|N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-acetamide|362O9ITL9D|Acetaminophen [USP]|Bayer Select Sinus Pain Relief|Drixoral Cold & Flu|Sine-Off Sinus Medicine Caplets|Roxicet 5/500|Tocris-1706|Acetaminophen (4-hydroxyacetanilide)|Bayer Select Menstrual Multi-Symptom|Acetaminophen [USP:JAN]|St. Joseph Cold Tablets for Children|CHEMBL112|DTXCID606|N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide (Tylenol)|4-Hydroxyanilid kyseliny octove [Czech]|Acetaminophen-13C2,15N1|ANEXSIA 10/660|NSC3991|EC 203-157-5|4-13-00-01091 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)|ALLAY COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|BUCET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|component of Dialog|component of Dilone|ESGIC COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|NORCO COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TRIAD COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TYLOX COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|Paracetamol (INN)|BANCAP COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|CODRIX COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|component of Endecon|FEMCET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|LORTAB COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|NORCET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|OXYCET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TENCON COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TREZIX COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ZYDONE COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|NSC109028|ANEXSIA COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ANOQUAN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|BUTAPAP COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|component of Percocet|HY-PHEN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ROXICET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ROXILOX COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|SEDAPAP COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TALACEN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TYCOLET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|VICODIN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|WYGESIC COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|DARVOCET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|EXCEDRIN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|FIORICET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|PERCOCET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TRIAPRIN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ULTRACET COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|XARTEMIS COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ALLAY|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF BUCET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ESGIC|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF NORCO|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF TRIAD|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF TYLOX|CO-GESIC COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|component of Phenaphen|DHC PLUS COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|TYL|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF BANCAP|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF CODRIX|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF FEMCET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF LORTAB|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF NORCET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF OXYCET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF TENCON|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ZYDONE|BANCAP HC COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|LORCET-HD COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|PHRENILIN COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|component of Percogesic|NCGC00016361-07|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ANEXSIA|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ANOQUAN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF BUTAPAP|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF HY-PHEN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ROXICET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ROXILOX|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF SEDAPAP|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF TALACEN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF TYCOLET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF VICODIN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF WYGESIC|CAS-103-90-2|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF CO-GESIC|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF DARVOCET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF DHC PLUS|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF EXCEDRIN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF FIORICET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF PERCOCET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF TRIAPRIN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF ULTRACET|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF XARTEMIS|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF BANCAP HC|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF LORCET-HD|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF PHRENILIN|DURADYNE DHC COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|DOLENE AP-65 COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|DRIXORAL PLUS COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|SYNALGOS-DC-A COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|PARACETAMOL [INN]|MEDIGESIC PLUS COMPONENT ACETAMINOPHEN|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF DURADYNE DHC|PARACETAMOL (IARC)|PARACETAMOL [IARC]|WLN: QR DMV1|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF DOLENE AP-65|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF DRIXORAL PLUS|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF MEDIGESIC PLUS|ACETAMINOPHEN COMPONENT OF SYNALGOS-DC-A|PARACETAMOL (MART.)|PARACETAMOL [MART.]|8055-08-1|component of Hycomine Compound|Actimol|Genapap|Tapanol|Genebs|n-(4-hydroxyphenyl-2,3,5,6-d4)acetamide-2,2,2-d3|Aceta Tablets|Valorin Extra|Bayer Select|Snaplets-FR|Oraphen-PD|Phenaphen Caplets|Anacin 3|SMR000112065|Dapa X-S|SR-01000597517|acetominophene|Actaminophne|Claratal|Daphalgan|Resprin|paracetamol-|Calpol infant|Apac
Pharmaceutical Properties Molecular Weight 151.16 Topological Polar Surface Area 49.3
Heavy Atom Count 11 Rotatable Bond Count 1
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 2 Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 2
PubChem CID
Canonical SMILES
IUPAC name
Toxicity Properties of This DM
Documented Toxicity Properties
Toxicity Class Toxic PMID: 34785186
Predicted Toxicity Properties
Physical and chemical properties LogP

The log of the n-octanol/water distribution coefficient.

LogP possess a leading position with considerable impact on both membrane permeability and hydrophobic binding to macromolecules. Therefore, LogP is widely used in drug discovery and development as an indicator of potential utility of a solute as a drug.

The predicted logP of a compound in the range from 0 to 3 log mol/L will be considered proper.

0.608 TPSA

Topological polar surface area

In TPSA, PSA is estimated only from the syntype (topology) of atoms in the molecule, without considering the three-dimensional structure of the molecule, which is the origin of the name topological polar surface area.

The TPSA of a compound in the range from 0 to 140 will be considered proper, based on Veber rule.

Pfizer Rule: Accepted

Molecules with a high log P (>3) and low TPSA (<75) are likely to be toxic.

Pfizer infered the relationship between the physicochemical properties and toxicity of the drug from an animal tolerability (IVT) study dataset of 245 preclinical Pfizer compounds.Compounds with a high log P (>3) and low TPSA ( <75) are likely to be toxic.

(Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 18(17):4872-5. 2008)

Structural Characteristics ALARM NMR Rule

Molecules containing the reactivity-related thiol substructures are likely to be toxic.

The high-throughput screening (HTS) hit rate of reactive compounds was evaluated by NMR screening, X-ray crystallography and other biochemical and biophysical experiments, and then 75 thiol substructures for predicting reactivity were obtained by computational means for 2348 screening hit reactive compounds and 1156 reactive compounds obtained by La protein experiments.The molecule was matched to 75 reactivity-related substructures to obtain the information how many alarm groups the molecule contained and determine whether it was a thiol-reactive compound. Molecules with the thiol substructures are likely to be toxic.

(J Am Chem Soc. 127(1):217-24. 2005)


Molecules containing the reactive substructures are likely to be toxic.

Pan Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) is one of the most famous frequent hitters filters, which comprises 480 substructures derived from the analysis of FHs determined by six target-based HTS assay. By application of these filters, it is easier to screen false positive hits and to flag suspicious compounds in screening databases. One of the most authoritative medicine magazines Journal of Medicinal Chemistry even requires authors to provide the screening results with the PAINS alerts of active compounds when submitting manuscripts.

(J Med Chem. 45(1):137-42. 2002)

BMS Rule

Molecules containing the reactivity-related substructures are likely to be toxic.

BMS's primary HTS data over the past 12 years was evaluated and analyzed to determine the correlation of a group of compound functional groups with Promiscuity, defined as a drug that acts with multiple molecular targets and exhibits different pharmacological effects.

(J Chem Inf Model. 46(3):1060-8. 2006)

0 Chelator Rule

Molecules containing the substructures associated with metalloprotease targeting are likely to be toxic.

The chelate substructure fragment library (eCFL) for targeting metalloproteinases was prepared and its effectiveness in screening metalloproteinase inhibitors was verified by analysis and fluorescence-based assay experiments, and 55 substructures associated with metalloprotease targeting were finally determined as alert structures.

(ChemMedChem. 5(2):195-9. 2010)

Genotoxic Carcinogenicity Rule

Molecules containing the Genotoxic substructures are likely to be carcinogenic.

By constructing a molecular structure dataset containing the corresponding Ames test data (mutagens and non-mutagens). The substructure of the dataset is searched, and then the toxic substructure obtained by using chemical and mechanical knowledge and statistical criteria is derived, and the new toxic substructure is obtained and approved, and finally the reliability of the verification set is verified. Molecules containing these substructures may cause carcinogenicity or mutagenicity through genotoxic mechanisms.There are 117 substructures in this endpoint.

(J Med Chem. 48(1):312-20. 2005)

3 Non-genotoxic Carcinogenicity Rule

Molecules containing the NonGenotoxic substructures are likely to be carcinogenic.

Through the analysis and verification of the existing molecular library or the molecular library mined by data, the list of non-gene carcinogenic substructures (SA) is obtained according to the computerized data mining analysis, and finally the reliability of the substructure is verified. Molecules containing these substructures may cause carcinogenicity through nongenotoxic mechanisms. There are 23 substructures in this endpoint.

(Mutat Res. 659(3):248-61. 2008)

Toxicity Model Prediction hERG Blockers

The possibility of causing cardiotoxicity.

The human ether-a-go-go related gene. The During cardiac depolarization and repolarization, a voltage-gated potassium channel encoded by hERG plays a major role in the regulation of the exchange of cardiac action potential and resting potential. The hERG blockade may cause long QT syndrome (LQTS), arrhythmia, and Torsade de Pointes (TdP), which lead to palpitations, fainting, or even sudden death.So build a model by collecting a dataset to predict whether a compound is a hERG Blocker.

The output value is the probability of being toxic, within the range of 0 to 1. 0-0.3: excellent; 0.3-0.7: medium; 0.7-1.0: poor.

(Brief Bioinform. 22(3):bbaa194. 2021)

0.02 (---) H-HT

The possibility of causing .hepatotoxicity.

The human hepatotoxicity. Drug induced liver injury is of great concern for patient safety and a major cause for drug withdrawal from the market. Adverse hepatic effects in clinical trials often lead to a late and costly termination of drug development programs.So build a model by collecting datasets to predict whether compounds will cause hepatotoxicity.

The output value is the probability of being toxic, within the range of 0 to 1. 0-0.3: excellent; 0.3-0.7: medium; 0.7-1.0: poor.

(Brief Bioinform. 22(3):bbaa194. 2021)

0.18 (--)

The possibility of causing liver injury.

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) has become the most common safety problem of drug withdrawal from the market over the past 50 years.So build a model by collecting datasets to predict whether compounds will cause liver injury.

The output value is the probability of being toxic, within the range of 0 to 1. 0-0.3: excellent; 0.3-0.7: medium; 0.7-1.0: poor.

(Brief Bioinform. 22(3):bbaa194. 2021)

0.385 (-) CAMES Toxicity

The possibility of causing mutagenicity.

The Ames test for mutagenicity. The mutagenic effect has a close relationship with the carcinogenicity, and it is the most widely used assay for testing the mutagenicity of compounds.So build a model by collecting datasets to predict whether compounds will cause mutagenicity.

The output value is the probability of being toxic, within the range of 0 to 1. 0-0.3: excellent; 0.3-0.7: medium; 0.7-1.0: poor.

(Brief Bioinform. 22(3):bbaa194. 2021)

0.321 (-)

The possibility of causing Carcinogencity.

Among various toxicological endpoints of chemical substances, carcinogenicity is of great concern because of its serious effects on human health. The carcinogenic mechanism of chemicals may be due to their ability to damage the genome or disrupt cellular metabolic processes. Many approved drugs have been identified as carcinogens in humans or animals and have been withdrawn from the market.So build a model by collecting datasets to predict whether compounds will cause Carcinogencity.

The output value is the probability of being toxic, within the range of 0 to 1. 0-0.3: excellent; 0.3-0.7: medium; 0.7-1.0: poor.

(Brief Bioinform. 22(3):bbaa194. 2021)

0.624 (+) Respiratory Toxicity

The possibility of causing Respiratory Toxicity.

Among these safety issues, respiratory toxicity has become the main cause of drug withdrawal. Drug-induced respiratory toxicity is usually underdiagnosed because it may not have distinct early signs or symptoms in common medications and can occur with significant morbidity and mortality.Therefore, careful surveillance and treatment of respiratory toxicity is of great importance.So build a model by collecting datasets to predict whether compounds will cause Respiratory Toxicity.

The output value is the probability of being toxic, within the range of 0 to 1. 0-0.3: excellent; 0.3-0.7: medium; 0.7-1.0: poor.

(Brief Bioinform. 22(3):bbaa194. 2021)

0.039 (---)
Full List of Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme (DME) Related to This DM
DME(s) Producing This DM through Metabolism
DME Name DME ID Reactant Reaction Related Drug REF
Plasma esterase (PE) DMEN068 Unclear - Unclear BCP-13498 [1]
DME(s) Metabolizing This DM
DME Name DME ID Product Reaction Related Drug REF
Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) DME0009 Unclear - Unclear BCP-13498 [2]
Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DME0013 Unclear - Unclear BCP-13498 [2]
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DME0004 Conjugation - Glucuronidation BCP-13498 [3]
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 (UGT1A6) DME0072 Unclear - Unclear BCP-13498 [4]
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME0042 Unclear - Unclear BCP-13498 [5]
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (UGT1A9) DME0042 Unclear BCP-13498 [5]
Full List of Drug(s) That Produce This DM By Metabolism
Phenazopyridine DR2301 Phase 4 Infectious cystitis
BCP-13498 DR1359 Phase 2 Anaesthesia
1 DrugBank(Pharmacology-Metabolism):BCP-13498
2 Involvement of human cytochrome P450 2D6 in the bioactivation of acetaminophen. Drug Metab Dispos. 2000 Dec;28(12):1397-400.
3 Paracetamol glucuronidation by recombinant rat and human phenol UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Biochem Pharmacol. 1993 May 5;45(9):1809-14.
4 Human UGT1A6 pharmacogenetics: identification of a novel SNP, characterization of allele frequencies and functional analysis of recombinant allozymes in human liver tissue and in cultured cells. Pharmacogenetics. 2004 Aug;14(8):487-99.
5 Polymorphic expression of UGT1A9 is associated with variable acetaminophen glucuronidation in neonates: a population pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic study. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2018 Oct;57(10):1325-1336.

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